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2015-10-26 10:29:01 +00:00
import co from 'co';
import url from 'url';
import { listCalendars, listCalendarObjects } from './calendars';
import { listAddressBooks, listVCards, getFullVcards } from './contacts';
2015-10-26 10:29:01 +00:00
import fuzzyUrlEquals from './fuzzy_url_equals';
import { Account } from './model';
import * as ns from './namespace';
import * as request from './request';
let debug = require('./debug')('dav:accounts');
let defaults = {
accountType: 'caldav',
loadCollections: true,
loadObjects: false
* rfc 6764.
* @param {dav.Account} account to find root url for.
let serviceDiscovery = co.wrap(function *(account, options) {
debug('Attempt service discovery.');
let endpoint = url.parse(account.server);
endpoint.protocol = endpoint.protocol || 'http'; // TODO(gareth) https?
let uri = url.format({
protocol: endpoint.protocol,
pathname: (!options.useProvidedPath ? '/.well-known/' + options.accountType : endpoint.pathname)
2015-10-26 10:29:01 +00:00
let req = request.basic({ method: 'GET' });
try {
let xhr = yield options.xhr.send(req, uri, { sandbox: options.sandbox });
if (xhr.status >= 300 && xhr.status < 400) {
// http redirect.
let location = xhr.getResponseHeader('Location');
if (typeof location === 'string' && location.length) {
debug(`Discovery redirected to ${location}`);
return url.format({
protocol: endpoint.protocol,
pathname: location
} catch (error) {
debug('Discovery failed... failover to the provided url');
return endpoint.href;
* rfc 5397.
* @param {dav.Account} account to get principal url for.
let principalUrl = co.wrap(function *(account, options) {
debug(`Fetch principal url from context path ${account.rootUrl}.`);
let req = request.propfind({
props: [ { name: 'current-user-principal', namespace: ns.DAV } ],
depth: 0,
mergeResponses: true
let res = yield options.xhr.send(req, account.rootUrl, {
sandbox: options.sandbox
let container = res.props;
debug(`Received principal: ${container.currentUserPrincipal}`);
return url.resolve(account.rootUrl, container.currentUserPrincipal);
* @param {dav.Account} account to get home url for.
let homeUrl = co.wrap(function *(account, options) {
debug(`Fetch home url from principal url ${account.principalUrl}.`);
let prop;
if (options.accountType === 'caldav') {
prop = { name: 'calendar-home-set', namespace: ns.CALDAV };
} else if (options.accountType === 'carddav') {
prop = { name: 'addressbook-home-set', namespace: ns.CARDDAV };
var req = request.propfind({ props: [ prop ] });
let responses = yield options.xhr.send(req, account.principalUrl, {
sandbox: options.sandbox
let response = responses.find(response => {
return fuzzyUrlEquals(account.principalUrl, response.href);
let container = response.props;
let href;
if (options.accountType === 'caldav') {
debug(`Received home: ${container.calendarHomeSet}`);
href = container.calendarHomeSet;
} else if (options.accountType === 'carddav') {
debug(`Received home: ${container.addressbookHomeSet}`);
href = container.addressbookHomeSet;
return url.resolve(account.rootUrl, href);
* Options:
* (String) accountType - one of 'caldav' or 'carddav'. Defaults to 'caldav'.
* (Array.<Object>) filters - list of caldav filters to send with request.
* (Boolean) loadCollections - whether or not to load dav collections.
* (Boolean) loadObjects - whether or not to load dav objects.
* (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox.
* (String) server - some url for server (needn't be base url).
* (String) timezone - VTIMEZONE calendar object.
* (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender.
* @return {Promise} a promise that will resolve with a dav.Account object.
exports.createAccount = co.wrap(function *(options) {
options = Object.assign({}, defaults, options);
if (typeof options.loadObjects !== 'boolean') {
options.loadObjects = options.loadCollections;
let account = new Account({
server: options.server,
credentials: options.xhr.credentials
account.rootUrl = yield serviceDiscovery(account, options);
account.principalUrl = yield principalUrl(account, options);
account.homeUrl = yield homeUrl(account, options);
if (!options.loadCollections) {
return account;
let key, loadCollections, loadObjects;
if (options.accountType === 'caldav') {
key = 'calendars';
loadCollections = listCalendars;
loadObjects = listCalendarObjects;
} else if (options.accountType === 'carddav') {
key = 'addressBooks';
loadCollections = listAddressBooks;
loadObjects = listVCards;
var collections = yield loadCollections(account, options);
account[key] = collections;
if (!options.loadObjects) {
return account;
yield *(collection) {
try {
collection.objects = yield loadObjects(collection, options);
} catch (error) {
collection.error = error;
account[key] = account[key].filter(function(collection) {
return !collection.error;
return account;