**Table of Contents** *generated with [DocToc](http://doctoc.herokuapp.com/)* - [1.7.8](#178) - [1.7.7](#177) - [1.7.6](#176) - [1.7.5](#175) - [1.7.4](#174) - [1.7.3](#173) - [1.7.2](#172) - [1.7.0](#170) - [1.6.5](#165) - [1.6.4](#164) - [1.6.3](#163) - [1.6.2](#162) - [1.6.1](#161) - [1.6.0](#160) - [1.5.5](#155) - [1.5.4](#154) - [1.5.3](#153) - [1.5.2](#152) - [1.5.1](#151) - [1.5.0](#150) - [1.4.1](#141) - [1.4.0](#140) - [1.3.0](#130) - [1.2.0](#120) - [1.1.2](#112) - [1.1.1](#111) - [1.1.0](#110) - [1.0.4](#104) - [1.0.3](#103) - [1.0.2](#102) - [1.0.1](#101) - [1.0.0](#100) - [0.11.0](#0110) - [0.10.1](#0101) - [0.10.0](#0100) - [0.9.3](#093) - [0.9.2](#092) - [0.9.1](#091) - [0.9.0](#090) - [0.8.0](#080) - [0.7.1](#071) - [0.7.0](#070) - [0.6.0](#060) - [0.5.0](#050) - [0.4.0](#040) - [0.3.1](#031) - [0.3.0](#030) - [0.2.0](#020) - [0.1.0](#010) ### 1.7.8 + `listCalendars` passes through all calendars that contain iCalendar objects and not just `VEVENT`s. ### 1.7.7 + Parser processes href and currentUserPrincipal elements ### 1.7.6 + Bundle `regeneratorRuntime` and polyfills for `Array.prototype.find` and `Object.assign` so that consumers don't need babel polyfill. ### 1.7.5 + Trimmed the binary size to 128k minified + Remove babel polyfill + Remove handlebars ### 1.7.4 + Precompile handlebars templates + Use custom debug module ### 1.7.3 + Google CardDAV wasn't working due to a few issues like our url comparison, Google requiring at least one filter for an addressbook query, and Google sometimes returning propstats with statuses but no props. ### 1.7.2 + Fix outstanding nodejs compatibility issues + Expose dav.version ### 1.7.0 + Remove lodash, json-stringify-safe, don't expose jsonify ### 1.6.5 + Add brfs as a dependency so that downstream consumers can browserify us ### 1.6.4 + Workaround https://github.com/substack/brfs/issues/39 ### 1.6.3 + Convert to use new es6/7 features and transpile with babel ### 1.6.2 + Export debug library under dav ns ### 1.6.1 + Don't bundle xmlhttprequest polyfill in browser binary... again ### 1.6.0 + Add #syncCaldavAccount and #syncCarddavAccount to the public api + Expose dav.jsonify and dav.ns + Small correctness fix to error case in basic calendar sync ### 1.5.5 + Bundle XMLHttpRequest polyfill for environments where it's not available ### 1.5.4 + Fix browser globals ### 1.5.3 + Don't use window in web workers ### 1.5.2 + Use xmldom in the browser since it's missing from web workers ### 1.5.1 + Expose dav browserify configuration to npm consumers ### 1.5.0 + Decouple requests from the urls they get sent to ### 1.4.1 + Add missing use strict statement to lib/index.js ### 1.4.0 + New sandbox interface ### 1.3.0 + Expose dav.Model, dav.Request, dav.Transport ### 1.2.0 + Implement client#send ### 1.1.2 + Trick browserify into not bundling node shims for web apis ### 1.1.1 + %s/toString/jsonify/ for models ### 1.1.0 + Support for rfc 6352 carddav ### 1.0.4 + Implement #toString on models ### 1.0.3 + Internal DELETE, PUT request refactor ### 1.0.2 + davinci -> dav ### 1.0.1 + Fix issues with browserify build ### 1.0.0 + Update interfaces for pluggable transports, expose transport layer + Support for oauth2 authentication + Clean up internal multistatus parser ### 0.11.0 + Support for rfc 6578 webdav sync ### 0.10.1 + Set request depth to 0 in the "getctag" propfind issued during sync ### 0.10.0 + Implement time-range filters for calendar queries ### 0.9.3 + Remove dependencies on ical.js and underscore ### 0.9.2 + Fix npm package + Change npm name to davincijs ### 0.9.1 + remove nodejs polyfills for DOMParser and XMLHttpRequest from build output + generate minified binaries ### 0.9.0 + Implement davinci.Client interface + Add transport layer to decouple request details and sending ### 0.8.0 + Expose low-level request methods through davinci.request + Add hook to requests to override transformResponse ### 0.7.1 + Expose the underlying, xml parsed dav responses on davinci.Calendar and davinci.CalendarObject models. ### 0.7.0 + Support providing timezone option to #createAccount and #syncCalendar ### 0.6.0 + #syncCalendar added to public api + The promise returned from #createAccount now resolves with a davinci.Account object instead of an array of davinci.Calendar objects. ### 0.5.0 + #deleteCalendarObject added to public api ### 0.4.0 + #updateCalendarObject added to public api + Internal api refactoring to expose Request objects ### 0.3.1 + Patch bug in build due to bug in brfs. ### 0.3.0 + #createCalendarObject modified to support sandboxing. ### 0.2.0 + #createCalendarObject added to public api ### 0.1.0 + #createAccount added to public api + #createSandbox added to public api