
135 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

# PROJECT: Multi Theft Auto v1.0
# LICENSE: See LICENSE in the top level directory
# FILE: utils/
# PURPOSE: Create a template .pot file from a .NSI script
# DEVELOPERS: Dan Chowdhury <>
# Multi Theft Auto is available from
import collections
import polib
import datetime
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--input", dest="input",
help="nightly.nsi location", default="../Shared/installer/nightly.nsi" )
parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="output",
help="POT file output location", default="installer.pot")
parser.add_option("-p", "--project", dest="project",
help="Project name to write to the POT file", default="MTA San Andreas Installer" )
parser.add_option("-v", "--version", dest="version",
help="Version to write to the POT file", default="1.x" )
parser.add_option("-l", "--lang", dest="lang",
help="Default language of the NSI", default="English" )
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
metadata = {
"Project-Id-Version" : (options.project + " " + options.version).strip(),
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To" : "",
"POT-Creation-Date" :'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z'),
"PO-Revision-Date" : "YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE",
"Last-Translator" : "FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>",
"Language-Team" : "LANGUAGE <>",
"Language" : "",
"MIME-Version" : "1.0",
"Content-Type" : "text/plain; charset=UTF-8",
"Content-Transfer-Encoding" : "8bit"
NSIFilePath = options.input
# Removes trailing \ which marks a new line
def removeEscapedNewLine(line):
newline = line.rstrip("\n")
newline = line.rstrip()
newlen = len(newline);
if newline.rfind("\\")+1 == len(newline):
return newline[:newlen-1]
return line
# Open our source file
NSIWorkingFile = open(NSIFilePath,"r")
NSIWorkingFileDir,NSIFileName = os.path.split(NSIFilePath)
# Create our new .POT file, and give our metadata
poFile = polib.POFile()
poFile.metadata = metadata
# Create a cache of messageValues : [ [fileName1,lineNumber1], [fileName2,lineNumber2]... ] (The same message could appear on multiple lines)
LangStringCache = collections.OrderedDict()
# Create a cache of messageValues : [ label1, label2 ] (The same message could have multiple NSIS labels)
LangStringLabels = {}
# What we're doing here is looping through each line of our .nsi till we find a LangString of the default language
# Then, we try and grab the line number, the label, and the text
# The text can be multiline, so we have to sometimes continue reading till we reach the end
lineNo = 1
while line != '':
commands = line.split()
if len(commands) > 3:
if commands[0] == "LangString" and commands[2].upper() == ("${LANG_%s}"%options.lang).upper():
label = commands[1]
value = ""
# Let's assume it's a one-liner
start = line.find('"') + 1
if start:
end = line.find('"',start)
if end != -1:
value = line[start:end]
else: # Nope, multiline
line = removeEscapedNewLine(line)
# Keep reading till we reach the end
value = line[start:]
line = NSIWorkingFile.readline()
lineNo += 1
while line != '':
line = removeEscapedNewLine(line)
end = line.find('"')
if end != -1: #If we found the closing character, append
value += line[:end].lstrip()
else: #If not, append and continue
value += line.lstrip()
lineNo += 1
# Remove whitespace and new lines
value = value.strip("\t\n")
value = polib.unescape ( value )
if not value in LangStringCache:
LangStringCache[value] = []
# Note down our file and line number
if not value in LangStringLabels:
LangStringLabels[value] = []
# Note down our label
lineNo += 1
# Now, we loop through our cache and build PO entries for each
# We use PO comment field to store our NSIS labels, so we can decode it back later
for msgid,lineOccurances in LangStringCache.iteritems():
entry = polib.POEntry(
comment=(" ").join(LangStringLabels[msgid])
# Finally, let's generate our POT file
print ( "NSI POT Export Operation complete" )