[tx-robot] updated from transifex

Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
This commit is contained in:
Nextcloud bot 2021-06-16 02:32:34 +00:00
parent 678c55ef36
commit f9999a6a7c
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 130DAB86D3FB356C
76 changed files with 14 additions and 642 deletions

View File

@ -131,14 +131,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "مشغول",
"Out of office" : "خارج المكتب",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} قبل دعوتك.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} قبل الدعوة من {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} رفض دعوتك.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} رفض الدعوة من {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} اعاد توجيه الدعوة.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} وضعوا علامة مشاركتهم على أنها مؤقتة.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} لم يرد على دعوتك بعد.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} لم يرد على دعوة {organizerName} بعد.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "انشاء غرفة تحدث لهذه الفعالية.",
"Show busy times" : "اظهار الاوقات الممتلئة",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "تم اضافة الرابط في وصف غرفة التحدث بنجاح.",

View File

@ -129,14 +129,6 @@
"Busy" : "مشغول",
"Out of office" : "خارج المكتب",
"Unknown" : "غير معروف",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} قبل دعوتك.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} قبل الدعوة من {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} رفض دعوتك.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} رفض الدعوة من {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} اعاد توجيه الدعوة.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} وضعوا علامة مشاركتهم على أنها مؤقتة.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} لم يرد على دعوتك بعد.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} لم يرد على دعوة {organizerName} بعد.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "انشاء غرفة تحدث لهذه الفعالية.",
"Show busy times" : "اظهار الاوقات الممتلئة",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "تم اضافة الرابط في وصف غرفة التحدث بنجاح.",

View File

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Зает",
"Out of office" : "Извън офиса",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} е приел поканата ви.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} е приел поканата на {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} е отхвърлил поканата ви.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} е отхвърлил поканата на {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} е делегирал поканата си.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} е означил участието си като условно.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} още не е отговорил на поканата ви.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} все още не е отговорил на поканата на {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Създаване на стая за разговори за това събитие",
"Show busy times" : "Показване на натоварените часове",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успешно добавена връзка към стаята за разговори от описанието.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@
"Busy" : "Зает",
"Out of office" : "Извън офиса",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} е приел поканата ви.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} е приел поканата на {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} е отхвърлил поканата ви.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} е отхвърлил поканата на {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} е делегирал поканата си.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} е означил участието си като условно.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} още не е отговорил на поканата ви.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} все още не е отговорил на поканата на {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Създаване на стая за разговори за това събитие",
"Show busy times" : "Показване на натоварените часове",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успешно добавена връзка към стаята за разговори от описанието.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Ocupat",
"Out of office" : "Fora de la oficina",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha acceptat la vostra invitació.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha acceptat la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rebutjat la vostra invitació.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha rebutjat la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegat la seva invitació.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} han marcat la seva participació com a temptativa.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} encara no ha respost a la vostra invitació.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} encara no ha respost a la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear una sala a Talk per a aquest event",
"Show busy times" : "Mostra els horaris ocupats",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "S'ha afegit l'enllaç d'una nova sala del Talk a la descripció de l'event.",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@
"Busy" : "Ocupat",
"Out of office" : "Fora de la oficina",
"Unknown" : "Desconegut",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha acceptat la vostra invitació.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha acceptat la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rebutjat la vostra invitació.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha rebutjat la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegat la seva invitació.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} han marcat la seva participació com a temptativa.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} encara no ha respost a la vostra invitació.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} encara no ha respost a la invitació de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear una sala a Talk per a aquest event",
"Show busy times" : "Mostra els horaris ocupats",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "S'ha afegit l'enllaç d'una nova sala del Talk a la descripció de l'event.",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Zaneprázdněno",
"Out of office" : "Mimo kancelář",
"Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"{name} is available." : "{name} je k dispozici.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} není k dispozici.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} přijal(a) vaše pozvání.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} přijal(a) pozvání od {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} odmítl(a) vaši pozvánku",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} odmítl(a) pozvání od {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} svou pozvánku delegoval(a).",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} označil(a) svou účast jako předběžnou.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} zatím na pozvánku nereagoval(a).",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} zatím neodpověděl(a) na pozvánku {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Vytvořit pro tuto událost místnost v Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Zobrazit, kdy zaneprázněno",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Do popisu úspěšně přidán odkaz na místnost v Talk",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Zaneprázdněno",
"Out of office" : "Mimo kancelář",
"Unknown" : "Neznámé",
"{name} is available." : "{name} je k dispozici.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} není k dispozici.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} přijal(a) vaše pozvání.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} přijal(a) pozvání od {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} odmítl(a) vaši pozvánku",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} odmítl(a) pozvání od {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} svou pozvánku delegoval(a).",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} označil(a) svou účast jako předběžnou.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} zatím na pozvánku nereagoval(a).",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} zatím neodpověděl(a) na pozvánku {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Vytvořit pro tuto událost místnost v Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Zobrazit, kdy zaneprázněno",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Do popisu úspěšně přidán odkaz na místnost v Talk",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Beschäftigt",
"Out of office" : "Nicht im Büro",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"{name} is available." : "{name} ist verfügbar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ist nicht verfügbar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hat Deine Einladung akzeptiert.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} akzeptiert.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hat Deine Einladung abgelehnt.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} abgelehnt.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} hat seine Einladung delegiert.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} hat die Teilnahme vorläufig zugesagt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf Deine Einladung reagiert.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf {organizerName}s Einladung reagiert.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Besprechungsraum für diesen Termin erstellen",
"Show busy times" : "Belegte Zeiten anzeigen",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Link zur Beschreibung des Besprechungsraums hinzugefügt.",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Beschäftigt",
"Out of office" : "Nicht im Büro",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"{name} is available." : "{name} ist verfügbar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ist nicht verfügbar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hat Deine Einladung akzeptiert.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} akzeptiert.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hat Deine Einladung abgelehnt.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} abgelehnt.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} hat seine Einladung delegiert.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} hat die Teilnahme vorläufig zugesagt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf Deine Einladung reagiert.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf {organizerName}s Einladung reagiert.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Besprechungsraum für diesen Termin erstellen",
"Show busy times" : "Belegte Zeiten anzeigen",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Link zur Beschreibung des Besprechungsraums hinzugefügt.",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Beschäftigt",
"Out of office" : "Nicht im Büro",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"{name} is available." : "{name} ist verfügbar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ist nicht verfügbar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hat Ihre Einladung akzeptiert.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} akzeptiert.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hat Ihre Einladung abgelehnt.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} abgelehnt.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} hat seine Einladung delegiert.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} hat die Teilnahme vorläufig zugesagt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf Ihre Einladung reagiert.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf {organizerName}s Einladung reagiert.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Besprechungsraum für diesen Termin erstellen",
"Show busy times" : "Belegte Zeiten anzeigen",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Link zur Beschreibung des Besprechungsraums hinzugefügt.",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Beschäftigt",
"Out of office" : "Nicht im Büro",
"Unknown" : "Unbekannt",
"{name} is available." : "{name} ist verfügbar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ist nicht verfügbar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hat Ihre Einladung akzeptiert.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} akzeptiert.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hat Ihre Einladung abgelehnt.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hat die Einladung von {organizerName} abgelehnt.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} hat seine Einladung delegiert.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} hat die Teilnahme vorläufig zugesagt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf Ihre Einladung reagiert.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hat bislang nicht auf {organizerName}s Einladung reagiert.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Besprechungsraum für diesen Termin erstellen",
"Show busy times" : "Belegte Zeiten anzeigen",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Link zur Beschreibung des Besprechungsraums hinzugefügt.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Απασχολημένος",
"Out of office" : "Εκτός γραφείου",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "Ο {name} αποδέχτηκε την πρόσκλησή σας.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "Ο {name} αποδέχτηκε την πρόσκλησή {organizerName}'s",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "Ο {name} απέρριψε την πρόσκλησή σας.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "Ο {name} απέρριψε την πρόσκλησή {organizerName}'s",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "Ο {name} έχει αναθέσει την πρόσκλησή τους.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "Ο {name} σημείωσε τη συμμετοχή τους ως δοκιμαστική.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "Ο {name} δεν αντέδρασε στην πρόσκλησή σας ακόμη.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "Ο {name} δεν αντέδρασε στην πρόσκλησή του {organizerName}'s ακόμη.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Δημιουργία δωματίου Talk για το γεγονός",
"Show busy times" : "Εμφάνιση ωρών ως απασχολημένων ",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ο σύνδεσμος στο δωμάτιο Talk προστέθηκε με επιτυχία στην περιγραφή.",

View File

@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
"Busy" : "Απασχολημένος",
"Out of office" : "Εκτός γραφείου",
"Unknown" : "Άγνωστο",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "Ο {name} αποδέχτηκε την πρόσκλησή σας.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "Ο {name} αποδέχτηκε την πρόσκλησή {organizerName}'s",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "Ο {name} απέρριψε την πρόσκλησή σας.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "Ο {name} απέρριψε την πρόσκλησή {organizerName}'s",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "Ο {name} έχει αναθέσει την πρόσκλησή τους.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "Ο {name} σημείωσε τη συμμετοχή τους ως δοκιμαστική.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "Ο {name} δεν αντέδρασε στην πρόσκλησή σας ακόμη.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "Ο {name} δεν αντέδρασε στην πρόσκλησή του {organizerName}'s ακόμη.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Δημιουργία δωματίου Talk για το γεγονός",
"Show busy times" : "Εμφάνιση ωρών ως απασχολημένων ",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ο σύνδεσμος στο δωμάτιο Talk προστέθηκε με επιτυχία στην περιγραφή.",

View File

@ -148,14 +148,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fuera de la oficina",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha aceptado su invitación.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceptó la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rechazado su invitación.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} rechazó la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegado su invitación.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcó su participación como provisional.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} todavía no ha contestado a su invitación.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} todavía no ha contestado a la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversación para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostrar horarios ocupados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Enlace agregado con éxito en la descripción a la sala de conversación.",

View File

@ -146,14 +146,6 @@
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fuera de la oficina",
"Unknown" : "Desconocido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha aceptado su invitación.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceptó la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rechazado su invitación.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} rechazó la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegado su invitación.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcó su participación como provisional.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} todavía no ha contestado a su invitación.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} todavía no ha contestado a la invitación de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversación para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostrar horarios ocupados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Enlace agregado con éxito en la descripción a la sala de conversación.",

View File

@ -152,14 +152,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Lanpetua",
"Out of office" : "Bulegotik kanpo",
"Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak zure gonbidapena onartu du.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapena onartu du.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak zure gonbidapenari uko egin dio.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapenari uko egin dio.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak bere gonbidapena eskuordetu du.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} erabiltzaileak bere parte-hartzea behin behineko bezala markatu du.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} erabiltzaileak ez dio zure gonbidapenari erantzun oraindik.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} erabiltzaileak ez dio {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapenari erantzun oraindik.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Sortu Talk gela gertaera honentzat",
"Show busy times" : "Erakutsi denbora lanpetuta",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ondo erantsi zaio esteka hizketa gelaren deskribapenari.",

View File

@ -150,14 +150,6 @@
"Busy" : "Lanpetua",
"Out of office" : "Bulegotik kanpo",
"Unknown" : "Ezezaguna",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak zure gonbidapena onartu du.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapena onartu du.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak zure gonbidapenari uko egin dio.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapenari uko egin dio.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} erabiltzaileak bere gonbidapena eskuordetu du.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} erabiltzaileak bere parte-hartzea behin behineko bezala markatu du.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} erabiltzaileak ez dio zure gonbidapenari erantzun oraindik.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} erabiltzaileak ez dio {organizerName} erabiltzailearen gonbidapenari erantzun oraindik.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Sortu Talk gela gertaera honentzat",
"Show busy times" : "Erakutsi denbora lanpetuta",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ondo erantsi zaio esteka hizketa gelaren deskribapenari.",

View File

@ -123,14 +123,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "مشغول",
"Out of office" : "بیرون از دفتر",
"Unknown" : "نامشخص",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} دعوت شما را پذیرفت.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "دعوت نامه {name} قبول {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} دعوت شما را رد کرد.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "دعوت نامه {name} رد شده {organizerName}.\n\n ",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} دعوت خود را به آنها اعطا کرده است.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} مشارکت آنها را به عنوان آزمایشی مشخص کرد.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} هنوز به دعوت شما پاسخ نداده",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} پاسخی نداده به {organizerName}'sدعوت هنوز.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "اتاق گفتگو را برای این رویداد ایجاد کنید",
"Show busy times" : " نمایش زمان‌های شلوغ",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "پیوند موفقیت آمیز پیوند به اتاق گفتگو به توضیحات.",

View File

@ -121,14 +121,6 @@
"Busy" : "مشغول",
"Out of office" : "بیرون از دفتر",
"Unknown" : "نامشخص",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} دعوت شما را پذیرفت.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "دعوت نامه {name} قبول {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} دعوت شما را رد کرد.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "دعوت نامه {name} رد شده {organizerName}.\n\n ",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} دعوت خود را به آنها اعطا کرده است.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} مشارکت آنها را به عنوان آزمایشی مشخص کرد.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} هنوز به دعوت شما پاسخ نداده",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} پاسخی نداده به {organizerName}'sدعوت هنوز.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "اتاق گفتگو را برای این رویداد ایجاد کنید",
"Show busy times" : " نمایش زمان‌های شلوغ",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "پیوند موفقیت آمیز پیوند به اتاق گفتگو به توضیحات.",

View File

@ -153,16 +153,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Varattu",
"Out of office" : "Ulkona toimistolta",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"{name} is available." : "{name} on käytettävissä.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ei ole käytettävissä.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hyväksyi kutsusi.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hyväksyi järjestäjän {organizerName} kutsun.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} kieltäytyi kutsustasi.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hylkäsi kutsun kutsujalta {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} on lähettänyt kutsun eteenpäin.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} merkitse osallistumisensa alustavaksi.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} ei ole vielä vastannut kutsuusi.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ei ole vielä vastannut järjestäjän {organizerName} kutsuun.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Luo Talk-huone tälle tapahtumalle",
"Show busy times" : "Näytä varatut ajat",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Linkki Talk-huoneeseen lisättiin onnistuneesti kuvaukseen.",

View File

@ -151,16 +151,6 @@
"Busy" : "Varattu",
"Out of office" : "Ulkona toimistolta",
"Unknown" : "Tuntematon",
"{name} is available." : "{name} on käytettävissä.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ei ole käytettävissä.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hyväksyi kutsusi.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hyväksyi järjestäjän {organizerName} kutsun.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} kieltäytyi kutsustasi.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hylkäsi kutsun kutsujalta {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} on lähettänyt kutsun eteenpäin.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} merkitse osallistumisensa alustavaksi.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} ei ole vielä vastannut kutsuusi.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ei ole vielä vastannut järjestäjän {organizerName} kutsuun.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Luo Talk-huone tälle tapahtumalle",
"Show busy times" : "Näytä varatut ajat",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Linkki Talk-huoneeseen lisättiin onnistuneesti kuvaukseen.",

View File

@ -146,14 +146,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Occupé",
"Out of office" : "Absent du bureau",
"Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} a accepté votre invitation.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} a accepté l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} a refusé votre invitation.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} a refusé l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} a délégué votre invitation.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ont accepté l'invitation comme provisoire.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} n'a pas encore répondu à votre invitation.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} n'a pas encore répondu à l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Créer une salle de discussion pour cet événement",
"Show busy times" : "Afficher les périodes occupées",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Le lien vers la discussion a été ajouté à la description",

View File

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@
"Busy" : "Occupé",
"Out of office" : "Absent du bureau",
"Unknown" : "Inconnu",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} a accepté votre invitation.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} a accepté l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} a refusé votre invitation.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} a refusé l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} a délégué votre invitation.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ont accepté l'invitation comme provisoire.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} n'a pas encore répondu à votre invitation.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} n'a pas encore répondu à l'invitation de '{organizerName}'.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Créer une salle de discussion pour cet événement",
"Show busy times" : "Afficher les périodes occupées",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Le lien vers la discussion a été ajouté à la description",

View File

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fóra da oficina",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceptou o seu convite",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceptou o convite de {organizerName}",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} declinou o seu convite",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} declinou o convite de {organizerName}",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegou o seu convite.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcou a súa participación como tentativa.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} aínda non respondeu ao seu convite",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} aínda non respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversas para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Amosar as horas ocupadas",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente unha ligazón á descrición da sala de conversas.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fóra da oficina",
"Unknown" : "Descoñecido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceptou o seu convite",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceptou o convite de {organizerName}",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} declinou o seu convite",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} declinou o convite de {organizerName}",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegou o seu convite.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcou a súa participación como tentativa.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} aínda non respondeu ao seu convite",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} aínda non respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crear sala de conversas para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Amosar as horas ocupadas",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Engadiuse satisfactoriamente unha ligazón á descrición da sala de conversas.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "עסוק",
"Out of office" : "מחוץ למשרד",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} קיבל את ההזמנה שלך.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} קיבל את ההזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} דחה את הזמנתך.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} דחה את ההזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} האציל את ההזמנה שלהם.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{שם} סימנה את השתתפותם כטנטטיבי.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} עדיין לא הגיב להזמנתך.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} עדיין לא נענה להזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "צור חדר שיחות לאירוע זה",
"Show busy times" : "הראה זמנים עמוסים",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "הקישור צורף ל\"חדר השיחות\" לתיאור בהצלחה.",

View File

@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
"Busy" : "עסוק",
"Out of office" : "מחוץ למשרד",
"Unknown" : "לא ידוע",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} קיבל את ההזמנה שלך.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} קיבל את ההזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} דחה את הזמנתך.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} דחה את ההזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} האציל את ההזמנה שלהם.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{שם} סימנה את השתתפותם כטנטטיבי.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} עדיין לא הגיב להזמנתך.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} עדיין לא נענה להזמנה של {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "צור חדר שיחות לאירוע זה",
"Show busy times" : "הראה זמנים עמוסים",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "הקישור צורף ל\"חדר השיחות\" לתיאור בהצלחה.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Zauzeto",
"Out of office" : "Izvan ureda",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznato",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} je prihvatio vaš poziv.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} je prihvatio poziv {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} je odbio vaš poziv.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} je odbio poziv {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} je delegirao svoj poziv.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} je označio svoje sudjelovanje kao uvjetno.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} još nije odgovorio na vaš poziv.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} još nije odgovorio na poziv {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Stvori Talk sobu za ovaj događaj",
"Show busy times" : "Prikaži vremena zauzetosti",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Uspješno dodana poveznica na Talk sobu u opis.",

View File

@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
"Busy" : "Zauzeto",
"Out of office" : "Izvan ureda",
"Unknown" : "Nepoznato",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} je prihvatio vaš poziv.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} je prihvatio poziv {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} je odbio vaš poziv.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} je odbio poziv {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} je delegirao svoj poziv.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} je označio svoje sudjelovanje kao uvjetno.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} još nije odgovorio na vaš poziv.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} još nije odgovorio na poziv {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Stvori Talk sobu za ovaj događaj",
"Show busy times" : "Prikaži vremena zauzetosti",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Uspješno dodana poveznica na Talk sobu u opis.",

View File

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Foglalt",
"Out of office" : "Irodán kívül",
"Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} elfogadta a meghívásodat.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} elfogadta {organizerName} meghívását.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} elutasította a meghívásodat.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} elíutasította {organizerName} meghívását.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} átruházta meghívását.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ideiglenesként jelölte meg részvételüket.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} még nem válaszolt a meghívásodra.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} még nem válaszolt {organizerName} meghívására.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Talk szoba létrehozása erre az eseményre",
"Show busy times" : "Mutassa az elfoglalt időket",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Talk szoba linkjének sikeres csatolása a leíráshoz.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@
"Busy" : "Foglalt",
"Out of office" : "Irodán kívül",
"Unknown" : "Ismeretlen",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} elfogadta a meghívásodat.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} elfogadta {organizerName} meghívását.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} elutasította a meghívásodat.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} elíutasította {organizerName} meghívását.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} átruházta meghívását.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ideiglenesként jelölte meg részvételüket.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} még nem válaszolt a meghívásodra.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} még nem válaszolt {organizerName} meghívására.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Talk szoba létrehozása erre az eseményre",
"Show busy times" : "Mutassa az elfoglalt időket",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Talk szoba linkjének sikeres csatolása a leíráshoz.",

View File

@ -131,14 +131,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Sibuk",
"Out of office" : "Keluar kantor",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} menerima undangan Anda.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} menerima undangan {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} menolak undangan Anda.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} menolak undangan {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} telah mendelegasikan undangannya.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} menandai partisipasinya sebagai tentatif.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} belum menanggapi undangan Anda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} belum menanggapi undangan {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Buat ruangan Talk untuk acara ini",
"Show busy times" : "Tampilkan waktu sibuk",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Berhasil menambahkan tautan ruang Talk pada deskripsi.",

View File

@ -129,14 +129,6 @@
"Busy" : "Sibuk",
"Out of office" : "Keluar kantor",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} menerima undangan Anda.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} menerima undangan {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} menolak undangan Anda.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} menolak undangan {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} telah mendelegasikan undangannya.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} menandai partisipasinya sebagai tentatif.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} belum menanggapi undangan Anda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} belum menanggapi undangan {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Buat ruangan Talk untuk acara ini",
"Show busy times" : "Tampilkan waktu sibuk",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Berhasil menambahkan tautan ruang Talk pada deskripsi.",

View File

@ -136,13 +136,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Upptekinn",
"Out of office" : "Ekki á staðnum",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hefur samþykkt boð þitt.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hefur samþykkt boð frá {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hafnaði boði þínu.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hefur hafnaði boði frá {organizerName}.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} merktu við þáttöku sína með fyrirvara as tentative.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hefur ekki svarað boðinu þínu ennþá.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hefur ekki svarað boðinu frá {organizerName} ennþá.",
"Show busy times" : "Sýna upptekinn tíma",
"Chairperson" : "Fundarstjóri",
"Required participant" : "Nauðsynlegur þáttakandi",

View File

@ -134,13 +134,6 @@
"Busy" : "Upptekinn",
"Out of office" : "Ekki á staðnum",
"Unknown" : "Óþekkt",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} hefur samþykkt boð þitt.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hefur samþykkt boð frá {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} hafnaði boði þínu.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} hefur hafnaði boði frá {organizerName}.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} merktu við þáttöku sína með fyrirvara as tentative.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} hefur ekki svarað boðinu þínu ennþá.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} hefur ekki svarað boðinu frá {organizerName} ennþá.",
"Show busy times" : "Sýna upptekinn tíma",
"Chairperson" : "Fundarstjóri",
"Required participant" : "Nauðsynlegur þáttakandi",

View File

@ -155,14 +155,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Occupato",
"Out of office" : "Fuori sede",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha accettato il tuo invito.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha accettato l'invito di {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rifiutato il tuo invito.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha rifiutato l'invito di {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegato il suo invito.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ha segnato la sua partecipazione come provvisoria.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} non ha ancora risposto al tuo invito.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} non ha ancora risposto all'invito di {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crea stanza di Talk per questo evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostra orari in cui si è occupati",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Collegamento aggiunto correttamente alla stanza di Talk come descrizione.",

View File

@ -153,14 +153,6 @@
"Busy" : "Occupato",
"Out of office" : "Fuori sede",
"Unknown" : "Sconosciuto",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ha accettato il tuo invito.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha accettato l'invito di {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ha rifiutato il tuo invito.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ha rifiutato l'invito di {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} ha delegato il suo invito.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} ha segnato la sua partecipazione come provvisoria.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} non ha ancora risposto al tuo invito.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} non ha ancora risposto all'invito di {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crea stanza di Talk per questo evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostra orari in cui si è occupati",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Collegamento aggiunto correttamente alla stanza di Talk come descrizione.",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "ビジー",
"Out of office" : "オフィス外",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name}が招待を受け入れました。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}が{organizerName}の招待を受け入れました。",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name}が招待を辞退しました。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}が{organizerName}の招待を辞退しました。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name}が招待を委任されました。",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name}が参加を暫定的とマークしました。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name}は招待にまだ返答していません。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name}は{organizerName}の招待にまだ応答していません。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "このイベントに通話ルームを作成する",
"Error creating Talk room" : "通話ルームの作成に失敗しました",
"Send email" : "メールを送信",

View File

@ -138,14 +138,6 @@
"Busy" : "ビジー",
"Out of office" : "オフィス外",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name}が招待を受け入れました。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}が{organizerName}の招待を受け入れました。",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name}が招待を辞退しました。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}が{organizerName}の招待を辞退しました。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name}が招待を委任されました。",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name}が参加を暫定的とマークしました。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name}は招待にまだ返答していません。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name}は{organizerName}の招待にまだ応答していません。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "このイベントに通話ルームを作成する",
"Error creating Talk room" : "通話ルームの作成に失敗しました",
"Send email" : "メールを送信",

View File

@ -145,14 +145,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Užimtas laikas",
"Out of office" : "Ne darbo vietoje",
"Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} priėmė jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} priėmė pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} atmetė jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} atmetė pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegavo savo pakvietimą.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} pažymėjo savo dalyvavimą kaip preliminarų.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} kol kas neatsakė į jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} kol kas neatsakė į pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Sukurti šiam įvykiui pokalbių kambarį",
"Show busy times" : "Rodyti užimtumo laikus",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Pokalbių kambario nuoroda sėkmingai pridėta į aprašą.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@
"Busy" : "Užimtas laikas",
"Out of office" : "Ne darbo vietoje",
"Unknown" : "Nežinoma",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} priėmė jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} priėmė pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} atmetė jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} atmetė pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegavo savo pakvietimą.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} pažymėjo savo dalyvavimą kaip preliminarų.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} kol kas neatsakė į jūsų pakvietimą.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} kol kas neatsakė į pakvietimą iš {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Sukurti šiam įvykiui pokalbių kambarį",
"Show busy times" : "Rodyti užimtumo laikus",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Pokalbių kambario nuoroda sėkmingai pridėta į aprašą.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Зафатен",
"Out of office" : "Надвор од канцеларија",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ја прифати вашата покана.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ја прифати поканата од {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ја одби вашата покана.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ја одби поканата од {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} одговори на неговата покана.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} го означи неговото учество како пробно.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} сеуште нема одговорено на поканата.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} сеуште нема одговорено на поканата од {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Креирај соба за разговор за овој настан",
"Show busy times" : "Прикажи ги зафатените термини",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успешно додаден линк од собата за разговор во описот.",

View File

@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
"Busy" : "Зафатен",
"Out of office" : "Надвор од канцеларија",
"Unknown" : "Непознат",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} ја прифати вашата покана.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ја прифати поканата од {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} ја одби вашата покана.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} ја одби поканата од {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} одговори на неговата покана.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} го означи неговото учество како пробно.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} сеуште нема одговорено на поканата.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} сеуште нема одговорено на поканата од {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Креирај соба за разговор за овој настан",
"Show busy times" : "Прикажи ги зафатените термини",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успешно додаден линк од собата за разговор во описот.",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Opptatt",
"Out of office" : "Fraværende",
"Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aksepterte din invitasjon.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aksepterte {organizerName}s invitasjon.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} avslo din invitasjon.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} avslo {organizerName}s invitasjon.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} har delegert deres invitasjon.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} markerte sin deltakelse som mulig.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} har ikke respondert på din invitasjon enda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} har ikke svart på {organizerName}s invitasjon enda.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Opprett Talk-rom for denne hendelsen",
"Show busy times" : "Vis opptatte tider",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "La til lenke til Talk-rom til beskrivelsen.",

View File

@ -138,14 +138,6 @@
"Busy" : "Opptatt",
"Out of office" : "Fraværende",
"Unknown" : "Ukjent",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aksepterte din invitasjon.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aksepterte {organizerName}s invitasjon.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} avslo din invitasjon.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} avslo {organizerName}s invitasjon.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} har delegert deres invitasjon.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} markerte sin deltakelse som mulig.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} har ikke respondert på din invitasjon enda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} har ikke svart på {organizerName}s invitasjon enda.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Opprett Talk-rom for denne hendelsen",
"Show busy times" : "Vis opptatte tider",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "La til lenke til Talk-rom til beskrivelsen.",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Bezet",
"Out of office" : "Niet op kantoor",
"Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"{name} is available." : "{name} is beschikbaar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} is niet beschikbaar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} heeft je uitnodiging geaccepteerd.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} heeft {organizerName}'s uitnodiging geaccepteerd.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} heeft je uitnodiging afgewezen.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} heeft {organizerName}'s uitnodiging afgewezen.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} heeft de uitnodiging doorgestuurd.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} heeft de deelname op voorlopig gezet.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} heeft nog niet op je uitnodiging gereageerd.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} heeft nog niet op {organizerName}'s uitnodiging gereageerd.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Creëer Talk-ruimte voor deze afspraak",
"Show busy times" : "Toon drukke tijden",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Met succes een link naar de gespreksruimte toegevoegd aan de beschrijving.",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Bezet",
"Out of office" : "Niet op kantoor",
"Unknown" : "Onbekend",
"{name} is available." : "{name} is beschikbaar.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} is niet beschikbaar.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} heeft je uitnodiging geaccepteerd.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} heeft {organizerName}'s uitnodiging geaccepteerd.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} heeft je uitnodiging afgewezen.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} heeft {organizerName}'s uitnodiging afgewezen.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} heeft de uitnodiging doorgestuurd.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} heeft de deelname op voorlopig gezet.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} heeft nog niet op je uitnodiging gereageerd.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} heeft nog niet op {organizerName}'s uitnodiging gereageerd.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Creëer Talk-ruimte voor deze afspraak",
"Show busy times" : "Toon drukke tijden",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Met succes een link naar de gespreksruimte toegevoegd aan de beschrijving.",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Zajęty",
"Out of office" : "Biuro nie funkcjonuje",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"{name} is available." : "{name} jest dostępny.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} jest niedostępny.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} zaakceptował Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zaakceptował zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} odrzucił Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} odrzucił zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} przekazał swoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} oznaczył swoje uczestnictwo jako wstępne.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} jeszcze nie odpowiedział na Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} jeszcze nie odpowiedział na zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Utwórz pokój w Talku dla tego wydarzenia",
"Show busy times" : "Pokaż zajęte czasy",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Pomyślnie dołączono do opisu link do pokoju rozmów.",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Zajęty",
"Out of office" : "Biuro nie funkcjonuje",
"Unknown" : "Nieznany",
"{name} is available." : "{name} jest dostępny.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} jest niedostępny.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} zaakceptował Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zaakceptował zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} odrzucił Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} odrzucił zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} przekazał swoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} oznaczył swoje uczestnictwo jako wstępne.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} jeszcze nie odpowiedział na Twoje zaproszenie.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} jeszcze nie odpowiedział na zaproszenie {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Utwórz pokój w Talku dla tego wydarzenia",
"Show busy times" : "Pokaż zajęte czasy",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Pomyślnie dołączono do opisu link do pokoju rozmów.",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fora do escritório",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"{name} is available." : "{name} está disponível.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} não está disponível.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceitou seu convite.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceitou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} recusou seu convite.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} recusou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegou o convite.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcou sua participação como talvez.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} não respondeu ao seu convite ainda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ainda não respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Criar sala no Talk para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostrar horários ocupados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "O link para a sala Talk foi adicionado com sucesso na descrição",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Out of office" : "Fora do escritório",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"{name} is available." : "{name} está disponível.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} não está disponível.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceitou seu convite.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceitou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} recusou seu convite.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} recusou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegou o convite.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} marcou sua participação como talvez.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} não respondeu ao seu convite ainda.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ainda não respondeu ao convite de {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Criar sala no Talk para este evento",
"Show busy times" : "Mostrar horários ocupados",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "O link para a sala Talk foi adicionado com sucesso na descrição",

View File

@ -92,8 +92,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No reminders yet" : "Sem lembretes ainda",
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceitou o seu convite.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceitou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"All day" : "Todo o dia",
"never" : "nunca",
"after" : "depois",

View File

@ -90,8 +90,6 @@
"No reminders yet" : "Sem lembretes ainda",
"Busy" : "Ocupado",
"Unknown" : "Desconhecido",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} aceitou o seu convite.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} aceitou o convite de {organizerName}.",
"All day" : "Todo o dia",
"never" : "nunca",
"after" : "depois",

View File

@ -144,14 +144,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Занят",
"Out of office" : "Вне офиса",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} принял(а) ваше приглашение.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} принял(а) приглашение {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} отклонил(а) ваше приглашение.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} отклонил(а) приглашение {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} перепоручил(а) своё приглашение.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} обозначил(а) своё участие как «под вопросом».",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} ещё не ответил(а) на ваше приглашение. ",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ещё не ответил(а) на приглашение {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Создать комнату этого события в приложении «Talk»",
"Show busy times" : "Показать занятое время",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ссылка на комнату приложения Talk добавлена в описание.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@
"Busy" : "Занят",
"Out of office" : "Вне офиса",
"Unknown" : "Неизвестно",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} принял(а) ваше приглашение.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} принял(а) приглашение {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} отклонил(а) ваше приглашение.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} отклонил(а) приглашение {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} перепоручил(а) своё приглашение.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} обозначил(а) своё участие как «под вопросом».",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} ещё не ответил(а) на ваше приглашение. ",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} ещё не ответил(а) на приглашение {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Создать комнату этого события в приложении «Talk»",
"Show busy times" : "Показать занятое время",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ссылка на комнату приложения Talk добавлена в описание.",

View File

@ -147,14 +147,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Faghende cosa",
"Out of office" : "Foras de serbìtziu",
"Unknown" : "Non connotu",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} at atzetadu s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} at atzetadu s'invitu de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} at refudadu s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} at refudadu s'invitu de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} at delegadu s'invitu suo.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} at marcadu sa partetzipatzione sua comente intentu.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} no at ancora respostu a s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} no at ancora respostu a s'invitu de {organizerName}'",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crea un'aposentu Talk pro custu eventu",
"Show busy times" : "Mustra oras ocupadas",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ligòngiu apicadu in manera curreta in sa descritzione de s'aposentu de cunversatzione",
@ -376,7 +368,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Video-chat" : "Tzarrada de vìdeo",
"Video-meeting" : "Atòbiu de vìdeo",
"Call" : "Mutida",
"Calling" : "Mutire",
"Calling" : "Tzerriende",
"Christmas" : "Paschighedda",
"Conference" : "Cunferèntzia",
"Pizza" : "Pitza",

View File

@ -145,14 +145,6 @@
"Busy" : "Faghende cosa",
"Out of office" : "Foras de serbìtziu",
"Unknown" : "Non connotu",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} at atzetadu s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} at atzetadu s'invitu de {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} at refudadu s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} at refudadu s'invitu de {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} at delegadu s'invitu suo.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} at marcadu sa partetzipatzione sua comente intentu.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} no at ancora respostu a s'invitu tuo.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} no at ancora respostu a s'invitu de {organizerName}'",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Crea un'aposentu Talk pro custu eventu",
"Show busy times" : "Mustra oras ocupadas",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Ligòngiu apicadu in manera curreta in sa descritzione de s'aposentu de cunversatzione",
@ -374,7 +366,7 @@
"Video-chat" : "Tzarrada de vìdeo",
"Video-meeting" : "Atòbiu de vìdeo",
"Call" : "Mutida",
"Calling" : "Mutire",
"Calling" : "Tzerriende",
"Christmas" : "Paschighedda",
"Conference" : "Cunferèntzia",
"Pizza" : "Pitza",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Zaneprázdnený",
"Out of office" : "Mimo kancelárie",
"Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} prijal vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} prijal pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} zamietol vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zamietol pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegoval ich pozvanie.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "Používateľ {name} označil svoju účasť ako predbežnú.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} zatiaľ neodpovedal na vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} zatiaľ neodpovedal na pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Vytvoriť pre túto udalosť miestnosť v Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Zobraziť časy zaneprázdnenosti",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Do popisu bol úspešne pridaný odkaz na miestnosť v Talk",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@
"Busy" : "Zaneprázdnený",
"Out of office" : "Mimo kancelárie",
"Unknown" : "Neznámy",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} prijal vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} prijal pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} zamietol vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zamietol pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} delegoval ich pozvanie.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "Používateľ {name} označil svoju účasť ako predbežnú.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} zatiaľ neodpovedal na vaše pozvanie.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} zatiaľ neodpovedal na pozvanie od {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Vytvoriť pre túto udalosť miestnosť v Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Zobraziť časy zaneprázdnenosti",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Do popisu bol úspešne pridaný odkaz na miestnosť v Talk",

View File

@ -151,15 +151,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Zasedeno",
"Out of office" : "Službena odsotnost",
"Unknown" : "Neopredeljeno",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ni na voljo.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} sprejme vaše povabilo.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} sprejme povabilo ({organizerName}).",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} zavrne vaše povabilo.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zavrne povabilo ({organizerName}).",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} prenese vabilo dogodka.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} označi prisotnost kot načrtovano, a nedorečeno.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} še nima zabeleženega odziva na vabilo.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} še nima zabeleženega odziva na vabilo ({organizerName}).",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Za dogodek ustvari povezavo Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Pokaži urnike udeležencev",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Povezava do sobe Talk je uspešno dodana v opis.",

View File

@ -149,15 +149,6 @@
"Busy" : "Zasedeno",
"Out of office" : "Službena odsotnost",
"Unknown" : "Neopredeljeno",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} ni na voljo.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} sprejme vaše povabilo.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} sprejme povabilo ({organizerName}).",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} zavrne vaše povabilo.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} zavrne povabilo ({organizerName}).",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} prenese vabilo dogodka.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} označi prisotnost kot načrtovano, a nedorečeno.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} še nima zabeleženega odziva na vabilo.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} še nima zabeleženega odziva na vabilo ({organizerName}).",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Za dogodek ustvari povezavo Talk",
"Show busy times" : "Pokaži urnike udeležencev",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Povezava do sobe Talk je uspešno dodana v opis.",

View File

@ -143,14 +143,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Upptagen",
"Out of office" : "Ej på plats",
"Unknown" : "Okänd",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} accepterade din inbjudan.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} accepterade {organizerName}'s inbjudan.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} avböjde din inbjudan.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} avböjde {organizerName}'s inbjudan.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} har delegerat sin inbjudan.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} markerade sitt deltagande som preliminärt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} har inte svarat på din inbjudan ännu.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} har inte svarat på {organizerName}'s inbjudan än.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Skapa ett rum i Talk för denna händelse",
"Show busy times" : "Visa upptagna tider",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Länk till rum i Talk tillagd i beskrivningen.",

View File

@ -141,14 +141,6 @@
"Busy" : "Upptagen",
"Out of office" : "Ej på plats",
"Unknown" : "Okänd",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} accepterade din inbjudan.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} accepterade {organizerName}'s inbjudan.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} avböjde din inbjudan.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} avböjde {organizerName}'s inbjudan.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} har delegerat sin inbjudan.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} markerade sitt deltagande som preliminärt.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} har inte svarat på din inbjudan ännu.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} har inte svarat på {organizerName}'s inbjudan än.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Skapa ett rum i Talk för denna händelse",
"Show busy times" : "Visa upptagna tider",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Länk till rum i Talk tillagd i beskrivningen.",

View File

@ -79,11 +79,16 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating subscription …" : "Abonelik oluşturuluyor …",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "Bir sorun çıktı. Takvim eklenemedi.",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "Lütfen geçerli bir bağlantı yazın (http://, https://, webcal:// ya da webcals:// ile başlayan)",
"Trash bin" : "Çöp kutusu",
"You do not have any deleted calendars or events" : "Silinmiş herhangi bir takvim ya da etkinlik yok",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Deleted" : "Silinmiş",
"Restore" : "Geri yükle",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Untitled event" : "Başlıksız etkinlik",
"Could not load deleted calendars and objects" : "Silinmiş takvim ve nesneler yüklenemedi",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Takvim ya da etkinlik geri yüklenemedi",
"_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} day_::_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} days_" : ["Çöp kutusundaki ögeler {numDays} gün sonra silinir","Çöp kutusundaki ögeler {numDays} gün sonra silinir"],
"Could not update calendar order." : "Takvim sıralaması güncellenemedi.",
"Import calendars" : "Takvimleri içe aktar",
"Please select a calendar to import into …" : "Lütfen içine aktarılacak bir takvim seçin …",
@ -147,21 +152,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_week_::_weeks_" : ["hafta","hafta"],
"No reminders yet" : "Henüz bir anımsatıcı yok",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "Katılımcı, kaynak ve odaların kullanılabilirliği",
"{organizer} (organizer)" : "{organizer} (organizer)",
"Free" : "Serbest",
"Busy (tentative)" : "Meşgul (belirsiz)",
"Busy" : "Meşgul",
"Out of office" : "İş yeri dışında",
"Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"{name} is available." : "{name} uygun.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} uygun değil.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} çağrınızı kabul etti.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}, {organizerName} kişinin çağrısını kabul etti.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} çağrınızı reddetti.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}, {organizerName} kişisinin çağrısını reddetti.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} çağrılarını devretti.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} katılım durumunu belirsiz olarak bildirdi.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} çağrınızı henüz yanıtlamadı.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} henüz {organizerName} kişisinin çağrısını yanıtlamadı.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Bu etkinlik için Talk odası oluştur",
"Show busy times" : "Meşgul zamanlar görüntülensin",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Bağlantı Talk odasııklamasına eklendi.",

View File

@ -77,11 +77,16 @@
"Creating subscription …" : "Abonelik oluşturuluyor …",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "Bir sorun çıktı. Takvim eklenemedi.",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "Lütfen geçerli bir bağlantı yazın (http://, https://, webcal:// ya da webcals:// ile başlayan)",
"Trash bin" : "Çöp kutusu",
"You do not have any deleted calendars or events" : "Silinmiş herhangi bir takvim ya da etkinlik yok",
"Name" : "Ad",
"Deleted" : "Silinmiş",
"Restore" : "Geri yükle",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Untitled event" : "Başlıksız etkinlik",
"Could not load deleted calendars and objects" : "Silinmiş takvim ve nesneler yüklenemedi",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "Takvim ya da etkinlik geri yüklenemedi",
"_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} day_::_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} days_" : ["Çöp kutusundaki ögeler {numDays} gün sonra silinir","Çöp kutusundaki ögeler {numDays} gün sonra silinir"],
"Could not update calendar order." : "Takvim sıralaması güncellenemedi.",
"Import calendars" : "Takvimleri içe aktar",
"Please select a calendar to import into …" : "Lütfen içine aktarılacak bir takvim seçin …",
@ -145,21 +150,12 @@
"_week_::_weeks_" : ["hafta","hafta"],
"No reminders yet" : "Henüz bir anımsatıcı yok",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "Katılımcı, kaynak ve odaların kullanılabilirliği",
"{organizer} (organizer)" : "{organizer} (organizer)",
"Free" : "Serbest",
"Busy (tentative)" : "Meşgul (belirsiz)",
"Busy" : "Meşgul",
"Out of office" : "İş yeri dışında",
"Unknown" : "Bilinmiyor",
"{name} is available." : "{name} uygun.",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} uygun değil.",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} çağrınızı kabul etti.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}, {organizerName} kişinin çağrısını kabul etti.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} çağrınızı reddetti.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}, {organizerName} kişisinin çağrısını reddetti.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} çağrılarını devretti.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} katılım durumunu belirsiz olarak bildirdi.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} çağrınızı henüz yanıtlamadı.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} henüz {organizerName} kişisinin çağrısını yanıtlamadı.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Bu etkinlik için Talk odası oluştur",
"Show busy times" : "Meşgul zamanlar görüntülensin",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Bağlantı Talk odasııklamasına eklendi.",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Зайнято",
"Out of office" : "Поза межами офісу",
"Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} прийняв ваше запрошення.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} прийняв запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} відхилив ваше запрошення.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} відхилив запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} делегував своє запрошення.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} позначив свою участь як попередню.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} поки не відповів на ваше запрошення.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} поки не відповів на запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Створити Кімнату переговорів для цієї події",
"Show busy times" : "Показати зайнятий час",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успішно додано посилання на Кімнату переговорів до опису події.",

View File

@ -138,14 +138,6 @@
"Busy" : "Зайнято",
"Out of office" : "Поза межами офісу",
"Unknown" : "Невідомо",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} прийняв ваше запрошення.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} прийняв запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} відхилив ваше запрошення.",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} відхилив запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} делегував своє запрошення.",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} позначив свою участь як попередню.",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} поки не відповів на ваше запрошення.",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} поки не відповів на запрошення від {organizerName}.",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Створити Кімнату переговорів для цієї події",
"Show busy times" : "Показати зайнятий час",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Успішно додано посилання на Кімнату переговорів до опису події.",

View File

@ -142,14 +142,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "Bận",
"Out of office" : "Không ở văn phòng",
"Unknown" : "Không xác định",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} đã chấp nhận lời mởi của bạn.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} đã chấp nhận lời mời của {organizerName}",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} đã từ chối lời mơi của bạn",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} đã từ chối lời mời của {organizerName}",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} đã ủy thác lời mời của họ",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} đã đánh dấu sự tham dự của họ với trạng thái không chắc chắn",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} chưa trả lời lời mời của bạn",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} chưa trả lời cho lời mời của {organizerName}",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Tạo một phòng trò chuyện cho sự kiện này",
"Show busy times" : "Cho thấy các thời gian bận",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Liên kết đã được thêm thành công vào mô tả trong phòng trò chuyện ",

View File

@ -140,14 +140,6 @@
"Busy" : "Bận",
"Out of office" : "Không ở văn phòng",
"Unknown" : "Không xác định",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} đã chấp nhận lời mởi của bạn.",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} đã chấp nhận lời mời của {organizerName}",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} đã từ chối lời mơi của bạn",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} đã từ chối lời mời của {organizerName}",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} đã ủy thác lời mời của họ",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} đã đánh dấu sự tham dự của họ với trạng thái không chắc chắn",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} chưa trả lời lời mời của bạn",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} chưa trả lời cho lời mời của {organizerName}",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Tạo một phòng trò chuyện cho sự kiện này",
"Show busy times" : "Cho thấy các thời gian bận",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Liên kết đã được thêm thành công vào mô tả trong phòng trò chuyện ",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在办公室",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name}接受了您的邀请。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}接受了{organizerName}的邀请。",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name}拒绝了您的邀请。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}拒绝了{organizerName}的邀请。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name}已委托他们的邀请。",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name}标记为他们不确定是否参加。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name}还没有回复您的邀请。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name}还没有回复{organizerName}的邀请。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "为此事件创建聊天室",
"Show busy times" : "显示繁忙时间",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功将链接添加到聊天室的描述。",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在办公室",
"Unknown" : "未知",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name}接受了您的邀请。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}接受了{organizerName}的邀请。",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name}拒绝了您的邀请。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name}拒绝了{organizerName}的邀请。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name}已委托他们的邀请。",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name}标记为他们不确定是否参加。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name}还没有回复您的邀请。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name}还没有回复{organizerName}的邀请。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "为此事件创建聊天室",
"Show busy times" : "显示繁忙时间",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功将链接添加到聊天室的描述。",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在辦公室",
"Unknown" : "不詳",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} 已接受您的邀請。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已接受 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒您的邀請。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} 已將邀請轉給他人",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} 表示他暫定可以出席。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆您的邀請。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "建立此活動的線上會議室",
"Show busy times" : "顯示忙碌時段",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功將線上會議室的連結加至活動細節",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在辦公室",
"Unknown" : "不詳",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} 已接受您的邀請。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已接受 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒您的邀請。",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} 已將邀請轉給他人",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} 表示他暫定可以出席。",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆您的邀請。",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "建立此活動的線上會議室",
"Show busy times" : "顯示忙碌時段",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功將線上會議室的連結加至活動細節",

View File

@ -158,16 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在辦公室",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用。",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用。",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} 已接受您的邀請。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已接受 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒您的邀請",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} 已將邀請轉給他人",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} 表示他暫定可以出席",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆您的邀請",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "建立此活動的線上會議室",
"Show busy times" : "顯示忙碌時段",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功將線上會議室的連結加至活動細節",

View File

@ -156,16 +156,6 @@
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在辦公室",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"{name} is available." : "{name} 可用。",
"{name} is not available." : "{name} 不可用。",
"{name} accepted your invitation." : "{name} 已接受您的邀請。",
"{name} accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已接受 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} declined your invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒您的邀請",
"{name} declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "{name} 已婉拒 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"{name} has delegated their invitation." : "{name} 已將邀請轉給他人",
"{name} marked their participation as tentative." : "{name} 表示他暫定可以出席",
"{name} did not respond to your invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆您的邀請",
"{name} did not respond to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "{name} 尚未回覆 {organizerName} 的邀請",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "建立此活動的線上會議室",
"Show busy times" : "顯示忙碌時段",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功將線上會議室的連結加至活動細節",