
370 lines
13 KiB

namespace OCA\Calendar\Sabre\VObject\Component;
* The VCalendar component
* This component adds functionality to a component, specific for a VCALENDAR.
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2007-2013 fruux GmbH (
* @author Evert Pot (
* @license Modified BSD License
class VCalendar extends VObject\Document {
* The default name for this component.
* This should be 'VCALENDAR' or 'VCARD'.
* @var string
static public $defaultName = 'VCALENDAR';
* This is a list of components, and which classes they should map to.
* @var array
static public $componentMap = array(
'VEVENT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VEvent',
'VFREEBUSY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VFreeBusy',
'VJOURNAL' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VJournal',
'VTODO' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VTodo',
'VALARM' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Component\\VAlarm',
* List of value-types, and which classes they map to.
* @var array
static public $valueMap = array(
'BINARY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Binary',
'BOOLEAN' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Boolean',
'CAL-ADDRESS' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\CalAddress',
'DATE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Date',
'DATE-TIME' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DURATION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Duration',
'FLOAT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Float',
'INTEGER' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Integer',
'PERIOD' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Period',
'RECUR' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Recur',
'TEXT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
'TIME' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Time',
'UNKNOWN' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Unknown', // jCard / jCal-only.
'URI' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Uri',
'UTC-OFFSET' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\UtcOffset',
* List of properties, and which classes they map to.
* @var array
static public $propertyMap = array(
// Calendar properties
'CALSCALE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'METHOD' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'PRODID' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'VERSION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
// Component properties
'ATTACH' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Binary',
'CATEGORIES' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
'CLASS' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'COMMENT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'DESCRIPTION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'GEO' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Float',
'LOCATION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'PERCENT-COMPLETE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Integer',
'PRIORITY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Integer',
'RESOURCES' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
'STATUS' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'SUMMARY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
// Date and Time Component Properties
'COMPLETED' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DTEND' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DUE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DTSTART' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DURATION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Duration',
'FREEBUSY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Period',
'TRANSP' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
// Time Zone Component Properties
'TZID' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'TZNAME' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'TZOFFSETFROM' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\UtcOffset',
'TZOFFSETTO' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\UtcOffset',
'TZURL' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Uri',
// Relationship Component Properties
'ATTENDEE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\CalAddress',
'CONTACT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'ORGANIZER' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\CalAddress',
'RECURRENCE-ID' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'RELATED-TO' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'URL' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Uri',
'UID' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
// Recurrence Component Properties
'EXDATE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'RDATE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'RRULE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Recur',
'EXRULE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Recur', // Deprecated since rfc5545
// Alarm Component Properties
'ACTION' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\FlatText',
'REPEAT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Integer',
'TRIGGER' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\Duration',
// Change Management Component Properties
'CREATED' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'DTSTAMP' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'LAST-MODIFIED' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'SEQUENCE' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Integer',
// Request Status
'REQUEST-STATUS' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
// Additions from draft-daboo-valarm-extensions-04
'ALARM-AGENT' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
'ACKNOWLEDGED' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\ICalendar\\DateTime',
'PROXIMITY' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Text',
'DEFAULT-ALARM' => 'Sabre\\VObject\\Property\\Boolean',
* Returns the current document type.
* @return void
public function getDocumentType() {
return self::ICALENDAR20;
* Returns a list of all 'base components'. For instance, if an Event has
* a recurrence rule, and one instance is overridden, the overridden event
* will have the same UID, but will be excluded from this list.
* VTIMEZONE components will always be excluded.
* @param string $componentName filter by component name
* @return array
public function getBaseComponents($componentName = null) {
$components = array();
foreach($this->children as $component) {
if (!$component instanceof VObject\Component)
if (isset($component->{'RECURRENCE-ID'}))
if ($componentName && $component->name !== strtoupper($componentName))
if ($component->name === 'VTIMEZONE')
$components[] = $component;
return $components;
* If this calendar object, has events with recurrence rules, this method
* can be used to expand the event into multiple sub-events.
* Each event will be stripped from it's recurrence information, and only
* the instances of the event in the specified timerange will be left
* alone.
* In addition, this method will cause timezone information to be stripped,
* and normalized to UTC.
* This method will alter the VCalendar. This cannot be reversed.
* This functionality is specifically used by the CalDAV standard. It is
* possible for clients to request expand events, if they are rather simple
* clients and do not have the possibility to calculate recurrences.
* @param DateTime $start
* @param DateTime $end
* @return void
public function expand(\DateTime $start, \DateTime $end) {
$newEvents = array();
foreach($this->select('VEVENT') as $key=>$vevent) {
if (isset($vevent->{'RECURRENCE-ID'})) {
if (!$vevent->rrule) {
if ($vevent->isInTimeRange($start, $end)) {
$newEvents[] = $vevent;
$uid = (string)$vevent->uid;
if (!$uid) {
throw new \LogicException('Event did not have a UID!');
$it = new VObject\RecurrenceIterator($this, $vevent->uid);
while($it->valid() && $it->getDTStart() < $end) {
if ($it->getDTEnd() > $start) {
$newEvents[] = $it->getEventObject();
// Setting all properties to UTC time.
foreach($newEvents as $newEvent) {
foreach($newEvent->children as $child) {
if ($child instanceof VObject\Property\ICalendar\DateTime && $child->hasTime()) {
$dt = $child->getDateTimes();
// We only need to update the first timezone, because
// setDateTimes will match all other timezones to the
// first.
$dt[0]->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
// Removing all VTIMEZONE components
* This method should return a list of default property values.
* @return array
protected function getDefaults() {
return array(
'VERSION' => '2.0',
'PRODID' => '-//Sabre//Sabre VObject ' . VObject\Version::VERSION . '//EN',
* Validates the node for correctness.
* An array is returned with warnings.
* Every item in the array has the following properties:
* * level - (number between 1 and 3 with severity information)
* * message - (human readable message)
* * node - (reference to the offending node)
* @return array
public function validate($options = 0) {
$warnings = array();
$version = $this->select('VERSION');
if (count($version)!==1) {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 1,
'message' => 'The VERSION property must appear in the VCALENDAR component exactly 1 time',
'node' => $this,
} else {
if ((string)$this->VERSION !== '2.0') {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 1,
'message' => 'Only iCalendar version 2.0 as defined in rfc5545 is supported.',
'node' => $this,
$version = $this->select('PRODID');
if (count($version)!==1) {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 2,
'message' => 'The PRODID property must appear in the VCALENDAR component exactly 1 time',
'node' => $this,
if (count($this->CALSCALE) > 1) {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 2,
'message' => 'The CALSCALE property must not be specified more than once.',
'node' => $this,
if (count($this->METHOD) > 1) {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 2,
'message' => 'The METHOD property must not be specified more than once.',
'node' => $this,
$componentsFound = 0;
foreach($this->children as $child) {
if($child instanceof Component) {
if ($componentsFound===0) {
$warnings[] = array(
'level' => 1,
'message' => 'An iCalendar object must have at least 1 component.',
'node' => $this,
return array_merge(