
140 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2024. The Nextcloud Bookmarks contributors.
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See the COPYING file.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
const ViewPrivate = () => import(/* webpackPreload: true */ './components/ViewPrivate.vue')
const ViewPublic = () => import(/* webpackPreload: true */'./components/ViewPublic.vue')
const ViewBookmarklet = () => import(/* webpackPreload: true */'./components/ViewBookmarklet.vue')
export const privateRoutes = {
HOME: 'home',
RECENT: 'recent',
SEARCH: 'search',
FOLDER: 'folder',
BOOKMARK: 'bookmark',
TAGS: 'tags',
UNTAGGED: 'untagged',
BOOKMARKLET: 'bookmarklet',
export const publicRoutes = {
HOME: 'public.home',
RECENT: 'public.recent',
FOLDER: 'public.folder',
TAGS: 'public.tags',
UNTAGGED: 'public.untagged',
BOOKMARKLET: 'bookmarklet',
export default new Router({
mode: 'history',
base: generateUrl('/apps/bookmarks'),
linkActiveClass: 'active',
routes: [
path: '/',
name: privateRoutes.HOME,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/recent',
name: privateRoutes.RECENT,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/folders/:folder/search/:search',
name: privateRoutes.SEARCH,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/folders/:folder',
name: privateRoutes.FOLDER,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/bookmarks/:bookmark',
name: privateRoutes.BOOKMARK,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/tags/:tags?',
name: privateRoutes.TAGS,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/untagged',
name: privateRoutes.UNTAGGED,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/unavailable',
name: privateRoutes.UNAVAILABLE,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/archived',
name: privateRoutes.ARCHIVED,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/shared',
name: privateRoutes.SHARED_FOLDERS,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/duplicated',
name: privateRoutes.DUPLICATED,
component: ViewPrivate,
path: '/bookmarklet',
name: privateRoutes.BOOKMARKLET,
component: ViewBookmarklet,
props: (route) => ({ url: route.query.url, title: route.query.title, folderId: route.query.folderId }),
path: '/public/:token',
name: publicRoutes.HOME,
component: ViewPublic,
path: '/public/:token/recent',
name: publicRoutes.RECENT,
component: ViewPublic,
path: '/public/:token/folder/:folder/search/:search',
name: publicRoutes.SEARCH,
component: ViewPublic,
path: '/public/:token/folder/:folder',
name: publicRoutes.FOLDER,
component: ViewPublic,
path: '/public/:token/tags/:tags',
name: publicRoutes.TAGS,
component: ViewPublic,
path: '/public/:token/untagged',
name: publicRoutes.UNTAGGED,
component: ViewPublic,