#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2024 Nextcloud GmbH and Nextcloud contributors # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Tobias Kaminsky # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later OR GPL-2.0-only if [[ $(grep NC_TEST_SERVER_BASEURL ~/.gradle/gradle.properties | grep -v "#" -c) -gt 0 ]]; then echo "This will not use server in docker. Please comment in .gradle/gradle.properties. Aborting!" exit 1 fi ## emulator if [[ ! $(emulator -list-avds | grep uiComparison -c) -eq 0 ]]; then avdmanager delete avd -n uiComparison (sleep 5; echo "no") | avdmanager create avd -n uiComparison -c 100M -k "system-images;android-27;google_apis;x86" --abi "google_apis/x86" fi if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then emulator -writable-system -avd uiComparison -no-snapshot -gpu swiftshader_indirect -no-audio -skin 500x833 1>/dev/null & else emulator -writable-system -avd uiComparison -no-snapshot -gpu swiftshader_indirect -no-window -no-audio -skin 500x833 1>/dev/null & fi PID=$! ## server docker run --name=uiComparison nextcloudci/server --entrypoint '/usr/local/bin/initnc.sh' 1>/dev/null & sleep 5 IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' uiComparison) if [[ $IP = "" ]]; then echo "no server" exit 1 fi ## wait for server to finish scripts/wait_for_server.sh "$IP" # setup test server docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "echo $IP server >> /etc/hosts" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"OC_PASS=user1 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User One' user1\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"OC_PASS=user2 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Two' user2\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"OC_PASS=user3 php /var/www/html/occ user:add --password-from-env --display-name='User Three' user3\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ user:setting user2 files quota 1G\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ group:add users\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user1\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ group:adduser users user2\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"git clone -b master https://github.com/nextcloud/activity.git /var/www/html/apps/activity/\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ app:enable activity\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"git clone -b master https://github.com/nextcloud/text.git /var/www/html/apps/text/\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ app:enable text\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"git clone -b master https://github.com/nextcloud/end_to_end_encryption/ /var/www/html/apps/end_to_end_encryption/\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ app:enable end_to_end_encryption\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"git clone -b master https://github.com/nextcloud/circles.git /var/www/html/apps/circles/\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "apt-get update; apt-get -y install composer" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"cd /var/www/html/apps/circles; composer install\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ app:enable -f circles\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ config:app:set circles --value 1 allow_non_ssl_links\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ config:app:set circles --value 1 local_is_non_ssl\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ config:system:set allow_local_remote_servers --value true --type bool\"" #docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "su www-data -c \"php /var/www/html/occ circles:manage:create test public publicCircle\"" docker exec uiComparison /bin/sh -c "/usr/local/bin/run.sh" ## wait for server to finish scripts/wait_for_server.sh "$IP" scripts/wait_for_emulator.sh # change server to ip on emulator adb root sleep 2 adb remount sleep 2 adb shell "mount -o remount,rw /system" sleep 2 adb shell "echo $IP server >> /system/etc/hosts" sed -i s'#false#true#'g app/src/main/res/values/setup.xml ## update/create all screenshots #./gradlew gplayDebugExecuteScreenshotTests -Precord \ #-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.annotation=com.owncloud.android.utils.ScreenshotTest ## update screenshots in a class #./gradlew gplayDebugExecuteScreenshotTests \ #-Precord \ #-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=\ #com.owncloud.android.ui.dialog.SyncFileNotEnoughSpaceDialogFragmentTest ## update single screenshot within a class #./gradlew gplayDebugExecuteScreenshotTests \ #-Precord \ #-Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.class=\ #com.nextcloud.client.FileDisplayActivityIT#showShares resultCode=-1 retryCount=0 until [ $resultCode -eq 0 ] || [ $retryCount -gt 2 ] do # test all screenshots ./gradlew gplayDebugExecuteScreenshotTests \ -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.annotation=com.owncloud.android.utils.ScreenshotTest resultCode=$? ((retryCount++)) done sed -i s'#true#false#'g app/src/main/res/values/setup.xml if [ "$1" == "debug" ]; then exit fi # tidy up kill "$PID" docker stop uiComparison docker rm uiComparison