
969 lines
39 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2022 by Claudio Cambra <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* for more details.
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Window 2.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.15
import com.nextcloud.desktopclient 1.0
import Style 1.0
import "../tray"
import "../"
Page {
id: root
signal closeShareDetails
signal deleteShare
signal createNewLinkShare
signal toggleAllowEditing(bool enable)
signal toggleAllowResharing(bool enable)
signal toggleHideDownload(bool enable)
signal togglePasswordProtect(bool enable)
signal toggleExpirationDate(bool enable)
signal toggleNoteToRecipient(bool enable)
signal permissionModeChanged(int permissionMode)
signal setLinkShareLabel(string label)
signal setExpireDate(var milliseconds) // Since QML ints are only 32 bits, use a variant
signal setPassword(string password)
signal setNote(string note)
property bool backgroundsVisible: true
property color accentColor: Style.ncBlue
property FileDetails fileDetails: FileDetails {}
property var shareModelData: ({})
property bool canCreateLinkShares: true
property bool serverAllowsResharing: true
readonly property var share: shareModelData.share ?? ({})
readonly property string iconUrl: shareModelData.iconUrl ?? ""
readonly property string avatarUrl: shareModelData.avatarUrl ?? ""
readonly property string text: shareModelData.display ?? ""
readonly property string detailText: shareModelData.detailText ?? ""
readonly property string link: ?? ""
readonly property string note: shareModelData.note ?? ""
readonly property string password: shareModelData.password ?? ""
readonly property string passwordPlaceholder: "●●●●●●●●●●"
readonly property var expireDate: shareModelData.expireDate // Don't use int as we are limited
readonly property var maximumExpireDate: shareModelData.enforcedMaximumExpireDate
readonly property string linkShareLabel: shareModelData.linkShareLabel ?? ""
readonly property bool resharingAllowed: shareModelData.resharingAllowed
readonly property bool editingAllowed: shareModelData.editingAllowed
readonly property bool hideDownload: shareModelData.hideDownload
readonly property bool noteEnabled: shareModelData.noteEnabled
readonly property bool expireDateEnabled: shareModelData.expireDateEnabled
readonly property bool expireDateEnforced: shareModelData.expireDateEnforced
readonly property bool passwordProtectEnabled: shareModelData.passwordProtectEnabled
readonly property bool passwordEnforced: shareModelData.passwordEnforced
readonly property bool isSharePermissionChangeInProgress: shareModelData.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
readonly property bool isHideDownloadInProgress: shareModelData.isHideDownloadInProgress
readonly property int currentPermissionMode: shareModelData.currentPermissionMode
readonly property bool isLinkShare: shareModelData.shareType === ShareModel.ShareTypeLink
readonly property bool isEmailShare: shareModelData.shareType === ShareModel.ShareTypeEmail
readonly property bool shareSupportsPassword: isLinkShare || isEmailShare
readonly property bool isFolderItem: shareModelData.sharedItemType === ShareModel.SharedItemTypeFolder
readonly property bool isEncryptedItem: shareModelData.sharedItemType === ShareModel.SharedItemTypeEncryptedFile || shareModelData.sharedItemType === ShareModel.SharedItemTypeEncryptedFolder || shareModelData.sharedItemType === ShareModel.SharedItemTypeEncryptedTopLevelFolder
property bool waitingForNoteEnabledChange: false
property bool waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange: false
property bool waitingForPasswordProtectEnabledChange: false
property bool waitingForExpireDateChange: false
property bool waitingForLinkShareLabelChange: false
property bool waitingForPasswordChange: false
property bool waitingForNoteChange: false
function showPasswordSetError(message) {
passwordErrorBoxLoader.message = message !== "" ?
message : qsTr("An error occurred setting the share password.");
function resetNoteField() {
noteTextEdit.text = note;
waitingForNoteChange = false;
function resetLinkShareLabelField() {
linkShareLabelTextField.text = linkShareLabel;
waitingForLinkShareLabelChange = false;
function resetPasswordField() {
passwordTextField.text = password !== "" ? password : passwordPlaceholder;
waitingForPasswordChange = false;
function resetExpireDateField() {
// Expire date changing is handled through expireDateChanged listening in the expireDateSpinBox.
// When the user edits the expire date field they are changing the text, but the expire date
// value is only changed according to updates from the server.
// Sometimes the new expire date is the same -- say, because we were on the maximum allowed
// expire date already and we tried to push it beyond this, leading the server to just return
// the maximum allowed expire date.
// So to ensure that the text of the spin box is correctly updated, force an update of the
// contents of the expire date text field.
waitingForExpireDateChange = false;
function resetNoteEnabledField() {
noteEnabledMenuItem.checked = noteEnabled;
waitingForNoteEnabledChange = false;
function resetExpireDateEnabledField() {
expireDateEnabledMenuItem.checked = expireDateEnabled;
waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange = false;
function resetPasswordProtectEnabledField() {
passwordProtectEnabledMenuItem.checked = passwordProtectEnabled;
waitingForPasswordProtectEnabledChange = false;
function resetMenu() {
// Renaming a link share can lead to the model being reshuffled.
// This can cause a situation where this delegate is assigned to
// a new row and it doesn't have its properties signalled as
// changed by the model, leading to bugs. We therefore reset all
// the fields here when we detect the share has been changed
onShareChanged: resetMenu()
// Reset value after property binding broken by user interaction
onNoteChanged: resetNoteField()
onPasswordChanged: resetPasswordField()
onLinkShareLabelChanged: resetLinkShareLabelField()
onExpireDateChanged: resetExpireDateField()
onNoteEnabledChanged: resetNoteEnabledField()
onExpireDateEnabledChanged: resetExpireDateEnabledField()
onPasswordProtectEnabledChanged: resetPasswordProtectEnabledField()
padding: Style.standardSpacing * 2
background: Rectangle {
color: palette.window
visible: root.backgroundsVisible
header: ColumnLayout {
spacing: root.padding
GridLayout {
id: headerGridLayout
Layout.fillWidth: parent
Layout.topMargin: root.topPadding
columns: 3
rows: 2
rowSpacing: Style.standardSpacing / 2
columnSpacing: Style.standardSpacing
Image {
id: fileIcon
Layout.rowSpan: headerGridLayout.rows
Layout.preferredWidth: Style.trayListItemIconSize
Layout.leftMargin: root.padding
Layout.fillHeight: true
verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter
source: root.fileDetails.iconUrl
sourceSize.width: Style.trayListItemIconSize
sourceSize.height: Style.trayListItemIconSize
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
EnforcedPlainTextLabel {
id: headLabel
Layout.fillWidth: true
text: qsTr("Edit share")
font.bold: true
elide: Text.ElideRight
CustomButton {
id: closeButton
Layout.rowSpan: headerGridLayout.rows
Layout.preferredWidth: Style.iconButtonWidth
Layout.preferredHeight: width
Layout.rightMargin: root.padding
icon.source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/clear.svg" + "/" + palette.buttonText
bgColor: palette.highlight
bgNormalOpacity: 0
toolTipText: qsTr("Dismiss")
onClicked: root.closeShareDetails()
EnforcedPlainTextLabel {
id: secondaryLabel
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.rightMargin: root.padding
color: palette.midlight
wrapMode: Text.Wrap
contentItem: ScrollView {
contentWidth: availableWidth
clip: true
ColumnLayout {
id: scrollContentsColumn
readonly property int rowIconWidth: Style.smallIconSize
readonly property int indicatorItemWidth: 20
readonly property int indicatorSpacing: Style.standardSpacing
readonly property int itemPadding: Style.smallSpacing
width: parent.width
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
visible: root.isLinkShare
Image {
Layout.preferredWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
Layout.fillHeight: true
verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter
fillMode: Image.Pad
source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/edit.svg/" + palette.dark
sourceSize.width: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
sourceSize.height: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
NCInputTextField {
id: linkShareLabelTextField
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
text: root.linkShareLabel
placeholderText: qsTr("Share label")
enabled: root.isLinkShare &&
onAccepted: if(text !== root.linkShareLabel) {
root.waitingForLinkShareLabelChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForLinkShareLabelChange
running: visible
z: 1
Loader {
Layout.fillWidth: true
active: !root.isFolderItem && !root.isEncryptedItem
visible: active
sourceComponent: CheckBox {
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checkable: true
checked: root.editingAllowed
text: qsTr("Allow upload and editing")
enabled: !root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
onClicked: root.toggleAllowEditing(checked)
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
running: visible
z: 1
Loader {
Layout.fillWidth: true
active: root.isFolderItem && !root.isEncryptedItem
visible: active
sourceComponent: ColumnLayout {
id: permissionRadioButtonsLayout
spacing: 0
width: parent.width
ButtonGroup {
id: permissionModeRadioButtonsGroup
NCRadioButton {
readonly property int permissionMode: ShareModel.ModeViewOnly
Layout.fillWidth: true permissionModeRadioButtonsGroup
enabled: !root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
checked: root.currentPermissionMode === permissionMode
text: qsTr("View only")
indicatorItemWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicatorItemHeight: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
onClicked: root.permissionModeChanged(permissionMode)
NCRadioButton {
readonly property int permissionMode: ShareModel.ModeUploadAndEditing
Layout.fillWidth: true permissionModeRadioButtonsGroup
enabled: !root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
checked: root.currentPermissionMode === permissionMode
text: qsTr("Allow upload and editing")
indicatorItemWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicatorItemHeight: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
onClicked: root.permissionModeChanged(permissionMode)
NCRadioButton {
readonly property int permissionMode: ShareModel.ModeFileDropOnly
Layout.fillWidth: true permissionModeRadioButtonsGroup
enabled: !root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
checked: root.currentPermissionMode === permissionMode
text: qsTr("File drop (upload only)")
indicatorItemWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicatorItemHeight: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
onClicked: root.permissionModeChanged(permissionMode)
CheckBox {
id: allowResharingCheckBox
Layout.fillWidth: true
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checkable: true
checked: root.resharingAllowed
text: qsTr("Allow resharing")
enabled: !root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress && root.serverAllowsResharing
visible: root.serverAllowsResharing
onClicked: root.toggleAllowResharing(checked);
Connections {
target: root
onResharingAllowedChanged: allowResharingCheckBox.checked = root.resharingAllowed
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.isSharePermissionChangeInProgress
running: visible
z: 1
Loader {
Layout.fillWidth: true
active: root.isLinkShare
visible: active
sourceComponent: ColumnLayout {
CheckBox {
id: hideDownloadEnabledMenuItem
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checked: root.hideDownload
text: qsTr("Hide download")
enabled: !root.isHideDownloadInProgress
onClicked: root.toggleHideDownload(checked);
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.isHideDownloadInProgress
running: visible
z: 1
CheckBox {
id: passwordProtectEnabledMenuItem
Layout.fillWidth: true
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checkable: true
checked: root.passwordProtectEnabled
text: qsTr("Password protect")
visible: root.shareSupportsPassword
enabled: visible &&
!root.waitingForPasswordProtectEnabledChange &&
onClicked: {
root.waitingForPasswordProtectEnabledChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForPasswordProtectEnabledChange
running: visible
z: 1
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
visible: root.shareSupportsPassword && root.passwordProtectEnabled
Image {
Layout.preferredWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
Layout.fillHeight: true
verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter
fillMode: Image.Pad
source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/lock-https.svg/" + palette.dark
sourceSize.width: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
sourceSize.height: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
NCInputTextField {
id: passwordTextField
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
text: root.password !== "" ? root.password : root.passwordPlaceholder
enabled: visible &&
root.passwordProtectEnabled &&
!root.waitingForPasswordChange &&
onAccepted: if(text !== root.password && text !== root.passwordPlaceholder) {
passwordErrorBoxLoader.message = "";
root.waitingForPasswordChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForPasswordChange ||
running: visible
z: 1
Loader {
id: passwordErrorBoxLoader
property string message: ""
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: message !== "" ? implicitHeight : 0
active: message !== ""
visible: active
sourceComponent: Item {
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
// Artificially add vertical padding
implicitHeight: passwordErrorBox.implicitHeight + (Style.smallSpacing * 2)
ErrorBox {
id: passwordErrorBox
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
text: passwordErrorBoxLoader.message
CheckBox {
id: expireDateEnabledMenuItem
Layout.fillWidth: true
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checkable: true
checked: root.expireDateEnabled
text: qsTr("Set expiration date")
enabled: !root.waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange && !root.expireDateEnforced
onClicked: {
root.waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange
running: visible
z: 1
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
visible: root.expireDateEnabled
Image {
Layout.preferredWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
Layout.fillHeight: true
verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter
fillMode: Image.Pad
source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/calendar.svg/" + palette.dark
sourceSize.width: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
sourceSize.height: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
NCInputDateField {
id: expireDateField
date: root.expireDate
onDateChanged: {
const value = valueFromText(text, expireDateSpinBox.locale);
root.setExpireDate(value * dayInMSecs);
root.waitingForExpireDateChange = true;
maximumDate: root.maximumExpireDate
minimumDate: {
const currentDate = new Date();
// Start of day at 00:00:0000 UTC
return new Date(Date.UTC(currentDate.getFullYear(),
currentDate.getDate() + 1));
enabled: root.expireDateEnabled &&
!root.waitingForExpireDateChange &&
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForExpireDateEnabledChange ||
running: visible
z: 1
CheckBox {
id: noteEnabledMenuItem
Layout.fillWidth: true
// TODO: Rather than setting all these palette colours manually,
// create a custom style and do it for all components globally.
// Additionally, we need to override the entire palette when we
// set one palette property, as otherwise we default back to the
// theme palette -- not the parent palette
palette {
text: Style.ncTextColor
windowText: Style.ncTextColor
buttonText: Style.ncTextColor
brightText: Style.ncTextBrightColor
highlight: Style.lightHover
highlightedText: Style.ncTextColor
light: Style.lightHover
midlight: Style.ncSecondaryTextColor
mid: Style.darkerHover
dark: Style.menuBorder
button: Style.buttonBackgroundColor
window: palette.dark // NOTE: Fusion theme uses darker window colour for the border of the checkbox
base: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipBase: Style.backgroundColor
toolTipText: Style.ncTextColor
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
padding: scrollContentsColumn.itemPadding
indicator.width: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
indicator.height: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
checkable: true
checked: root.noteEnabled
text: qsTr("Note to recipient")
enabled: !root.waitingForNoteEnabledChange
onClicked: {
root.waitingForNoteEnabledChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForNoteEnabledChange
running: visible
z: 1
RowLayout {
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0
spacing: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorSpacing
visible: root.noteEnabled
Image {
Layout.preferredWidth: scrollContentsColumn.indicatorItemWidth
Layout.fillHeight: true
verticalAlignment: Image.AlignVCenter
horizontalAlignment: Image.AlignHCenter
fillMode: Image.Pad
source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/edit.svg/" + palette.dark
sourceSize.width: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
sourceSize.height: scrollContentsColumn.rowIconWidth
NCInputTextEdit {
id: noteTextEdit
Layout.fillWidth: true
height: visible ? Math.max(Style.talkReplyTextFieldPreferredHeight, contentHeight) : 0
submitButton.height: Math.min(Style.talkReplyTextFieldPreferredHeight, height - 2)
text: root.note
enabled: root.noteEnabled &&
!root.waitingForNoteChange &&
onEditingFinished: if(text !== root.note) {
root.waitingForNoteChange = true;
NCBusyIndicator {
anchors.fill: parent
visible: root.waitingForNoteChange ||
running: visible
z: 1
CustomButton {
height: Style.standardPrimaryButtonHeight
icon.source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/close.svg/" + Style.errorBoxBackgroundColor
imageSourceHover: "image://svgimage-custom-color/close.svg/" + palette.brightText
text: qsTr("Unshare")
textColor: Style.errorBoxBackgroundColor
textColorHovered: "white"
contentsFont.bold: true
bgNormalColor: palette.button
bgHoverColor: Style.errorBoxBackgroundColor
bgNormalOpacity: 1.0
bgHoverOpacity: 1.0
onClicked: root.deleteShare()
CustomButton {
height: Style.standardPrimaryButtonHeight
icon.source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/add.svg/" + root.accentColor
imageSourceHover: "image://svgimage-custom-color/add.svg/" + palette.brightText
text: qsTr("Add another link")
textColor: root.accentColor
textColorHovered: palette.brightText
contentsFont.bold: true
bgNormalColor: palette.button
bgHoverColor: root.accentColor
bgNormalOpacity: 1.0
bgHoverOpacity: 1.0
visible: root.isLinkShare && root.canCreateLinkShares
enabled: visible
onClicked: root.createNewLinkShare()
footer: DialogButtonBox {
topPadding: 0
bottomPadding: root.padding
rightPadding: root.padding
leftPadding: root.padding
alignment: Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter
contentWidth: (contentItem as ListView).contentWidth
visible: copyShareLinkButton.visible
CustomButton {
id: copyShareLinkButton
function copyShareLink() {
clipboardHelper.text =;
shareLinkCopied = true;
property bool shareLinkCopied: false
height: Style.standardPrimaryButtonHeight
icon.source: "image://svgimage-custom-color/copy.svg/" + palette.brightText
text: shareLinkCopied ? qsTr("Share link copied!") : qsTr("Copy share link")
textColor: palette.brightText
contentsFont.bold: true
bgColor: shareLinkCopied ? Style.positiveColor : root.accentColor
bgNormalOpacity: 1.0
bgHoverOpacity: shareLinkCopied ? 1.0 : Style.hoverOpacity
visible: root.isLinkShare
enabled: visible
onClicked: copyShareLink()
Behavior on bgColor {
ColorAnimation { duration: Style.shortAnimationDuration }
Behavior on bgHoverOpacity {
NumberAnimation { duration: Style.shortAnimationDuration }
Behavior on Layout.preferredWidth {
SmoothedAnimation { duration: Style.shortAnimationDuration }
TextEdit {
id: clipboardHelper
visible: false
Timer {
id: shareLinkCopyTimer
interval: Style.veryLongAnimationDuration
onTriggered: copyShareLinkButton.shareLinkCopied = false