
305 lines
8.5 KiB

- @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 John Molakvoæ <>
- @author John Molakvoæ <>
- @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
<div v-if="propModel" :class="`grid-span-${gridLength}`" class="property">
<!-- title if first element -->
<PropertyTitle v-if="isFirstProperty && propModel.icon"
:info="" />
<div class="property__row">
<!-- type selector -->
<multiselect v-if="propModel.options"
:placeholder="t('contacts', 'Select type')"
@input="updateType" />
<!-- if we do not support any type on our model but one is set anyway -->
<div v-else-if="selectType" class="property__label">
{{ }}
<!-- no options, empty space -->
<div v-else class="property__label">
{{ propModel.readableName }}
<!-- Real input where the picker shows -->
<DatetimePicker :value="vcardTimeLocalValue.toJSDate()"
@confirm="debounceUpdateValue" />
<!-- props actions -->
<PropertyActions :actions="actions" :property-component="this" @delete="deleteProperty" />
import debounce from 'debounce'
import moment from 'moment'
import { DatetimePicker } from 'nextcloud-vue'
import { getLocale } from 'nextcloud-l10n'
import { VCardTime } from 'ical.js'
import PropertyMixin from '../../mixins/PropertyMixin'
import PropertyTitle from './PropertyTitle'
import PropertyActions from './PropertyActions'
export default {
name: 'PropertyDateTime',
components: {
mixins: [PropertyMixin],
props: {
value: {
type: [VCardTime, String],
default: '',
required: true
data() {
return {
// input type following DatePicker docs
inputType: this.propType === 'date-time' || this.propType === 'date-and-or-time'
? 'datetime'
: this.propType === 'date'
? 'date'
: 'time',
// locale and lang data
locale: 'en',
firstDay: window.firstDay + 1, // provided by nextcloud
lang: {
days: window.dayNamesShort, // provided by nextcloud
months: window.monthNamesShort, // provided by nextcloud
placeholder: {
date: t('contacts', 'Select Date')
dateFormat: {
stringify: (date) => {
return date ? this.formatDateTime() : null
computed: {
gridLength() {
let hasTitle = this.isFirstProperty && this.propModel.icon ? 1 : 0
let isLast = this.isLastProperty ? 1 : 0
// length is always one & add one space at the end
return hasTitle + 1 + isLast
// make sure the property is valid
vcardTimeLocalValue() {
if (typeof this.localValue === 'string') {
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
return new VCardTime.fromDateAndOrTimeString(this.localValue)
return this.localValue
async mounted() {
// Load the locale
// convert format like en_GB to en-gb for `moment.js`
let locale = getLocale().replace('_', '-').toLowerCase()
try {
// default load e.g. fr-fr
await import('moment/locale/' + locale)
this.locale = locale
} catch (e) {
try {
// failure: fallback to fr
locale = locale.split('-')[0]
await import('moment/locale/' + locale)
} catch (e) {
// failure, fallback to english
console.debug('Fallback to locale', 'en')
locale = 'en'
} finally {
// force locale change to update
// the component once done loading
this.locale = locale
console.debug('Locale used', locale)
methods: {
* Debounce and send update event to parent
debounceUpdateValue: debounce(function(date) {
const objMap = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second']
const rawArray = moment(date).toArray()
let dateObject = rawArray.reduce((acc, cur, index) => {
acc[objMap[index]] = cur
return acc
}, {})
* VCardTime starts months at 1
* but moment and js starts at 0
* ! since we use moment to generate our time array
* ! we need to make sure the conversion to VCardTime is done well
}, 500),
updateValue(dateObject, forceYear) {
const ignoreYear ='x-apple-omit-year')
* If forceYear, we add back the year!
* taken from x-apple-omit-year parameter
* of from the current year if we don't have
* any other appropriate year data
if (forceYear) {'x-apple-omit-year')
dateObject.year = parseInt(ignoreYear) ? ignoreYear : moment().year()
} else
* Use the current year to ensure we do not lose
* the year data on v4.0 since we currently have
* no options to remove the year selection.
* ! using this.value since this.localValue reflect the current change
* ! so we need to make sure we do not use the updated data
* If we force the removal of the year (vcard 4.0 only)
* year is still valid on the apple format x-apple-omit-year
if (!this.value.year) {
dateObject.year = null
} else
// Apple style omit year parameter
// if year changed and we were already
// ignoring the year, we update the parameter
if (ignoreYear && dateObject.year) {'x-apple-omit-year', parseInt(dateObject.year).toString())
// reset the VCardTime component to the selected date/time
this.localValue = new VCardTime(dateObject, null, this.propType)
// Use moment to convert the JsDate to Object
this.$emit('update:value', this.localValue)
* Format time with locale to display only
* Using the Object as hared data since it's the only way
* for us to forcefully omit some data (no year, or no time... etc)
* and ths only common syntax between js Date, moment and VCardTime
* @returns {string}
formatDateTime: function() {
// this is the only possibility for us to ensure
// no data is lost. e.g. if no second are set
// the second will be null and not 0
let datetimeData = this.vcardTimeLocalValue.toJSON()
let datetime = ''
const ignoreYear ='x-apple-omit-year')
if (ignoreYear) {
datetimeData.year = null
// FUN FACT: JS date starts month at zero!
* Make sure to display the most interesting data.
* If the Object does not have any time, do not display
* the time and vice-versa.
// No hour, no minute and no second = date only
if (datetimeData.hour === null && datetimeData.minute === null && datetimeData.second === null) {
datetime = moment(datetimeData)
// No year, no month and no day = time only
} else if (datetimeData.year === null && datetimeData.month === null && === null) {
datetime = moment(datetimeData)
// Use input type to properly format our data
if (datetime === '') {
datetime = moment(datetimeData)
this.inputType === 'datetime'
? 'llll' // date & time display
: this.inputType === 'date'
? 'll' // only date
: 'LTS' // only time
return datetimeData.year === null
// replace year and remove double spaces
? datetime.replace(moment(this.vcardTimeLocalValue).year(), '').replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ')
: datetime