======= Changes ======= .. _changes: Changes in v13.1.0 ================== In v13.1.0 the ``target`` field for bookmarks was introduced, which largely replaces the ``url`` field. The ``url`` field still exists and can be used, however, while the ``url`` field is guaranteed to only contain http(s), (s)ftp and file links, the ``target`` field may also contain javascript links. If a bookmark represents a javascript link, the ``url`` field will be set to the empty string. The ``target`` field was introduced as a security consideration taking into account downstream implementors of this API that may expose the contents of the ``url`` field directly as links that users click on, and which do not expect this field to contain javascript. Breaking changes from v2.x to v3.x ================================== With the upgrade from v2.x of the bookmarks app to v3.x several breaking changes in the API were introduced which were not possible to avoid. .. object:: Bookmark :param int id: All bookmark IDs are now integer values instead of strings .. object:: Folder :param int id: All folder IDs are now integer values instead of strings .. get:: /public/rest/v2/bookmark This endpoint no longer accepts the ``item[tags]`` query parameter. Use the normal ``tags`` param .. post:: /public/rest/v2/bookmark This endpoint no longer accepts the ``item[tags]`` query parameter. Use the normal ``tags`` param .. put:: /public/rest/v2/bookmark This endpoint no longer accepts the ``item[tags]`` query parameter. Use the normal ``tags`` param