Add a tool for checking and changing labels

This commit is contained in:
Mark J. Cox 2020-02-05 10:49:33 +00:00
parent cbda6bd72e
commit 55a4f13f04
3 changed files with 195 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -36,5 +36,8 @@ ghpass.txt
# in case someone forgets and commits their token
# Generic

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
Do we have any open openssl PR requests that have the label
"approval: done" that are over 24 hours old? If so if there
have been no other comments added since then we can automatically
move them to "approval: ready to merge"
You need a token to make label changes and to ensure you don't
hit rate limiting if you just want a dry run. Get one from select 'repo' only
then put it in token.txt (prefix with the string "token ", i.e.
echo "token 12903413aaaaaa" > token.txt
to see what it would do:
python github-approve-label-workflow --debug --token token.txt
or to also actually change any labels
python github-approve-label-workflow --debug --token token.txt --commit

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
# Do we have any open PR's that have label "Approval: done"
# that are over 24 hours without any other comments?
# get a token.... -- just repo is fine
# pop it in token.txt or you'll get a bad API limit
# note that we'd use pyGithub but we can't as it doesn't fully handle the timeline objects
# as of Feb 2020
# Feb 2020
import requests
import json
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from optparse import OptionParser
api_url = ""
def convertdate(date):
# python fromisoformat needs a TZ in hours/minutes
return datetime.fromisoformat(date.replace('Z', '+00:00'))
# Get all the open pull requests, filtering by approval: done label
def getpullrequests():
url = api_url + "/pulls?per_page=100&page=1" # defaults to open
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
repos = res.json()
prs = []
while 'next' in res.links.keys():
res = requests.get(res.links['next']['url'], headers=headers)
# Let's filter by label if we're just looking to move things, we can parse
# everything for statistics in another script
for pr in repos:
if 'labels' in pr:
for label in pr['labels']:
if label['name'] == 'approval: done':
print("failed", repos['message'])
return prs
# Change the labels on an issue from approval: done to approval: ready to merge
def movelabelreadytodone(issue):
url = api_url + "/issues/" + str(issue) + "/labels/approval:%20done"
res = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)
if (res.status_code != 200):
print("Error removing label", res.status_code, res.content)
url = api_url + "/issues/" + str(issue) + "/labels"
newlabel = {"labels": ["approval: ready to merge"]}
res =, data=json.dumps(newlabel), headers=headers)
if (res.status_code != 200):
print("Error adding label", res.status_code, res.content)
# Check through an issue and see if it's a candidate for moving
def checkpr(pr):
url = api_url + "/issues/" + str(pr) + "/timeline?per_page=100&page=1"
res = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
repos = res.json()
while 'next' in res.links.keys():
res = requests.get(res.links['next']['url'], headers=headers)
comments = []
approvallabel = {}
readytomerge = 0
for event in repos:
if (event['event'] == "commented"):
if debug:
print("debug: commented at ",
if (event['event'] == "committed"):
if debug:
print("debug: created at ",
elif (event['event'] == "labeled"):
if debug:
print("debug: labelled with ", event['label']['name'],
"at", convertdate(event["created_at"]))
approvallabel[event['label']['name']] = convertdate(
elif (event['event'] == "unlabeled"):
if (debug):
print("debug: unlabelled with ", event['label']['name'],
"at", convertdate(event["created_at"]))
if event['label'][
'name'] in approvallabel: # have to do this for if labels got renamed in the middle
del approvallabel[event['label']['name']]
elif (event['event'] == "reviewed"
and event['state'] == "approved"):
if debug:
print("debug: approved at",
return (repos['message'])
if 'approval: ready to merge' in approvallabel:
return ("issue already has label approval: ready to merge")
if 'approval: done' not in approvallabel:
return ("issue did not get label approval: done")
approvedone = approvallabel['approval: done']
if max(comments) > approvedone:
return ("issue had comments after approval: done label was given")
now =
hourssinceapproval = (now - approvedone).total_seconds() / 3600
if debug:
print("Now: ", now)
print("Last comment: ", max(comments))
print("Approved since: ", approvedone)
print("hours since approval", hourssinceapproval)
if (hourssinceapproval < 24):
return ("not yet 24 hours since labelled approval:done hours:" +
if (options.commit):
print("Moving issue ", pr, " to approval: ready to merge")
print("use --commit to actually change the labels")
return (
"this issue was candidate to move to approval: ready to merge hours:" +
# main!
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-d","--debug",action="store_true",help="be noisy",dest="debug")
parser.add_option("-t","--token",help="file containing github authentication token for example 'token 18asdjada...'",dest="token")
parser.add_option("-c","--commit",action="store_true",help="actually change the labels",dest="commit")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if (options.token):
fp = open(options.token, "r")
git_token = fp.readline().strip('\n')
git_token = "" # blank token is fine, but you can't change labels and you hit API rate limiting
debug = options.debug
# since timeline is a preview feature we have to enable access to it with an accept header
headers = {
"Accept": "application/vnd.github.mockingbird-preview",
"Authorization": git_token
if debug:
print("Getting list of PRs")
prs = getpullrequests()
print("There were", len(prs), "open PRs with approval:done ")
for pr in prs:
print(pr, checkpr(pr))