
53 lines
1.7 KiB

"Hello," : "Salute %s,",
"Cheers!" : "Congratulationes!",
"Calendar" : "Calendario",
"Today" : "Hodie",
"Day" : "Die",
"Week" : "Septimana",
"Month" : "Mense",
"Download" : "Discargar",
"Delete" : "Deler",
"Share link" : "Compartir ligamine",
"Share with users or groups" : "Compartir con usatores o gruppos",
"can edit" : "pote modificar",
"New calendar" : "Nove calendario",
"Cancel" : "Cancellar",
"Automatic" : "Automatic",
"Actions" : "Actiones",
"Show week numbers" : "Monstrar le numero del septimanas",
"Settings & import" : "Configurationes e importation",
"Email" : "E-posta",
"Unknown" : "Incognite",
"never" : "nunquam",
"after" : "post",
"Repeat" : "Repeter",
"Monday" : "Lunedi",
"Summary" : "Summario",
"More" : "Plus",
"Save" : "Salveguardar",
"Update" : "Actualisar",
"Personal" : "Personal",
"Details" : "Detalios",
"Attendees" : "Participantes",
"Reminders" : "Memento",
"Close" : "Clauder",
"Anniversary" : "Anniversario de evento",
"Week {number} of {year}" : "Septimana {number} de {year}",
"Daily" : "Cata die",
"Weekly" : "Cata septimana",
"When shared show full event" : "Quando compartite, monstrar evento integremente",
"When shared show only busy" : "Quando compartite, monstrar solo si illo es occupate",
"When shared hide this event" : "Quando compartite, celar iste evento",
"Location" : "Loco",
"Description" : "Description",
"Confirmed" : "Confirmate",
"Tentative" : "Tentative",
"Presentation" : "Presentation",
"Mail" : "Posta",
"Global" : "Global"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");