import co from 'co'; import url from 'url'; import fuzzyUrlEquals from './fuzzy_url_equals'; import { Calendar, CalendarObject } from './model'; import * as ns from './namespace'; import * as request from './request'; import * as webdav from './webdav'; let debug = require('./debug')('dav:calendars'); const ICAL_OBJS = new Set([ 'VEVENT', 'VTODO', 'VJOURNAL', 'VFREEBUSY', 'VTIMEZONE', 'VALARM' ]); /** * @param {dav.Account} account to fetch calendars for. */ export let listCalendars = co.wrap(function *(account, options) { debug(`Fetch calendars from home url ${account.homeUrl}`); var req = request.propfind({ props: [ { name: 'calendar-description', namespace: ns.CALDAV }, { name: 'calendar-timezone', namespace: ns.CALDAV }, { name: 'displayname', namespace: ns.DAV }, { name: 'getctag', namespace: ns.CALENDAR_SERVER }, { name: 'resourcetype', namespace: ns.DAV }, { name: 'supported-calendar-component-set', namespace: ns.CALDAV }, { name: 'sync-token', namespace: ns.DAV } ], depth: 1 }); let responses = yield options.xhr.send(req, account.homeUrl, { sandbox: options.sandbox }); debug(`Found ${responses.length} calendars.`); let cals = responses .filter(res => { // We only want the calendar if it contains iCalendar objects. let components = res.props.supportedCalendarComponentSet || []; return components.reduce((hasObjs, component) => { return hasObjs || ICAL_OBJS.has(component) }, false) }) .map(res => { debug(`Found calendar ${res.props.displayname}, props: ${JSON.stringify(res.props)}`); return new Calendar({ data: res, account: account, description: res.props.calendarDescription, timezone: res.props.calendarTimezone, url: url.resolve(account.rootUrl, res.href), ctag: res.props.getctag, displayName: res.props.displayname, components: res.props.supportedCalendarComponentSet, resourcetype: res.props.resourcetype, syncToken: res.props.syncToken }); }); yield *(cal) { cal.reports = yield webdav.supportedReportSet(cal, options); })); return cals; }); /** * @param {dav.Calendar} calendar the calendar to put the object on. * @return {Promise} promise will resolve when the calendar has been created. * * Options: * * (String) data - rfc 5545 VCALENDAR object. * (String) filename - name for the calendar ics file. * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export function createCalendarObject(calendar, options) { var objectUrl = url.resolve(calendar.url, options.filename); return webdav.createObject(objectUrl,, options); }; /** * @param {dav.CalendarObject} calendarObject updated calendar object. * @return {Promise} promise will resolve when the calendar has been updated. * * Options: * * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export function updateCalendarObject(calendarObject, options) { return webdav.updateObject( calendarObject.url, calendarObject.calendarData, calendarObject.etag, options ); } /** * @param {dav.CalendarObject} calendarObject target calendar object. * @return {Promise} promise will resolve when the calendar has been deleted. * * Options: * * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export function deleteCalendarObject(calendarObject, options) { return webdav.deleteObject( calendarObject.url, calendarObject.etag, options ); } /** * @param {dav.Calendar} calendar the calendar to fetch objects for. * * Options: * * (Array.) filters - optional caldav filters. * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export let listCalendarObjects = co.wrap(function *(calendar, options) { debug(`Doing REPORT on calendar ${calendar.url} which belongs to ${calendar.account.credentials.username}`); let filters = options.filters || [{ type: 'comp-filter', attrs: { name: 'VCALENDAR' }, children: [{ type: 'comp-filter', attrs: { name: 'VEVENT' } }] }]; let req = request.calendarQuery({ depth: 1, props: [ { name: 'getetag', namespace: ns.DAV }, { name: 'calendar-data', namespace: ns.CALDAV } ], filters: filters }); let responses = yield options.xhr.send(req, calendar.url, { sandbox: options.sandbox }); return => { debug(`Found calendar object with url ${res.href}`); return new CalendarObject({ data: res, calendar: calendar, url: url.resolve(calendar.account.rootUrl, res.href), etag: res.props.getetag, calendarData: res.props.calendarData }); }); }); /** * @param {dav.Calendar} calendar the calendar to fetch updates to. * @return {Promise} promise will resolve with updated calendar object. * * Options: * * (Array.) filters - list of caldav filters to send with request. * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (String) syncMethod - either 'basic' or 'webdav'. If unspecified, will * try to do webdav sync and failover to basic sync if rfc 6578 is not * supported by the server. * (String) timezone - VTIMEZONE calendar object. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export function syncCalendar(calendar, options) { options.basicSync = basicSync; options.webdavSync = webdavSync; return webdav.syncCollection(calendar, options); } /** * @param {dav.Account} account the account to fetch updates for. * @return {Promise} promise will resolve with updated account. * * Options: * * (dav.Sandbox) sandbox - optional request sandbox. * (dav.Transport) xhr - request sender. */ export let syncCaldavAccount = co.wrap(function *(account, options={}) { options.loadObjects = false; if (!account.calendars) account.calendars = []; let cals = yield listCalendars(account, options); cals .filter(cal => { // Filter the calendars not previously seen. return account.calendars.every(prev => !fuzzyUrlEquals(prev.url, cal.url)); }) .forEach(cal => { // Add them to the account's calendar list. account.calendars.push(cal); }); options.loadObjects = true; yield *(cal, index) { try { yield syncCalendar(cal, options); } catch (error) { debug(`Sync calendar ${cal.displayName} failed with ${error}`); account.calendars.splice(index, 1); } })); return account; }); let basicSync = co.wrap(function *(calendar, options) { let sync = yield webdav.isCollectionDirty(calendar, options); if (!sync) { debug('Local ctag matched remote! No need to sync :).'); return calendar; } debug('ctag changed so we need to fetch stuffs.'); calendar.objects = yield listCalendarObjects(calendar, options); return calendar; }); let webdavSync = co.wrap(function *(calendar, options) { var req = request.syncCollection({ props: [ { name: 'getetag', namespace: ns.DAV }, { name: 'calendar-data', namespace: ns.CALDAV } ], syncLevel: 1, syncToken: calendar.syncToken }); let result = yield options.xhr.send(req, calendar.url, { sandbox: options.sandbox }); // TODO(gareth): Handle creations and deletions. result.responses.forEach(function(response) { // Find the calendar object that this response corresponds with. var calendarObject = calendar.objects.filter(function(object) { return fuzzyUrlEquals(object.url, response.href); })[0]; if (!calendarObject) { return; } calendarObject.etag = response.props.getetag; calendarObject.calendarData = response.props.calendarData; }); calendar.syncToken = result.syncToken; return calendar; });