
39 lines
1008 B

- Copyright (c) 2020. The Nextcloud Bookmarks contributors.
- This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See the COPYING file.
<DashboardWidget :items="items"
:show-more-text="t('bookmarks', 'Bookmarks')"
:empty-content-message="t('bookmarks', 'No bookmarks found')" />
import { DashboardWidget } from '@nextcloud/vue-dashboard'
import { generateUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
import { actions } from '../store/index.js'
export default {
name: 'DashboardRecent',
components: { DashboardWidget },
computed: {
loading() {
return Boolean(this.$store.state.loading.bookmarks)
items() {
return this.$store.getters.getBookmarksForDashboard()
moreUrl() {
return generateUrl('/apps/bookmarks/')
async mounted() {
await this.$store.dispatch(actions.FILTER_BY_RECENT)
await this.$store.dispatch(actions.FETCH_PAGE)