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* Copyright (C) by Olivier Goffart <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
#include "config.h"
#include "propagateupload.h"
#include "owncloudpropagator_p.h"
#include "networkjobs.h"
#include "account.h"
2017-09-01 16:11:43 +00:00
#include "common/syncjournaldb.h"
#include "common/syncjournalfilerecord.h"
#include "common/utility.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "propagatorjobs.h"
2017-09-01 16:11:43 +00:00
#include "common/checksums.h"
#include "syncengine.h"
#include "propagateremotedelete.h"
2017-09-01 16:11:43 +00:00
#include "common/asserts.h"
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QFileInfo>
#include <QDir>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
namespace OCC {
void PropagateUploadFileV1::doStartUpload()
_chunkCount = int(std::ceil(_fileToUpload._size / double(chunkSize())));
_startChunk = 0;
Q_ASSERT(_item->_modtime > 0);
if (_item->_modtime <= 0) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload()) << "invalid modified time" << _item->_file << _item->_modtime;
_transferId = uint(Utility::rand()) ^ uint(_item->_modtime) ^ (uint(_fileToUpload._size) << 16);
const SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo progressInfo = propagator()->_journal->getUploadInfo(_item->_file);
Q_ASSERT(_item->_modtime > 0);
if (_item->_modtime <= 0) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload()) << "invalid modified time" << _item->_file << _item->_modtime;
if (progressInfo._valid && progressInfo.isChunked() && progressInfo._modtime == _item->_modtime && progressInfo._size == _item->_size
&& (progressInfo._contentChecksum == _item->_checksumHeader || progressInfo._contentChecksum.isEmpty() || _item->_checksumHeader.isEmpty())) {
_startChunk = progressInfo._chunk;
_transferId = progressInfo._transferid;
qCInfo(lcPropagateUploadV1) << _item->_file << ": Resuming from chunk " << _startChunk;
} else if (_chunkCount <= 1 && !_item->_checksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
// If there is only one chunk, write the checksum in the database, so if the PUT is sent
// to the server, but the connection drops before we get the etag, we can check the checksum
// in reconcile (issue #5106)
SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo pi;
pi._valid = true;
pi._chunk = 0;
pi._transferid = 0; // We set a null transfer id because it is not chunked.
Q_ASSERT(_item->_modtime > 0);
if (_item->_modtime <= 0) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload()) << "invalid modified time" << _item->_file << _item->_modtime;
pi._modtime = _item->_modtime;
pi._errorCount = 0;
pi._contentChecksum = _item->_checksumHeader;
Upload: Store the size in the UploadInfo, and compare it when resolving potential conflict This is about the conflicts that happens when the file has been uploaded correctly to the server, but the etag was not recieved because the connection was closed before we got the reply. We used to compare only the mtime when comparing the uploaded file and the existing file. However, to be perfectly correct, we also should check the size. This was found because TestChunkingNG::connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved is flaky. Example of faillure found in while testing PR #6626 (very trimmed log:) 06-29 07:58:02:015 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting local discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:016 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 1935629 <-> 1935629, size: 301 <-> 300, perms: 0 <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:016 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:972 [ warning sync.networkjob ]: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(OperationCanceledError) "Connection timed out" QVariant(Invalid) .. next sync... 06-29 07:58:02:980 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Discovery start #################################################### 06-29 07:58:02:981 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting local discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:983 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 1935629 <-> 1935629, size: 302 <-> 300, perms: 0 <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:983 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:985 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting remote discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:985 [ info sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "http://localhost/owncloud" + "" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob" 06-29 07:58:02:987 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: 1644a8c8b26 <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 0 <-> 1935629, size: 301 <-> 300, perms: ff <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: SHA1:5adcdac9608ae0811247f07f4cf1ab0a2ef99154 <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:987 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:989 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Update detection for remote replica took 0.004 seconds walking 13 files 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Discovery end #################################################### 9 ms 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.database ]: Updating file record for path: "A/a0" inode: 1935629 modtime: 1530259082 type: 0 etag: "1644a8c8b26" fileId: "16383ea4" remotePerm: "WDNVCKR" fileSize: 301 checksum: "SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1" 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA client file: A/a0 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Reconciliation for local replica took 0 seconds visiting 13 files. 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA server dir: A 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Reconciliation for remote replica took 0 seconds visiting 13 files. 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Reconcile end #################################################### 9 ms 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.database ]: Updating local metadata for: "A/a0" 1530259082 302 1935629 FAIL! : TestChunkingNG::connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved(small file) '!fakeFolder.syncOnce()' returned FALSE. ()
2018-06-29 08:43:01 +00:00
pi._size = _item->_size;
propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, pi);
propagator()->_journal->commit("Upload info");
_currentChunk = 0;
propagator()->reportProgress(*_item, 0);
void PropagateUploadFileV1::startNextChunk()
if (propagator()->_abortRequested)
if (!_jobs.isEmpty() && _currentChunk + _startChunk >= _chunkCount - 1) {
// Don't do parallel upload of chunk if this might be the last chunk because the server cannot handle that
// We return now and when the _jobs are finished we will proceed with the last chunk
// NOTE: Some other parts of the code such as slotUploadProgress also assume that the last chunk
// is sent last.
qint64 fileSize = _fileToUpload._size;
auto headers = PropagateUploadFileCommon::headers();
headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-Total-Length")] = QByteArray::number(fileSize);
headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-Chunk-Size")] = QByteArray::number(chunkSize());
QString path = _fileToUpload._file;
qint64 chunkStart = 0;
qint64 currentChunkSize = fileSize;
bool isFinalChunk = false;
if (_chunkCount > 1) {
int sendingChunk = (_currentChunk + _startChunk) % _chunkCount;
// XOR with chunk size to make sure everything goes well if chunk size changes between runs
uint transid = _transferId ^ uint(chunkSize());
qCInfo(lcPropagateUploadV1) << "Upload chunk" << sendingChunk << "of" << _chunkCount << "transferid(remote)=" << transid;
path += QString("-chunking-%1-%2-%3").arg(transid).arg(_chunkCount).arg(sendingChunk);
headers[QByteArrayLiteral("OC-Chunked")] = QByteArrayLiteral("1");
chunkStart = chunkSize() * sendingChunk;
currentChunkSize = chunkSize();
if (sendingChunk == _chunkCount - 1) { // last chunk
currentChunkSize = (fileSize % chunkSize());
if (currentChunkSize == 0) { // if the last chunk pretends to be 0, its actually the full chunk size.
currentChunkSize = chunkSize();
isFinalChunk = true;
} else {
// if there's only one chunk, it's the final one
isFinalChunk = true;
qCDebug(lcPropagateUploadV1) << _chunkCount << isFinalChunk << chunkStart << currentChunkSize;
if (isFinalChunk && !_transmissionChecksumHeader.isEmpty()) {
qCInfo(lcPropagateUploadV1) << propagator()->fullRemotePath(path) << _transmissionChecksumHeader;
headers[checkSumHeaderC] = _transmissionChecksumHeader;
const QString fileName = _fileToUpload._path;
auto device = std::make_unique<UploadDevice>(
fileName, chunkStart, currentChunkSize, &propagator()->_bandwidthManager);
if (!device->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUploadV1) << "Could not prepare upload device: " << device->errorString();
// If the file is currently locked, we want to retry the sync
// when it becomes available again.
if (FileSystem::isFileLocked(fileName)) {
emit propagator()->seenLockedFile(fileName);
// Soft error because this is likely caused by the user modifying his files while syncing
abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, device->errorString());
// job takes ownership of device via a QScopedPointer. Job deletes itself when finishing
auto devicePtr = device.get(); // for connections later
auto *job = new PUTFileJob(propagator()->account(), propagator()->fullRemotePath(path), std::move(device), headers, _currentChunk, this);
connect(job, &PUTFileJob::finishedSignal, this, &PropagateUploadFileV1::slotPutFinished);
connect(job, &PUTFileJob::uploadProgress, this, &PropagateUploadFileV1::slotUploadProgress);
connect(job, &PUTFileJob::uploadProgress, devicePtr, &UploadDevice::slotJobUploadProgress);
connect(job, &QObject::destroyed, this, &PropagateUploadFileCommon::slotJobDestroyed);
if (isFinalChunk)
adjustLastJobTimeout(job, fileSize);
bool parallelChunkUpload = true;
if (propagator()->account()->capabilities().chunkingParallelUploadDisabled()) {
// Server may also disable parallel chunked upload for any higher version
parallelChunkUpload = false;
} else {
QByteArray env = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_PARALLEL_CHUNK");
if (!env.isEmpty()) {
parallelChunkUpload = env != "false" && env != "0";
} else {
int versionNum = propagator()->account()->serverVersionInt();
if (versionNum < Account::makeServerVersion(8, 0, 3)) {
// Disable parallel chunk upload severs older than 8.0.3 to avoid too many
// internal sever errors (#2743, #2938)
parallelChunkUpload = false;
if (_currentChunk + _startChunk >= _chunkCount - 1) {
// Don't do parallel upload of chunk if this might be the last chunk because the server cannot handle that
parallelChunkUpload = false;
if (parallelChunkUpload && (propagator()->_activeJobList.count() < propagator()->maximumActiveTransferJob())
&& _currentChunk < _chunkCount) {
if (!parallelChunkUpload || _chunkCount - _currentChunk <= 0) {
void PropagateUploadFileV1::slotPutFinished()
auto *job = qobject_cast<PUTFileJob *>(sender());
slotJobDestroyed(job); // remove it from the _jobs list
if (_finished) {
// We have sent the finished signal already. We don't need to handle any remaining jobs
_item->_httpErrorCode = job->reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();
_item->_responseTimeStamp = job->responseTimestamp();
_item->_requestId = job->requestId();
QNetworkReply::NetworkError err = job->reply()->error();
if (err != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
// The server needs some time to process the request and provide us with a poll URL
if (_item->_httpErrorCode == 202) {
QString path = QString::fromUtf8(job->reply()->rawHeader("OC-JobStatus-Location"));
if (path.isEmpty()) {
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("Poll URL missing"));
_finished = true;
// Check the file again post upload.
// Two cases must be considered separately: If the upload is finished,
// the file is on the server and has a changed ETag. In that case,
// the etag has to be properly updated in the client journal, and because
// of that we can bail out here with an error. But we can reschedule a
// sync ASAP.
// But if the upload is ongoing, because not all chunks were uploaded
// yet, the upload can be stopped and an error can be displayed, because
// the server hasn't registered the new file yet.
QByteArray etag = getEtagFromReply(job->reply());
_finished = etag.length() > 0;
// Check if the file still exists
const QString fullFilePath(propagator()->fullLocalPath(_item->_file));
if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullFilePath)) {
if (!_finished) {
abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("The local file was removed during sync."));
} else {
propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
// Check whether the file changed since discovery. the file check here is the original and not the temporary.
Q_ASSERT(_item->_modtime > 0);
if (_item->_modtime <= 0) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload()) << "invalid modified time" << _item->_file << _item->_modtime;
if (!FileSystem::verifyFileUnchanged(fullFilePath, _item->_size, _item->_modtime)) {
propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
if (!_finished) {
abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("Local file changed during sync."));
// FIXME: the legacy code was retrying for a few seconds.
// and also checking that after the last chunk, and removed the file in case of INSTRUCTION_NEW
if (!_finished) {
// Proceed to next chunk.
if (_currentChunk >= _chunkCount) {
if (!_jobs.empty()) {
// just wait for the other job to finish.
done(SyncFileItem::NormalError, tr("The server did not acknowledge the last chunk. (No e-tag was present)"));
// Deletes an existing blacklist entry on successful chunk upload
if (_item->_hasBlacklistEntry) {
_item->_hasBlacklistEntry = false;
SyncJournalDb::UploadInfo pi;
pi._valid = true;
auto currentChunk = job->_chunk;
foreach (auto *job, _jobs) {
// Take the minimum finished one
if (auto putJob = qobject_cast<PUTFileJob *>(job)) {
currentChunk = qMin(currentChunk, putJob->_chunk - 1);
pi._chunk = (currentChunk + _startChunk + 1) % _chunkCount; // next chunk to start with
pi._transferid = _transferId;
Q_ASSERT(_item->_modtime > 0);
if (_item->_modtime <= 0) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUpload()) << "invalid modified time" << _item->_file << _item->_modtime;
pi._modtime = _item->_modtime;
pi._errorCount = 0; // successful chunk upload resets
pi._contentChecksum = _item->_checksumHeader;
Upload: Store the size in the UploadInfo, and compare it when resolving potential conflict This is about the conflicts that happens when the file has been uploaded correctly to the server, but the etag was not recieved because the connection was closed before we got the reply. We used to compare only the mtime when comparing the uploaded file and the existing file. However, to be perfectly correct, we also should check the size. This was found because TestChunkingNG::connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved is flaky. Example of faillure found in while testing PR #6626 (very trimmed log:) 06-29 07:58:02:015 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting local discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:016 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 1935629 <-> 1935629, size: 301 <-> 300, perms: 0 <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:016 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:972 [ warning sync.networkjob ]: QNetworkReply::NetworkError(OperationCanceledError) "Connection timed out" QVariant(Invalid) .. next sync... 06-29 07:58:02:980 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Discovery start #################################################### 06-29 07:58:02:981 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting local discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:983 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 1935629 <-> 1935629, size: 302 <-> 300, perms: 0 <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:983 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:985 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: ## Starting remote discovery ## 06-29 07:58:02:985 [ info sync.networkjob ]: OCC::LsColJob created for "http://localhost/owncloud" + "" "OCC::DiscoverySingleDirectoryJob" 06-29 07:58:02:987 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: Database entry found, compare: 1530259082 <-> 1530259051, etag: 1644a8c8b26 <-> 1644a8c8750, inode: 0 <-> 1935629, size: 301 <-> 300, perms: ff <-> ff, type: 0 <-> 0, checksum: SHA1:5adcdac9608ae0811247f07f4cf1ab0a2ef99154 <-> SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1, ignore: 0 06-29 07:58:02:987 [ info sync.csync.updater ]: file: A/a0, instruction: INSTRUCTION_EVAL <<= 06-29 07:58:02:989 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Update detection for remote replica took 0.004 seconds walking 13 files 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Discovery end #################################################### 9 ms 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.database ]: Updating file record for path: "A/a0" inode: 1935629 modtime: 1530259082 type: 0 etag: "1644a8c8b26" fileId: "16383ea4" remotePerm: "WDNVCKR" fileSize: 301 checksum: "SHA1:cc9adedebe27a6259efb8d6ed09f4f2eff559ad1" 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA client file: A/a0 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Reconciliation for local replica took 0 seconds visiting 13 files. 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.reconciler ]: INSTRUCTION_UPDATE_METADATA server dir: A 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.csync.csync ]: Reconciliation for remote replica took 0 seconds visiting 13 files. 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.engine ]: #### Reconcile end #################################################### 9 ms 06-29 07:58:02:990 [ info sync.database ]: Updating local metadata for: "A/a0" 1530259082 302 1935629 FAIL! : TestChunkingNG::connectionDroppedBeforeEtagRecieved(small file) '!fakeFolder.syncOnce()' returned FALSE. ()
2018-06-29 08:43:01 +00:00
pi._size = _item->_size;
propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, pi);
propagator()->_journal->commit("Upload info");
// the following code only happens after all chunks were uploaded.
// the file id should only be empty for new files up- or downloaded
QByteArray fid = job->reply()->rawHeader("OC-FileID");
if (!fid.isEmpty()) {
if (!_item->_fileId.isEmpty() && _item->_fileId != fid) {
qCWarning(lcPropagateUploadV1) << "File ID changed!" << _item->_fileId << fid;
_item->_fileId = fid;
_item->_etag = etag;
if (job->reply()->rawHeader("X-OC-MTime") != "accepted") {
// X-OC-MTime is supported since owncloud 5.0. But not when chunking.
// Normally Owncloud 6 always puts X-OC-MTime
qCWarning(lcPropagateUploadV1) << "Server does not support X-OC-MTime" << job->reply()->rawHeader("X-OC-MTime");
// Well, the mtime was not set
void PropagateUploadFileV1::slotUploadProgress(qint64 sent, qint64 total)
// Completion is signaled with sent=0, total=0; avoid accidentally
// resetting progress due to the sent being zero by ignoring it.
// finishedSignal() is bound to be emitted soon anyway.
// See
if (sent == 0 && total == 0) {
int progressChunk = _currentChunk + _startChunk - 1;
if (progressChunk >= _chunkCount)
progressChunk = _currentChunk - 1;
// amount is the number of bytes already sent by all the other chunks that were sent
// not including this one.
// FIXME: this assumes all chunks have the same size, which is true only if the last chunk
// has not been finished (which should not happen because the last chunk is sent sequentially)
qint64 amount = progressChunk * chunkSize();
sender()->setProperty("byteWritten", sent);
if (_jobs.count() > 1) {
amount -= (_jobs.count() - 1) * chunkSize();
foreach (QObject *j, _jobs) {
amount += j->property("byteWritten").toULongLong();
} else {
// sender() is the only current job, no need to look at the byteWritten properties
amount += sent;
propagator()->reportProgress(*_item, amount);
void PropagateUploadFileV1::abort(PropagatorJob::AbortType abortType)
[this, abortType](AbstractNetworkJob *job) {
if (auto *putJob = qobject_cast<PUTFileJob *>(job)){
if (abortType == AbortType::Asynchronous
&& _chunkCount > 0
&& (((_currentChunk + _startChunk) % _chunkCount) == 0)
&& putJob->device()->atEnd()) {
return false;
return true;