require 'hermann' require 'concurrent' require 'json' module Hermann module Provider # This class simulates the kafka producer class within a java environment. # If the producer throw an exception within the Promise a call to +.value!+ # will raise the exception and the rejected flag will be set to true # class JavaProducer attr_accessor :producer #default kafka Producer options DEFAULTS = { 'serializer.class' => 'kafka.serializer.StringEncoder', 'partitioner.class' => 'kafka.producer.DefaultPartitioner', 'request.required.acks' => '1', 'message.send.max.retries' => '0' }.freeze # Instantiate JavaProducer # # @params [String] list of brokers # # @params [Hash] hash of kafka attributes, overrides defaults # # @raises [RuntimeError] if brokers string is nil/empty # # ==== Examples # #'0:9092', {'request.required.acks' => '1'}) # def initialize(brokers, opts={}) config = create_config(brokers, opts) @producer = end # Push a value onto the Kafka topic passed to this +Producer+ # # @param [Object] value A single object to push # @param [String] topic to push message to # # @return +Concurrent::Promise+ Representa a promise to send the # data to the kafka broker. Upon execution the Promise's status # will be set def push_single(msg, topic, unused) Concurrent::Promise.execute { begin data =, msg) # begin @producer.send(data) rescue Exception => e # rescue Java::KafkaCommon::FailedToSendMessageException => jexc # raise, # :java_exception => jexc) puts "............#{e.message}" puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end } end # No-op for now def connected? return false end # No-op for now def errored? return false end # No-op for now def connect(timeout=0) nil end private # Creates a ProducerConfig object # # @param [String] comma separated list of brokers # # @param [Hash] brokers passed into this function # @option args [String] :brokers - string of brokers # # @return [ProducerConfig] - packaged config for +Producer+ # # @raises [RuntimeError] if options does not contain key value strings def create_config(brokers, opts={}) brokers = { '' => brokers } options = DEFAULTS.merge(brokers).merge(opts) properties = Hermann.package_properties(options) end end end end