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{ "translations": {
"Provided email-address is not valid" : "Alamat surel tidak valid",
"%s has published the calendar »%s«" : "%s telah mempublikasikan kalender »%s«",
"Unexpected error sending email. Please contact your administrator." : "Galat saat mengirim surel. Silakan hubungi administrator Anda.",
"Hello," : "Halo,",
"We wanted to inform you that %s has published the calendar »%s«." : "Kami ingin menginformasikan anda bahwa %s telah mempublikasikan kalender »%s«.",
"Open »%s«" : "Buka »%s«",
"Cheers!" : "Horee!",
"Calendar" : "Kalender",
"A Calendar app for Nextcloud" : "Aplikasi Kalender untuk Nextcloud",
"Previous day" : "Hari sebelum",
"Previous week" : "Minggu sebelum",
"Previous month" : "Bulan sebelum",
"Next day" : "Hari setelah",
"Next week" : "Minggu setelah",
"Next month" : "Bulan setelah",
"+ New event" : "+ Acara baru",
"Today" : "Hari Ini",
"Day" : "Hari",
"Week" : "Minggu",
"Month" : "Bulan",
"Untitled calendar" : "Kalender tanpa judul",
"Edit name" : "Edit nama",
"Saving name …" : "Menyimpan nama …",
"Edit color" : "Edit warna",
"Saving color …" : "Menyimpan warna …",
"Copy private link" : "Salin tautan privat",
"Download" : "Unduh",
"Delete" : "Hapus",
"An error occurred, unable to change visibility of the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengubah visibilitas kalender.",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat menghapus kalender.",
"Calendar link copied to clipboard." : "Tautan kalender disalin ke papan klip.",
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Tautan kalender tidak dapat disalin ke papan klip.",
"An error occurred, unable to rename the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengubah nama kalender.",
"An error occurred, unable to change the calendar's color." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengganti warna kalender.",
"_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Batal berbagi kalender dalam {countdown} detik"],
"_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["Menghapus kalender dalam {countdown} detik"],
"Share link" : "Bagi tautan",
"Publish calendar" : "Menerbitkan kalender",
"Publishing calendar" : "Menerbitkan kalender",
"Copy public link" : "Salin tautan publik",
"Send link to calendar via email" : "Kirim tautan kalender via surel",
"Sending email …" : "Mengirim surel …",
"Copy subscription link" : "Salin tautan berlangganan",
"Copying link …" : "Menyalin tautan …",
"Copied link" : "Tautan tersalin",
"Could not copy link" : "Tidak dapat menyalin tautan",
"Copy embedding code" : "Salin kode penyemat",
"Copying code …" : "Menyalin kode …",
"Copied code" : "Kode tersalin",
"Could not copy code" : "Tidak dapat menyalin kode",
"Delete share link" : "Hapus tautan berbagi",
"Deleting share link …" : "Menghapus tautan berbagi …",
"An error occurred, unable to publish calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat menerbitkan kalender.",
"An error occurred, unable to send email." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengirim surel.",
"Embed code copied to clipboard." : "Kode tersemat disalin ke papan klip",
"Embed code could not be copied to clipboard." : "Kode tersemat tidak dapat disalin ke papan klip.",
"Unpublishing calendar failed" : "Gagal membatalkan penerbitan kalender",
"Share with users or groups" : "Berbagi dengan pengguna atau grup",
"No users or groups" : "Tidak ada pengguna atau grup",
"can edit" : "dapat edit",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "Batal berbagi dengan {displayName}",
"An error occurred, unable to change the unshare the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengubah pembatalan berbagi kalender.",
"An error occurred, unable to change the permission of the share." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat mengubah hak akses berbagi.",
"+ New calendar" : "+ Kalender baru",
"New calendar" : "Kalender baru",
"Creating calendar …" : "Membuat kalender …",
"New calendar with task list" : "Kalender baru dengan daftar tugas",
"New subscription from link (read-only)" : "Langganan baru dengan tautan (baca-saja)",
"Creating subscription …" : "Membuat langganan …",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "Terjadi galat, tidak dapat membuat kalender.",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "Silakan isi tautan valid (dimulai dengan http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)",
"Untitled event" : "Acara tanpa judul",
"Import calendars" : "Impor kalender",
"Filename" : "Nama berkas",
"Cancel" : "Batal",
"_Import calendar_::_Import calendars_" : ["Impor kalender"],
"No valid files found, aborting import" : "Berkas valid tidak ditemukan, impor dibatalkan",
"Import partially failed. Imported {accepted} out of {total}." : "Sebagian impor gagal. Dari {total} hanya {accepted} berhasil impor.",
"_Successfully imported %n event_::_Successfully imported %n events._" : ["Berhasil impor %n acara."],
"Automatic" : "Otomatis",
"Automatic ({detected})" : "Otomatis ({detected})",
"New setting was not saved successfully." : "Setelan baru tidak berhasil tersimpan.",
"Shortcut overview" : "Ikhtisar pintasan",
"or" : "atau",
"Navigation" : "Navigasi",
"Previous period" : "Periode sebelum",
"Next period" : "Periode sesudah",
"Views" : "Tampilan",
"Day view" : "Tampilan hari",
"Week view" : "Tampilan minggu",
"Month view" : "Tampilan bulan",
"Actions" : "Tindakan",
"Create event" : "Buat acara",
"Show shortcuts" : "Tampilkan pintasan",
"Enable birthday calendar" : "Aktifkan kalender ulang tahun",
"Show tasks in calendar" : "Tampilkan tugas dalam kalender",
"Enable simplified editor" : "Aktifkan editor serderhana",
"Limit visible events per view" : "Batasi acara terlihat per tampilan",
"Show weekends" : "Tampilkan akhir pekan",
"Show week numbers" : "Tampilkan nomor pekan",
"Copy primary CalDAV address" : "Salin alamat utama CalDAV",
"Copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address" : "Salin alamat CalDAV iOS/macOS",
"Show keyboard shortcuts" : "Tampilkan pintasan papan kunci",
"Settings & import" : "Setelan & impor",
"CalDAV link copied to clipboard." : "Tautan CalDAV disalin ke papan klip",
"CalDAV link could not be copied to clipboard." : "Tautan CalDAV tidak dapat disalin ke papan klip",
"Notification" : "Notifikasi",
"Email" : "Surel",
"Audio notification" : "Notifikasi audio",
"Other notification" : "Notifikasi lain",
"Relative to event" : "Relatif terhadap acara",
"On date" : "Pada tanggal",
"Edit time" : "Edit waktu",
"Save time" : "Simpan waktu",
"Remove reminder" : "Buang pengingat",
"on" : "pada",
"at" : "di",
"+ Add reminder" : "+ Tambah pengingat",
"_second_::_seconds_" : ["detik"],
"_minute_::_minutes_" : ["menit"],
"_hour_::_hours_" : ["jam"],
"_day_::_days_" : ["hari"],
"_week_::_weeks_" : ["minggu"],
"No reminders yet" : "Belum ada pengingat",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "Ketersediaan peserta, sumber daya, dan ruangan",
"Free" : "Luang",
"Busy (tentative)" : "Sibuk (tentatif)",
"Busy" : "Sibuk",
"Out of office" : "Keluar kantor",
"Unknown" : "Tidak diketahui",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "Buat ruangan Talk untuk acara ini",
"Show busy times" : "Tampilkan waktu sibuk",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "Berhasil menambahkan tautan ruang Talk pada deskripsi.",
"Error creating Talk room" : "Galat membuat ruangan Talk",
"Required participant" : "Partisipan wajib",
"Optional participant" : "Partisipan opsional",
"Non-participant" : "Bukan partisipan",
"Remove attendee" : "Hapus peserta",
"No match found" : "Tidak ditemukan kecocokan",
"No attendees yet" : "Belum ada peserta",
"(organizer)" : "(penyelenggara)",
"Remove color" : "Hapus warna",
"Event title" : "Judul acara",
"All day" : "Sepanjang hari",
"End repeat" : "Akhiri perulangan",
"Select to end repeat" : "Pilih untuk mengakhiri perulangan",
"never" : "tidak pernah",
"on date" : "pada tanggal",
"after" : "setelah",
"first" : "pertama",
"third" : "ke-3",
"fourth" : "ke-4",
"fifth" : "ke-5",
"second to last" : "kedua terakhir",
"last" : "terakhir",
"Repeat" : "Ulang",
"Repeat every" : "Ulang setiap",
"By day of the month" : "Berdasarkan hari pada bulan",
"On the" : "Pada",
"_month_::_months_" : ["bulang"],
"_year_::_years_" : ["tahun"],
"Monday" : "Senin",
"weekday" : "akhir pekan",
"weekend day" : "akhir pekan",
"Summary" : "Kesimpulan",
"The recurrence definition of this event is not fully supported by Nextcloud. If you edit the recurrence-options, certain recurrences may be lost." : "Penentuan perulangan acara ini tidak sepenuhnya didukung oleh Nextcloud. Jika Anda mengedit opsi pengulangan, pengulangan tertentu mungkin hilang.",
"More" : "Lainnya",
"Save" : "Simpan",
"Update" : "Perbarui",
"Public calendar does not exist" : "Kalender publik tidak eksis",
"Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Mungkin yang dibagikan terhapus atau kadaluwarsa?",
"Please select a timezone:" : "Pilih zona waktu:",
"Pick a time" : "Pilih waktu",
"Pick a date" : "Pilih tanggal",
"Please enter a valid date" : "Silakan isi tanggal valid",
"Please enter a valid date and time" : "Silakan isi tanggal dan waktu valid",
"Type to search timezone" : "Tulis dan cari zona waktu",
"Personal" : "Pribadi",
"The automatic timezone detection determined your timezone to be UTC.\nThis is most likely the result of security measures of your web browser.\nPlease set your timezone manually in the calendar settings." : "Deteksi otomatis menunjukkan zona waktu Anda adalah UTC.\nHal ini dikarenakan hasil dari pengaturan pada peramban web Anda.\nSilakan setel zona waktu Anda pada setelan kalender.",
"Your configured timezone ({timezoneId}) was not found. Falling back to UTC.\nPlease change your timezone in the settings and report this issue." : "Konfigurasi zona waktu ({timezoneId}) tidak ditemukan. Kembali menggunakan UTC.\nSilakan ubah zona waktu Anda pada pengaturan dan laporkan isu ini.",
"Details" : "Detail",
"Attendees" : "Peserta",
"Reminders" : "Pengingat",
"Close" : "Tutup",
"Show more details" : "Tampilkan detail lain",
"Subscribe to {name}" : "Berlangganan ke {name}",
"Download {name}" : "Unduh {name}",
"Anniversary" : "Hari jadi",
"Appointment" : "Janji",
"Business" : "Bisnis",
"Education" : "Edukasi",
"Holiday" : "Hari raya",
"Meeting" : "Rapat",
"Miscellaneous" : "Lain-lain",
"Non-working hours" : "Luar waktu kerja",
"Not in office" : "Tidak ada di kantor",
"Phone call" : "Panggilan telepon",
"Sick day" : "Hari sakit",
"Special occasion" : "Acara khusus",
"Travel" : "Perjalanan",
"Vacation" : "Liburan",
"Midnight on the day the event starts" : "Tengah malam pada hari acara dimulai",
"_%n day before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_::_%n days before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_" : ["%n hari sebelum acara {formattedHourMinute}"],
"_%n week before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_::_%n weeks before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_" : ["%n pekan sebelum acara {formattedHourMinute}"],
"on the day of the event at {formattedHourMinute}" : "Pada hari acara {formattedHourMinute}",
"at the event's start" : "pada awal acara",
"at the event's end" : "pada akhir acara",
"{time} before the event starts" : "{time} sebelum acara berlangsung",
"{time} before the event ends" : "{time} sebelum acara berakhir",
"{time} after the event starts" : "{time} setelah acara berlangsung",
"{time} after the event ends" : "{time} setelah acara berakhir",
"on {time}" : "pada {time}",
"on {time} ({timezoneId})" : "pada {time} ({timezoneId})",
"Week {number} of {year}" : "Pekan {number} tahun {year}",
"Daily" : "Harian",
"Weekly" : "Mingguan",
"Monthly" : "Bulanan",
"Yearly" : "Tahunan",
"_Every %n day_::_Every %n days_" : ["Setiap %n hari"],
"_Every %n week_::_Every %n weeks_" : ["Setiap %n pekan"],
"_Every %n month_::_Every %n months_" : ["Setiap %n bulan"],
"_Every %n year_::_Every %n years_" : ["Setiap %n tahun"],
"_on {weekday}_::_on {weekdays}_" : ["pada {weekdays}"],
"_on day {dayOfMonthList}_::_on days {dayOfMonthList}_" : ["pada hari {dayOfMonthList}"],
"until {untilDate}" : "sampai {untilDate}",
"_%n time_::_%n times_" : ["%n kali"],
"Untitled task" : "Tugas tanpa judul",
"Please ask your administrator to enable the Tasks App." : "Silakan tanya administrator Anda untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi Tugas.",
"_+%n more_::_+%n more_" : ["+%n lagi"],
"Location" : "Lokasi",
"Add a location" : "Tambah lokasi",
"Description" : "Deskrisi",
"Add a description" : "Tambah deskripsi",
"Status" : "Status",
"Confirmed" : "Terkonfirmasi",
"Tentative" : "Tentatif",
"Confirmation about the overall status of the event." : "Konfirmasi tentang status keseluruhan acara.",
"Show as" : "Tampilkan sebagai",
"Take this event into account when calculating free-busy information." : "Pertimbangkan acara ini saat perhitungan waktu luang dan sibuk.",
"Categories" : "Kategori",
"Categories help you to structure and organize your events." : "Kategori membantu Anda menyusun dan mengatur acara.",
"Search or add categories" : "Cari atau tambah kategori",
"Add this as a new category" : "Tambah sebagai kategori baru",
"Custom color" : "Warna khusus",
"Special color of this event. Overrides the calendar-color." : "Warna spesial dari acara ini. Mengganti warna kalender.",
"Chat room for event" : "Ruang obrolan untuk acara"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"