require 'hermann' require 'hermann/errors' module Hermann module Provider # Implements a java based consumer. The #consumer method loops infinitely, # the hasNext() method blocks until a message is available. class JavaSimpleConsumer attr_accessor :consumer, :topic, :zookeeper NUM_THREADS = 1 #default zookeeper connection options DEFAULTS = { '' => '400', '' => '200', '' => '1000' }.freeze # Instantiate JavaSimpleConsumer # # @params [String] list of zookeepers # # @params [String] Group ID # # @params [String] Kafka topic # # @params [Hash] kafka options for consumer # @option opts [Fixnum] :sleep_time Time to sleep between consume retries, defaults to 1sec # @option opts [Boolean] :do_retry Retry consume attempts if exceptions are thrown, defaults to true def initialize(zookeepers, groupId, topic, opts={}) config = create_config(zookeepers, groupId) @consumer = ConsumerUtil::Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(config) @topic = topic @sleep_time = opts.delete(:sleep_time) || 1 @do_retry = opts.delete(:do_retry) || true end # Shuts down the various threads created by createMessageStreams # This can be called after the thread executing consume has exited # to clean up. def shutdown @consumer.shutdown end # Starts infinite loop to consume messages. hasNext() blocks until a # message is available at which point it is yielded to the block # # @params [String] optional topic to override initialized topic # # ==== Examples # # consumer.consume do |message| # puts "Received: #{message}" # end # def consume(topic=nil) begin stream = get_stream(topic) it = stream.iterator while it.hasNext do yield end rescue Exception => e puts "#{}#consume exception: #{}" puts "Msg: #{e.message}" puts e.backtrace.join("\n") if retry? sleep @sleep_time retry else raise e end end end private def retry? @do_retry end # Gets the message stream of the topic. Creates message streams for # a topic and the number of threads requested. In this case the default # number of threads is NUM_THREADS. # # @params [String] optional topic to override initialized topic def get_stream(topic) current_topic = topic || @topic @topicCountMap = @value = NUM_THREADS.to_java Java::int @topicCountMap.put("#{current_topic}", @value) consumerMap = @consumer.createMessageStreams(@topicCountMap) consumerMap[current_topic].first end # Creates a ConsumerConfig object # # @param [String] zookeepers list # # @param [String] group ID # # @return [ConsumerConfig] - packaged config for +Consumer+ # # @raises [RuntimeError] if options does not contain key value strings def create_config(zookeepers, groupId, opts={}) config = connect_opts(zookeepers, groupId) options = DEFAULTS.merge(config).merge(opts) properties = Hermann.package_properties(options) end # Connection options to pass to ConsumerConfig def connect_opts(zookeepers, groupId) { 'zookeeper.connect' => zookeepers, '' => groupId } end end end end