require 'spec_helper' require 'hermann/producer' describe Hermann::Producer do subject(:producer) {, brokers, opts) } let(:topic) { 'rspec' } let(:brokers) { ['localhost:1337'] } let(:opts) { { 'request.required.acks' => '1' } } describe '#initialize' do context 'with C ruby', :platform => :mri do it 'joins broker array' do expect(Hermann::Provider::RDKafka::Producer).to receive(:new).with(brokers.first) expect(producer).to be_a Hermann::Producer end end context 'with Java', :platform => :java do it 'joins broker array' do expect(Hermann::Provider::JavaProducer).to receive(:new).with(brokers.first, opts) expect(producer).to be_a Hermann::Producer end end end describe '#create_result' do subject { producer.create_result } it { should be_instance_of Hermann::Result } it 'should add the result to the producers children' do expect(producer.children).to be_empty expect(subject).to be_instance_of Hermann::Result expect(producer.children).to_not be_empty end end describe '#push' do let(:msg) { 'foo' } let(:passed_topic) { 'bar' } let(:partition_key) { 'syncml_shard_68_master' } context 'without topic passed' do it 'uses initialized topic' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(msg, topic, anything, anything) producer.push(msg) end end context 'without topic passed', :platform => :java do it 'uses initialized topic and does not have a partition key' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(msg, topic, nil, anything) producer.push(msg) end end context 'with topic passed' do it 'can change topic' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(msg, passed_topic, anything, anything) producer.push(msg, :topic => passed_topic) end context 'and an array of messags' do it 'should propagate the topic' do messages = { |i| msg } expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(msg, passed_topic, anything, anything).exactly(messages.size).times producer.push(messages, :topic => passed_topic) end end end context 'with explicit partition key' do it 'uses the partition key' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(msg, topic, partition_key, anything) producer.push(msg, :partition_key => partition_key) end end context 'when reaping children', :platform => :java do subject { producer.push('f', :topic => passed_topic) } context 'with reapable children' do it 'should reap the children' do promise = Concurrent::Promise.execute { 'f' }.wait(1) producer.instance_variable_set(:@children, [promise]) expect{subject}.to change{producer.children.size}.by(0) end end context 'with no reapable children' do it 'should not reap the children' do promise = {'f'} producer.instance_variable_set(:@children, [promise]) expect{subject}.to change{producer.children.size}.by(1) end end end end describe '#create_result' do subject { producer.create_result } it { should be_instance_of Hermann::Result } it 'should add the result to the producers children' do expect(producer.children).to be_empty expect(subject).to be_instance_of Hermann::Result expect(producer.children).to_not be_empty end end describe '#connected?' do subject { producer.connected? } context 'by default' do before :each do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:connected?).and_call_original end it { should be false } end end describe '#connect' do let(:timeout) { 0 } subject(:connect!) { producer.connect(timeout) } it 'should delegate connection to the underlying Producer' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:connect).and_call_original connect! end end context "on C ruby", :platform => :mri do describe '#push' do subject(:result) { producer.push(value) } context 'error conditions' do shared_examples 'an error condition' do it 'should raise an exception' do expect { producer.push('rspec') }.to raise_error end end context 'with a bad broker configuration' do let(:brokers) { '' } it_behaves_like 'an error condition' end context 'with a non-existing broker' do let(:brokers) { ['localhost:13337'] } let(:timeout) { 2 } let(:value) { 'rspec' } it 'should reject' do future = result expect(future).not_to be_nil producer.tick_reactor(timeout) expect(future).to be_rejected end end context 'with a bad topic' do let(:topic) { '' } it_behaves_like 'an error condition' end end context 'with a single value' do let(:value) { 'hello' } it 'should invoke #push_single' do expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single) expect(result).to be_instance_of Hermann::Result end end context 'with an array value' do let(:value) { ['hello', 'world'] } it 'should invoke #push_single for each element' do value.each do |v| expect(producer.internal).to receive(:push_single).with(v, topic, anything, anything) end expect(result).to be_instance_of Array result.each do |elem| expect(elem).to be_instance_of Hermann::Result end end end end describe '#tick_reactor' do let(:timeout) { 0 } let(:internal) { double('Hermann::Provider::RDKafka::Producer mock') } subject(:tick) { producer.tick_reactor(timeout) } before :each do 3.times do child = allow(child).to receive(:completed?) { reap } producer.children << child end producer.instance_variable_set(:@internal, internal) expect(internal).to receive(:tick) end context 'with no reapable children' do let(:reap) { false } it 'should not reap the children' do count = producer.children.size expect(tick).to eql(0) expect(producer.children.size).to eql(count) end end context 'with reapable children' do let(:reap) { true } it 'should not reap the children' do count = producer.children.size expect(tick).to eql(count) expect(producer.children.size).to_not eql(count) end end end end end