# Hermann [![Gitter chat](https://badges.gitter.im/lookout/Hermann.png)](https://gitter.im/lookout/Hermann) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lookout/hermann.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lookout/hermann) A Ruby gem implementing a Kafka Publisher and Consumer On MRI (C-based Ruby), this library wraps the [librdkafka library](https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka) which is implemented in C. On JRuby this library [declares jar dependencies](https://github.com/mkristian/jar-dependencies/wiki/declare-jars-inside-gemspec) inside the `.gemspec` to express dependencies on the Java-based Kafka library provided by the Kafka project. Tools like [jbundler](https://github.com/mkristian/jbundler) will handle these declarations correctly. ### Usage Usage is modelled on the [kafka-rb gem](https://github.com/acrosa/kafka-rb) and is fairly straightforward. - Kafka 0.8 is supported. - Ruby 1.9.3, 2.1.1 and JRuby are tested against ### Producer #### Zookeeper discovery (JRuby-only) Discover Kafka brokers through zookeeper. Looks at ```/brokers/ids``` in Zookeeper to find the list of brokers. ```ruby require 'hermann/producer' require 'hermann/discovery/zookeeper' broker_ids_array = Hermann::Discovery::Zookeeper.new('localhost:2181').get_brokers producer = Hermann::Producer.new('topic', broker_ids_array) promise = producer.push('hello world') # send message to kafka promise.value # forces the Concurrent::Promise to finish excuting (#value!) promise.state # the state of the promise ``` #### MRI only ```ruby require 'hermann/producer' p = Hermann::Producer.new('topic', ['localhost:6667']) # arguments topic, list of brokers f = p.push('hello world from mri') f.state p.tick_reactor f.state ``` ### Consumer Messages can be consumed by calling the consume method and passing a block to handle the yielded messages. The consume method blocks, so take care to handle that functionality appropriately (i.e. use Concurrent::Promise, Thread, etc). #### (JRuby) ```ruby require 'hermann' require 'hermann/consumer' require 'hermann_jars' topic = 'topic' new_topic = 'other_topic' the_consumer = Hermann::Consumer.new(topic, zookeepers: "localhost:2181", group_id: "group1") the_consumer.consume(new_topic) do |msg| # can change topic with optional argument to .consume puts "Recv: #{msg}" end ``` #### (MRI) MRI currently has no zookeeper / client group support. ```ruby require 'hermann' require 'hermann/consumer' topic = 'topic' new_topic = 'other_topic' the_consumer = Hermann::Consumer.new(topic, brokers: "localhost:9092", partition: 1) the_consumer.consume(new_topic) do |msg| # can change topic with optional argument to .consume puts "Recv: #{msg}" end ``` #### How to convert from using jruby-kafka * Gemfile * remove jruby-kafka * add ```gem "hermann"``` * ```bundle install``` * Jarfile * removed unecessary jars from your Jarfile (i.e. kafka, log4j) * jar dependencies are automatically included with Hermann * ```jbundle install``` * Test out one of the Producer/Consumer examples above