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"User-Session unexpectedly expired" : "使用者連線階段過期",
"Provided email-address is not valid" : "提供的電子郵件地址無效",
"%s has published the calendar »%s«" : "%s 發佈了日曆 »%s«",
"Unexpected error sending email. Please contact your administrator." : "傳送電子郵件出現意外的錯誤。請聯絡您的管理者。",
"Successfully sent email to %1$s" : "已成功傳送電子郵件至 %1$s",
"Hello," : "嗨,",
"We wanted to inform you that %s has published the calendar »%s«." : "通知您,%s 發佈了日曆 »%s«.",
"Open »%s«" : "開啟 »%s«",
"Cheers!" : "太棒了!",
"Upcoming events" : "接下來的活動",
"Calendar" : "日曆",
"A Calendar app for Nextcloud" : "Nextcloud 的日曆應用程式",
"The Calendar app is a user interface for Nextcloud's CalDAV server. Easily sync events from various devices with your Nextcloud and edit them online.\n\n* 🚀 **Integration with other Nextcloud apps!** Currently Contacts - more to come.\n* 🌐 **WebCal Support!** Want to see your favorite teams matchdays in your calendar? No problem!\n* 🙋 **Attendees!** Invite people to your events\n* ⌚️ **Free/Busy!** See when your attendees are available to meet\n* ⏰ **Reminders!** Get alarms for events inside your browser and via email\n* 🔍 Search! Find your events at ease\n* ☑️ Tasks! See tasks with a due date directly in the calendar\n* 🙈 **Were not reinventing the wheel!** Based on the great [c-dav library](, [ical.js]( and [fullcalendar]( libraries." : "日曆應用程式是 Nextcloud 的 CalDAV 伺服器的使用者介面。透過您的 Nextcloud 輕鬆同步來自各裝置的活動,並在線上編輯它們。\n\n* 🚀 **與其他 Nextcloud 應用程式的整合!** 目前為通訊錄,但還會有更多的。\n* 🌐 **支援 WebCal** 想在您的日曆中檢視您最愛球隊的比賽日期?沒問題!\n* 🙋 **參與者!** 邀請夥伴來參加您的活動\n* ⌚️ **有空/忙碌!** 看看您的參與者們什麼時候可以見面\n* ⏰ **提醒!** 在您的瀏覽器中以及透過電子郵件取得警示\n* 🔍 搜尋!輕鬆找到您的活動\n* ☑️ 工作項目!直接在日曆中檢視工作項目的到期日\n* 🙈 **我們並未重新發明輪子!** 以超棒的 [c-dav 函式庫](、[ical.js]( 與 [fullcalendar]( 函式庫為基礎。",
"Previous day" : "前一日",
"Previous week" : "前週",
"Previous month" : "前月",
"Next day" : "隔天",
"Next week" : "下週",
"Next month" : "下個月",
"+ New event" : "+ 新活動",
"Today" : "今天",
"Day" : "日",
"Week" : "週",
"Month" : "月",
"List" : "清單",
"Untitled calendar" : "未命名日曆",
"Edit name" : "編輯名稱",
"Saving name …" : "儲存名稱…",
"Edit color" : "編輯顏色",
"Saving color …" : "儲存顏色…",
"Copy private link" : "複製私人連結",
"Download" : "下載",
"Unshare from me" : "取消與我分享",
"Delete" : "刪除",
"An error occurred, unable to change visibility of the calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法改變日曆的能見度",
"An error occurred, unable to delete the calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法刪除日曆",
"Calendar link copied to clipboard." : "複製日曆連結到剪貼簿",
"Calendar link could not be copied to clipboard." : "日曆連結無法複製到剪貼簿",
"An error occurred, unable to rename the calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法重新命名日曆",
"An error occurred, unable to change the calendar's color." : "發生錯誤,無法變更日曆的顏色",
"_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Unsharing the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["將在 {countdown} 秒後取消分享日曆"],
"_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} second_::_Deleting the calendar in {countdown} seconds_" : ["將在 {countdown} 秒後刪除日曆"],
"Share link" : "分享連結",
"Publish calendar" : "發布日曆",
"Publishing calendar" : "正在發布日曆",
"Copy public link" : "複製公開連結",
"Send link to calendar via email" : "透過電子郵件傳送日曆連結",
"Enter one address" : "輸入一個位址",
"Sending email …" : "正在傳送電子郵件…",
"Copy subscription link" : "複製訂閱的連結",
"Copying link …" : "正在複製連結…",
"Copied link" : "連結已複製",
"Could not copy link" : "無法複製連結",
"Copy embedding code" : "複製內嵌程式碼",
"Copying code …" : "正在複製程式碼…",
"Copied code" : "已複製程式碼",
"Could not copy code" : "無法複製程式碼",
"Delete share link" : "刪除分享連結",
"Deleting share link …" : "正在刪除共享連結…",
"An error occurred, unable to publish calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法發佈日曆",
"An error occurred, unable to send email." : "發生錯誤,無法寄送電子郵件",
"Embed code copied to clipboard." : "內嵌程式碼已複製到剪貼簿",
"Embed code could not be copied to clipboard." : "無法複製內嵌程式碼到剪貼簿",
"Unpublishing calendar failed" : "取消發佈日曆失敗",
"Share with users or groups" : "與使用者或群組分享",
"No users or groups" : "沒有使用者或群組",
"can edit" : "可編輯",
"Unshare with {displayName}" : "取消與 {displayName} 的分享",
"An error occurred, unable to change the unshare the calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法變更日曆",
"An error occurred, unable to change the permission of the share." : "發生錯誤,無法變更分享權限",
"+ New calendar" : "+ 新日曆",
"New calendar" : "新日曆",
"Creating calendar …" : "正在建立日曆…",
"New calendar with task list" : "新日曆及待辦清單",
"New subscription from link (read-only)" : "自連結建立新訂閱(唯讀)",
"Creating subscription …" : "正在建立新訂閱…",
"An error occurred, unable to create the calendar." : "發生錯誤,無法建立日曆",
"Please enter a valid link (starting with http://, https://, webcal://, or webcals://)" : "請輸入有效的連結(以 http:// , https:// , webcal:// , 或 webcals:// 開頭)",
"Trash bin" : "回收桶",
"You do not have any deleted calendars or events" : "您沒有任何已刪除的日曆或活動",
"Name" : "名稱",
"Deleted" : "已刪除",
"Restore" : "還原",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Untitled event" : "未命名活動",
"Could not load deleted calendars and objects" : "無法載入已刪除的日曆與物件",
"Could not restore calendar or event" : "無法復原日曆或活動",
"_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} day_::_Elements in the trash bin are deleted after {numDays} days_" : ["回收桶中的元素將於{numDays}天候刪除"],
"Could not update calendar order." : "無法變更日曆順序",
"Import calendars" : "匯入日曆",
"Please select a calendar to import into …" : "請選擇將匯入的日曆",
"Filename" : "檔案名稱",
"Calendar to import into" : "將匯入的日曆",
"Cancel" : "取消",
"_Import calendar_::_Import calendars_" : ["匯入日曆"],
"{filename} is an unsupported file-type" : "{filename} 是不支援的檔案類型",
"{filename} could not be parsed" : "無法解析 {filename}",
"No valid files found, aborting import" : "沒有找到有效的檔案,中斷匯入",
"Import partially failed. Imported {accepted} out of {total}." : "匯入部分失敗,僅成功匯入 {total} 中的 {accepted} 項",
"_Successfully imported %n event_::_Successfully imported %n events._" : ["成功匯入 %n 個活動"],
"Automatic" : "自動",
"Automatic ({detected})" : "自動({detected}",
"New setting was not saved successfully." : "新設定未成功儲存",
"Shortcut overview" : "捷徑簡介",
"or" : "或者",
"Navigation" : "導覽列",
"Previous period" : "前一期間",
"Next period" : "下一期間",
"Views" : "顯示",
"Day view" : "每日",
"Week view" : "每週",
"Month view" : "每月",
"List view" : "清單檢視",
"Actions" : "動作",
"Create event" : "建立活動",
"Show shortcuts" : "顯示捷徑",
"Enable birthday calendar" : "啟用生日日曆",
"Show tasks in calendar" : "在日曆上顯示待辦事項",
"Enable simplified editor" : "啟用簡化的編輯器",
"Limit visible events per view" : "限制每個顯示可見的活動數",
"Show weekends" : "顯示週末",
"Show week numbers" : "顯示週數",
"Time increments" : "隨時間遞增",
"Default reminder" : "預設提醒",
"Copy primary CalDAV address" : "複製主要的 CalDAV 位址",
"Copy iOS/macOS CalDAV address" : "複製 iOS/macOS 的 CalDAV 位址",
"Show keyboard shortcuts" : "顯示快速鍵",
"Settings & import" : "設定及匯入",
"No reminder" : "無提醒",
"CalDAV link copied to clipboard." : "已複製 CalDAV 連結至剪貼簿",
"CalDAV link could not be copied to clipboard." : "無法複製 CalDAV 連結至剪貼簿",
"before at" : "之前於",
"Notification" : "通知",
"Email" : "Email",
"Audio notification" : "音訊通知",
"Other notification" : "其他通知",
"Relative to event" : "相對於活動",
"On date" : "在特定日期",
"Edit time" : "編輯時間",
"Save time" : "儲存時間",
"Remove reminder" : "刪除提醒",
"on" : "在",
"at" : "在",
"+ Add reminder" : "+ 加入提醒",
"_second_::_seconds_" : ["秒"],
"_minute_::_minutes_" : ["分鐘"],
"_hour_::_hours_" : ["時"],
"_day_::_days_" : ["天"],
"_week_::_weeks_" : ["週"],
"No reminders yet" : "目前沒有任何提醒",
"Availability of attendees, resources and rooms" : "參與者、資源和空間的可用性",
"{organizer} (organizer)" : "{organizer} (organizer)",
"Free" : "有空",
"Busy (tentative)" : "忙碌(暫定)",
"Busy" : "忙碌",
"Out of office" : "不在辦公室",
"Unknown" : "不明",
"Available." : "可用。",
"Not available." : "不可用。",
"Invitation accepted." : "已接受邀請。",
"Accepted {organizerName}'s invitation." : "已接受 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"Invitation declined." : "邀請被拒絕。",
"Declined {organizerName}'s invitation." : "拒絕了 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"Invitation is delegated." : "邀請已配送。",
"Participation marked as tentative." : "將參與標記為暫定。",
"Invitation sent." : "邀請已傳送。",
"Has not responded to {organizerName}'s invitation yet." : "尚未回覆 {organizerName} 的邀請。",
"Create Talk room for this event" : "建立此活動的線上會議室",
"Show busy times" : "顯示忙碌時段",
"Successfully appended link to talk room to description." : "成功將線上會議室的連結加至活動細節",
"Error creating Talk room" : "建立線上會議室發生錯誤",
"Send email" : "傳送電子郵件",
"Chairperson" : "主席",
"Required participant" : "需出席的參與者",
"Optional participant" : "可不出席的參與者",
"Non-participant" : "非參與者",
"Remove attendee" : "移除參與者",
"Search for emails, users, contacts, resources or rooms" : "搜尋電子郵件、使用者、聯絡人、資源或會議室",
"No match found" : "找不到符合的項目",
"No attendees yet" : "還沒有任何參與者",
"(organizer)" : "(主辦人)",
"To send out invitations and handle responses, [linkopen]add your email address in personal settings[linkclose]." : "若要送出邀請函並處理回覆,[linkopen]請至個人設定頁加入您的電郵地址[linkclose]",
"Remove color" : "移除顏色",
"Event title" : "活動標題",
"All day" : "全天",
"Cannot modify all-day setting for events that are part of a recurrence-set." : "無法變更定期重複活動的全日設定。",
"from {startDate}" : "從 {startDate}",
"from {startDate} at {startTime}" : "從 {startDate} {startTime}",
"to {endDate}" : "至 {endDate} 止",
"to {endDate} at {endTime}" : "至 {endDate} {endTime} 止",
"End repeat" : "停止重複",
"Select to end repeat" : "選擇以結束重複",
"never" : "永不",
"on date" : "在特定日期",
"after" : "之後",
"_time_::_times_" : ["次"],
"This event is the recurrence-exception of a recurrence-set. You cannot add a recurrence-rule to it." : "此活動是一系列重複活動的特例,您無法針對它設定重複規則。",
"first" : "第一",
"third" : "第三",
"fourth" : "第四",
"fifth" : "第五",
"second to last" : "倒數第二",
"last" : "倒數第一",
"Changes to the recurrence-rule will only apply to this and all future occurrences." : "變更的重複規則只會套用至這項活動和重複的未來活動",
"Repeat" : "重複",
"Repeat every" : "重複循環",
"By day of the month" : "每月中特定日",
"On the" : "在",
"_month_::_months_" : ["月"],
"_year_::_years_" : ["年"],
"Monday" : "週一",
"weekday" : "週間",
"weekend day" : "週末",
"Summary" : "摘要",
"The recurrence definition of this event is not fully supported by Nextcloud. If you edit the recurrence-options, certain recurrences may be lost." : "Nextcloud 不完全支援此活動的重複。如果您編輯了重複選項,某些重複可能會遺失。",
"More" : "更多",
"Save" : "儲存",
"Update" : "更新",
"Update this occurrence" : "更新此重複",
"Update this and all future" : "更新這次和所有未來的重複",
"Public calendar does not exist" : "公開日曆不存在",
"Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "分享是否已刪除或過期?",
"Please select a timezone:" : "請選取時區:",
"Pick a time" : "挑選時間",
"Pick a date" : "挑選日期",
"from {formattedDate}" : "從 {formattedDate}",
"to {formattedDate}" : "至 {formattedDate}",
"on {formattedDate}" : "於 {formattedDate}",
"from {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}" : "從 {formattedDate} {formattedTime}",
"to {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}" : "至 {formattedDate} {formattedTime}",
"on {formattedDate} at {formattedTime}" : "於 {formattedDate} {formattedTime}",
"{formattedDate} at {formattedTime}" : "{formattedDate} {formattedTime}",
"Please enter a valid date" : "請輸入有效的日期",
"Please enter a valid date and time" : "請輸入有效的日期和時間",
"Type to search timezone" : "開始輸入以搜尋時區",
"Personal" : "私人",
"The automatic timezone detection determined your timezone to be UTC.\nThis is most likely the result of security measures of your web browser.\nPlease set your timezone manually in the calendar settings." : "系統偵測到您的時區為 UTC這可能是因為網頁伺服器的安全設定請至日曆設定中手動設定您的時區",
"Your configured timezone ({timezoneId}) was not found. Falling back to UTC.\nPlease change your timezone in the settings and report this issue." : "找不到您選擇的時區 {timezoneId} ,先以 UTC 替代\n請至設定改變您的時區並回報此問題",
"No more events today" : "今天沒有其他活動",
"No upcoming events" : "沒有接下來的活動",
"Create a new event" : "建立新活動",
"[Today]" : "[今天]",
"[Tomorrow]" : "[明天]",
"[Yesterday]" : "[昨天]",
"[Last] dddd" : "[上] dddd",
"Event does not exist" : "活動不存在",
"Delete this occurrence" : "刪除這次活動",
"Delete this and all future" : "刪除這次和所有未來重複",
"Details" : "詳細資料",
"Attendees" : "參與者",
"Reminders" : "提醒",
"Close" : " 關閉",
"Show more details" : "顯示更多細節",
"Subscribe to {name}" : "訂閱 {name}",
"Download {name}" : "下載 {name}",
"Anniversary" : "週年",
"Appointment" : "預約",
"Business" : "商業",
"Education" : "教育",
"Holiday" : "假日",
"Meeting" : "會議",
"Miscellaneous" : "其他",
"Non-working hours" : "下班時段",
"Not in office" : "不在辦公室",
"Phone call" : "通話",
"Sick day" : "病假",
"Special occasion" : "特殊場合",
"Travel" : "旅行",
"Vacation" : "度假",
"Midnight on the day the event starts" : "活動開始日的午夜",
"_%n day before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_::_%n days before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_" : ["於 {formattedHourMinute} 的活動 %n 天前"],
"_%n week before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_::_%n weeks before the event at {formattedHourMinute}_" : ["於 {formattedHourMinute} 的活動 %n 週前"],
"on the day of the event at {formattedHourMinute}" : "於 {formattedHourMinute} 的活動當天",
"at the event's start" : "在活動開始時",
"at the event's end" : "在活動結束時",
"{time} before the event starts" : "活動開始前 {time}",
"{time} before the event ends" : "活動結束前 {time}",
"{time} after the event starts" : "活動開始後 {time}",
"{time} after the event ends" : "活動結束後 {time}",
"on {time}" : "於 {time}",
"on {time} ({timezoneId})" : "於 {time} ({timezoneId})",
"Week {number} of {year}" : "{year} 的第 {number} 週",
"Does not repeat" : "不要重複",
"Daily" : "每日",
"Weekly" : "每週",
"Monthly" : "每月",
"Yearly" : "每年",
"_Every %n day_::_Every %n days_" : ["每 %n 天"],
"_Every %n week_::_Every %n weeks_" : ["每 %n 週"],
"_Every %n month_::_Every %n months_" : ["每 %n 月"],
"_Every %n year_::_Every %n years_" : ["每 %n 年"],
"_on {weekday}_::_on {weekdays}_" : ["於 {weekdays}"],
"_on day {dayOfMonthList}_::_on days {dayOfMonthList}_" : ["在 {dayOfMonthList} 天"],
"on the {ordinalNumber} {byDaySet}" : "在 {ordinalNumber} {byDaySet} 上",
"in {monthNames}" : "於 {monthNames}",
"in {monthNames} on the {ordinalNumber} {byDaySet}" : "在 {ordinalNumber} {byDaySet} 於 {monthNames}",
"until {untilDate}" : "到 {untilDate}",
"_%n time_::_%n times_" : ["%n 次"],
"Untitled task" : "未命名工作項目",
"Please ask your administrator to enable the Tasks App." : "請要求您的管理員啟用工作項目應用程式。",
"Prev" : "上一個",
"Next" : "下一個",
"Prev year" : "去年",
"Next year" : "明年",
"Year" : "年",
"W" : "週",
"%n more" : "其餘 %n 項",
"No events to display" : "無可顯示的活動",
"_+%n more_::_+%n more_" : ["* 和其他 %n 個"],
"No events" : "無活動",
"Create a new event or change the visible time-range" : "建立新活動或變更可見的時間範圍",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in a link" : "其可能已經被刪除,或是連結中有錯字",
"It might have been deleted, or there was a typo in the link" : "其可能已經被刪除,或是連結中有錯字",
"When shared show" : "當分享顯示時",
"When shared show full event" : "分享的時候顯示完整活動",
"When shared show only busy" : "分享的時候顯示忙碌中",
"When shared hide this event" : "分享的時候隱藏這個活動",
"The visibility of this event in shared calendars." : "此活動在分享的日曆可見程度。",
"Location" : "地點",
"Add a location" : "加入地點",
"Description" : "描述",
"Add a description" : "加入描述",
"Status" : "狀態",
"Confirmed" : "已確認",
"Tentative" : "暫定",
"Canceled" : "已取消",
"Confirmation about the overall status of the event." : "有關活動整體狀態的確認。",
"Show as" : "顯示為",
"Take this event into account when calculating free-busy information." : "計算有空與忙碌資訊時,請將此活動考慮在內。",
"Categories" : "分類",
"Categories help you to structure and organize your events." : "分類可以幫您整理您的活動",
"Search or add categories" : "搜尋或加入分類",
"Add this as a new category" : "將此加入為新分類",
"Custom color" : "自訂顏色",
"Special color of this event. Overrides the calendar-color." : "此活動的特殊顏色。覆寫日曆顏色。",
"Chat room for event" : "活動的聊天室",
"Imported {filename}" : "匯入的 {filename}",
"Meditation" : "冥想",
"Relaxing" : "放鬆",
"Relax" : "放鬆",
"Presentation" : "簡報",
"Present" : "簡報",
"Camping" : "露營",
"Camp" : "露營",
"Movie" : "電影",
"Cinema" : "電影院",
"Graduation" : "畢業",
"Brainstorm" : "腦力激盪",
"Baseball" : "棒球",
"Meet" : "會面",
"Planning" : "計劃中",
"Pointing" : "指向",
"Retrospective" : "回顧",
"Review" : "檢閱",
"Office" : "辦公室",
"Contributor week" : "貢獻週",
"Mail" : "郵件",
"Soccer" : "足球",
"Football" : "美式足球",
"Gaming" : "遊戲",
"Drive" : "駕駛",
"Bicycle" : "單車",
"Cycle" : "腳踏車",
"Biking" : "自行車",
"Bike" : "腳踏車",
"Podcast" : "Podcast",
"Basketball" : "籃球",
"Fishing" : "釣魚",
"Hiking" : "健行",
"Hike" : "登山",
"Art" : "藝術",
"Exhibition" : "展覽",
"Museum" : "博物館",
"Pilates" : "皮拉提斯",
"Park" : "公園",
"Studying" : "讀書",
"Doctor" : "醫生",
"Health" : "健康",
"Dentist" : "牙醫",
"Interview" : "面試",
"Training" : "訓練",
"Practice" : "練習",
"Sports" : "體育",
"Exercise" : "運動",
"Work out" : "鍛鍊",
"Working out" : "鍛鍊",
"Gym" : "健身房",
"Barber" : "理髮師",
"Haircut" : "理髮",
"Exam" : "考試",
"Working" : "工作",
"New Years Eve" : "新年前夕",
"NYE" : "新年前夕",
"Fireworks" : "煙火",
"Running" : "跑步",
"Go for a run" : "去跑步",
"Marathon" : "馬拉松",
"Video-conference" : "視訊會議",
"Conference-call" : "電話會議",
"Video-call" : "視訊通話",
"Video-chat" : "視訊聊天",
"Video-meeting" : "視訊會議",
"Call" : "通話",
"Calling" : "通話",
"Christmas" : "耶誕節",
"Conference" : "會議",
"Pizza" : "披薩",
"Travelling" : "旅行",
"Journey" : "旅程",
"Collaborate" : "協作",
"Pair" : "配對",
"Lecture" : "演講",
"Seminar" : "專題討論",
"Photograph" : "攝影",
"Party" : "派對",
"Celebration" : "慶祝",
"Celebrate" : "慶祝",
"Shopping" : "購物",
"Skate" : "溜冰",
"Skateboard" : "滑板",
"Wine tasting" : "品酒",
"Golf" : "高爾夫球",
"Dinner" : "晚餐",
"Lunch" : "午餐",
"Global" : "全球"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");