Merge pull request #20 from lookout/dropwizard-metrics

Introduce dropwizard-metrics
This commit is contained in:
R. Tyler Croy 2015-03-20 11:37:14 -07:00
commit 789e7e863c
14 changed files with 365 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ apply plugin: 'application'
group = "com.github.lookout"
description = "A utility for monitoring the delay of Kafka consumers"
version = '0.1.5'
version = '0.1.6'
mainClassName = 'com.github.lookout.verspaetung.Main'
defaultTasks 'clean', 'check'
sourceCompatibility = '1.7'
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ repositories {
maven { url '' }
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
@ -55,7 +56,11 @@ dependencies {
/* Needed for command line options parsing */
compile 'commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2+'
compile 'com.timgroup:java-statsd-client:3.1.2+'
compile 'com.github.lookout:metrics-datadog:0.1.3'
['metrics-core', 'metrics-graphite'].each { artifactName ->
compile "io.dropwizard.metrics:${artifactName}:3.1.0"
/* Logback is to be used for logging through the app */
compile 'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.1.2+'

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ class KafkaBroker {
private Integer port
private Integer brokerId
public KafkaBroker(Object jsonObject, Integer brokerId) {
KafkaBroker(Object jsonObject, Integer brokerId) { =
this.port = jsonObject.port
this.brokerId = brokerId

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung
* POJO containing the necessary information to model a Kafka consumers
class KafkaConsumer {
String topic
Integer partition
String name
KafkaConsumer(String topic, Integer partition, String name) {
this.topic = topic
this.partition = partition = name
String toString() {
return "KafkaConsumer<${topic}:${partition} - ${name}>"
int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(this.topic, this.partition,
* Return true for any two KafkaConsumer instances which have the same
* topic, partition and name properties
boolean equals(Object compared) {
/* bail early for object identity */
if ( {
return true
if (!(compared instanceof KafkaConsumer)) {
return false
if ((this.topic == compared.topic) &&
(this.partition == compared.partition) &&
( == {
return true
return false

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@ -28,12 +28,14 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
private Boolean keepRunning = true
private Boolean shouldReconnect = false
private ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SimpleConsumer> brokerConsumerMap
private AbstractMap<TopicPartition, List<zk.ConsumerOffset>> consumersMap
private AbstractMap<TopicPartition, Long> topicOffsetMap
private List<Broker> brokers
private List<Closure> onDelta
private AbstractSet<String> currentTopics
KafkaPoller(AbstractMap map) {
this.consumersMap = map
KafkaPoller(AbstractMap map, AbstractSet topicSet) {
this.topicOffsetMap = map
this.currentTopics = topicSet
this.brokerConsumerMap = [:]
this.brokers = []
this.onDelta = []
@ -49,7 +51,10 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
if (this.consumersMap.size() > 0) {
/* Only makes sense to try to dump meta-data if we've got some
* topics that we should keep an eye on
if (this.currentTopics.size() > 0) {
@ -64,10 +69,10 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
withTopicsAndPartitions(metadata) { tp, p ->
try {
processDeltasFor(tp, p)
captureLatestOffsetFor(tp, p)
catch (Exception ex) {
logger.error("Failed to process deltas for ${tp.topic}:${tp.partition}", ex)
logger.error("Failed to fetch latest for ${tp.topic}:${tp.partition}", ex)
@ -92,23 +97,15 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
* Fetch the leader metadata and invoke our callbacks with the right deltas
* for the given topic and partition information
* Fetch the leader metadata and update our data structures
void processDeltasFor(TopicPartition tp, Object partitionMetadata) {
void captureLatestOffsetFor(TopicPartition tp, Object partitionMetadata) {
Integer leaderId = partitionMetadata.leader.get()?.id
Integer partitionId = partitionMetadata.partitionId
Long offset = latestFromLeader(leaderId, tp.topic, partitionId)
this.consumersMap[tp].each { zk.ConsumerOffset c ->
logger.debug("Values for ${c.groupName} on ${tp.topic}:${tp.partition}: ${offset} - ${c.offset}")
Long delta = offset - c.offset
this.onDelta.each { Closure callback ->, tp, delta)
this.topicOffsetMap[tp] = offset
Long latestFromLeader(Integer leaderId, String topic, Integer partition) {
@ -159,14 +156,6 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
this.shouldReconnect = true
* Collect all the topics from our given consumer map and return a list of
* them
private List<String> collectCurrentTopics() {
return this.consumersMap.keySet().collect { TopicPartition k -> k.topic }
* Return the brokers list as an immutable Seq collection for the Kafka
* scala underpinnings
@ -185,7 +174,7 @@ class KafkaPoller extends Thread {
private Object fetchMetadataForCurrentTopics() {
return ClientUtils.fetchTopicMetadata(
toScalaSet(new HashSet(collectCurrentTopics())),

View File

@ -3,27 +3,33 @@ package com.github.lookout.verspaetung
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.zk.BrokerTreeWatcher
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.zk.KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.zk.StandardTreeWatcher
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.metrics.ConsumerGauge
import java.util.AbstractMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import com.timgroup.statsd.StatsDClient
import com.timgroup.statsd.NonBlockingDogStatsDClient
import org.apache.commons.cli.*
import org.apache.curator.retry.ExponentialBackoffRetry
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFrameworkFactory
import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework
import org.coursera.metrics.datadog.DatadogReporter
import org.coursera.metrics.datadog.transport.UdpTransport
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import com.codahale.metrics.*
class Main {
private static final String METRICS_PREFIX = 'verspaetung'
private static StatsDClient statsd
private static Logger logger
private static ScheduledReporter reporter
private static final MetricRegistry registry = new MetricRegistry()
static void main(String[] args) {
String statsdPrefix = METRICS_PREFIX
@ -53,74 +59,115 @@ class Main {
statsdPrefix = "${cli.getOptionValue('prefix')}.${METRICS_PREFIX}"
registry.register(, 'heartbeat'),
new metrics.HeartbeatGauge())
ExponentialBackoffRetry retry = new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3)
CuratorFramework client = CuratorFrameworkFactory.newClient(zookeeperHosts, retry)
ConcurrentHashMap<TopicPartition, List<zk.ConsumerOffset>> consumers = new ConcurrentHashMap()
statsd = new NonBlockingDogStatsDClient(statsdPrefix, statsdHost, statsdPort)
KafkaPoller poller = setupKafkaPoller(consumers, statsd, cli.hasOption('n'))
/* We need a good shared set of all the topics we should keep an eye on
* for the Kafka poller. This will be written to by the tree watchers
* and read from by the poller, e.g.
* Watcher --/write/--> watchedTopics --/read/--> KafkaPoller
ConcurrentSkipListSet<String> watchedTopics = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>()
/* consumerOffsets is where we will keep all the offsets from Zookeeper
* from the Kafka consumers
ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaConsumer, Integer> consumerOffsets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>()
/* topicOffsets is where the KafkaPoller should be writing all of it's
* latest offsets from querying the Kafka brokers
ConcurrentHashMap<TopicPartition, Long> topicOffsets = new ConcurrentHashMap<>()
/* Hash map for keeping track of KafkaConsumer to ConsumerGauge
* instances. We're only really doing this because the MetricRegistry
* doesn't do a terrific job of exposing this for us
ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaConsumer, ConsumerGauge> consumerGauges = new ConcurrentHashMap<>()
KafkaPoller poller = new KafkaPoller(topicOffsets, watchedTopics)
BrokerTreeWatcher brokerWatcher = new BrokerTreeWatcher(client).start()
StandardTreeWatcher consumerWatcher = new StandardTreeWatcher(client, consumers).start()
brokerWatcher.onBrokerUpdates << { brokers -> poller.refresh(brokers) }
/* Need to reuse this closure for the KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher if we have
* one
Closure gaugeRegistrar = { KafkaConsumer consumer ->
registerMetricFor(consumer, consumerGauges, consumerOffsets, topicOffsets)
StandardTreeWatcher consumerWatcher = new StandardTreeWatcher(client,
consumerWatcher.onConsumerData << gaugeRegistrar
/* Assuming that most people aren't needing to run Storm-based watchers
* as well
if (cli.hasOption('s')) {
KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher stormWatcher = new KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(client, consumers)
KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher stormWatcher = new KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(client,
stormWatcher.onConsumerData << gaugeRegistrar
consumerWatcher.onInitComplete << {"standard consumers initialized to ${consumers.size()} (topic, partition) tuples")
if (cli.hasOption('n')) {
reporter = ConsoleReporter.forRegistry(registry)
else {
UdpTransport transport = new UdpTransport.Builder()
reporter = DatadogReporter.forRegistry(registry)
brokerWatcher.onBrokerUpdates << { brokers ->
/* Start the reporter if we've got it */
reporter?.start(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)"Starting wait loop...")
synchronized(this) {
static void registerMetricFor(KafkaConsumer consumer,
ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaConsumer, ConsumerGauge> consumerGauges,
ConcurrentHashMap<KafkaConsumer, Integer> consumerOffsets,
ConcurrentHashMap<TopicPartition, Long> topicOffsets) {
if (consumerGauges.containsKey(consumer)) {
}"Started wait loop...")
while (true) {
statsd?.recordGaugeValue('heartbeat', 1)
Thread.sleep(1 * 1000)
ConsumerGauge gauge = new ConsumerGauge(consumer,
consumerGauges.put(consumer, gauge)
this.registry.register(gauge.nameForRegistry, gauge)
* Create and start a KafkaPoller with the given statsd and consumers map
* Create the Options option necessary for verspaetung to have CLI options
static KafkaPoller setupKafkaPoller(AbstractMap consumers,
NonBlockingDogStatsDClient statsd,
Boolean dryRun) {
KafkaPoller poller = new KafkaPoller(consumers)
Closure deltaCallback = { String name, TopicPartition tp, Long delta ->
println "${tp.topic}:${tp.partition}-${name} = ${delta}"
if (!dryRun) {
deltaCallback = { String name, TopicPartition tp, Long delta ->
statsd.recordGaugeValue(tp.topic, delta, [
'topic' : tp.topic,
'partition' : tp.partition,
'consumer-group' : name
poller.onDelta << deltaCallback
return poller
static Options createCLI() {
Options options = new Options()
@ -170,6 +217,11 @@ class Main {
return options
* Parse out all the command line options from the array of string
* arguments
static CommandLine parseCommandLine(String[] args) {
Options options = createCLI()
PosixParser parser = new PosixParser()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung.metrics
import java.util.AbstractMap
import com.codahale.metrics.Gauge
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import org.coursera.metrics.datadog.Tagged
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.KafkaConsumer
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.TopicPartition
* Dropwizard Metrics Gauge for reporting the value of a given KafkaConsumer
class ConsumerGauge implements Gauge<Integer>, Tagged {
protected KafkaConsumer consumer
protected AbstractMap<KafkaConsumer, Integer> consumers
protected AbstractMap<TopicPartition, Long> topics
private TopicPartition topicPartition
ConsumerGauge(KafkaConsumer consumer,
AbstractMap<KafkaConsumer, Integer> consumers,
AbstractMap<TopicPartition, Long> topics) {
this.consumer = consumer
this.consumers = consumers
this.topics = topics
this.topicPartition = new TopicPartition(consumer.topic, consumer.partition)
Integer getValue() {
if ((!this.consumers.containsKey(consumer)) ||
(!this.topics.containsKey(topicPartition))) {
return 0
return ((Integer)this.topics[topicPartition]) - this.consumers[consumer]
List<String> getTags() {
return ["partition:${this.consumer.partition}",
].collect { s -> s.strings.join('') }
* return a unique name for this gauge
String getNameForRegistry() {
return "${this.consumer.topic}.${this.consumer.partition}.${}"
String getName() {
return this.consumer.topic
/* need to return this if we're just using the console or statsd
* reporters
return "${this.consumer.topic}.${this.consumer.partition}.${}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung.metrics
import com.codahale.metrics.*
* A simple gauge that will always just return 1 indicating that the process is
* alive
class HeartbeatGauge implements Gauge<Integer> {
Integer getValue() {
return 1

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung.zk
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.KafkaConsumer
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.TopicPartition
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
@ -11,12 +12,16 @@ import
abstract class AbstractConsumerTreeWatcher extends AbstractTreeWatcher {
protected AbstractMap<TopicPartition, List<ConsumerOffset>> consumersMap
protected AbstractMap<KafkaConsumer, Integer> consumerOffsets
protected AbstractSet<String> watchedTopics
protected List<Closure> onConsumerData = []
AbstractConsumerTreeWatcher(CuratorFramework client,
AbstractMap consumersMap) {
AbstractSet topics,
AbstractMap offsets) {
this.consumersMap = consumersMap
this.watchedTopics = topics
this.consumerOffsets = offsets
@ -61,17 +66,18 @@ abstract class AbstractConsumerTreeWatcher extends AbstractTreeWatcher {
* this class on instantiation
void trackConsumerOffset(ConsumerOffset offset) {
if (this.consumersMap == null) {
if (this.consumerOffsets == null) {
TopicPartition key = new TopicPartition(offset.topic, offset.partition)
this.watchedTopics << offset.topic
KafkaConsumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer(offset.topic,
this.consumerOffsets[consumer] = offset.offset
if (this.consumersMap.containsKey(key)) {
this.consumersMap[key] << offset
else {
this.consumersMap[key] = new CopyOnWriteArrayList([offset])
this.onConsumerData.each { Closure c ->

View File

@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ class KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher extends AbstractConsumerTreeWatcher {
private static final String ZK_PATH = '/kafka_spout'
private JsonSlurper json
KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(CuratorFramework client, AbstractMap consumersMap) {
super(client, consumersMap)
KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(CuratorFramework client,
AbstractSet topics,
AbstractMap offsets) {
super(client, topics, offsets)
this.json = new JsonSlurper()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung
import spock.lang.*
class KafkaConsumerSpec extends Specification {
String topic = 'spock-topic'
Integer partition = 2
String consumerName = 'spock-consumer'
def "the constructor should set the properties properly"() {
KafkaConsumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName)
consumer instanceof KafkaConsumer
consumer.topic == topic
consumer.partition == partition == consumerName
def "equals() is true with identical source material"() {
KafkaConsumer consumer1 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName)
KafkaConsumer consumer2 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName)
consumer1 == consumer2
def "equals() is false with differing source material"() {
KafkaConsumer consumer1 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName)
KafkaConsumer consumer2 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, "i am different")
consumer1 != consumer2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package com.github.lookout.verspaetung.metrics
import spock.lang.*
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.KafkaConsumer
import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.TopicPartition
class ConsumerGaugeSpec extends Specification {
private KafkaConsumer consumer
private TopicPartition tp
def setup() { = new TopicPartition('spock-topic', 1)
this.consumer = new KafkaConsumer(tp.topic, tp.partition, 'spock-consumer')
def "constructor should work"() {
ConsumerGauge gauge = new ConsumerGauge(consumer, [:], [:])
gauge.consumer instanceof KafkaConsumer
gauge.consumers instanceof AbstractMap
def "getValue() should source a value from the map"() {
ConsumerGauge gauge = new ConsumerGauge(this.consumer,
[(this.consumer) : 2],
[( : 3])
gauge.value == 1
def "getValue() should return zero for a consumer not in the map"() {
ConsumerGauge gauge = new ConsumerGauge(consumer, [:], [:])
gauge.value == 0

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class AbstractConsumerTreeWatcherSpec extends Specification {
class MockWatcher extends AbstractConsumerTreeWatcher {
MockWatcher() {
super(null, [:])
super(null, new HashSet(), [:])
ConsumerOffset processChildData(ChildData d) { }
String zookeeperPath() { return '/zk/spock' }
@ -63,10 +63,11 @@ class AbstractConsumerTreeWatcherSpec extends Specification {
watcher.consumersMap.size() == 1
watcher.consumerOffsets.size() == 1
watcher.watchedTopics.size() == 1
def "trackConsumerOffset() should append to a list for existing topics in the map"() {
def "trackConsumerOffset() append an offset but not a topic for different group names"() {
String topic = 'spock-topic'
TopicPartition mapKey = new TopicPartition(topic, 0)
@ -80,8 +81,8 @@ class AbstractConsumerTreeWatcherSpec extends Specification {
watcher.consumersMap.size() == 1
watcher.consumersMap[mapKey].size() == 2
watcher.watchedTopics.size() == 1
watcher.consumerOffsets.size() == 2

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class KafkaSpoutTreeWatcherSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
this.mockCurator = Mock(CuratorFramework)
this.watcher = new KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(this.mockCurator, [:])
this.watcher = new KafkaSpoutTreeWatcher(this.mockCurator, new HashSet(), [:])
def "consumerNameFromPath() should give the right name for a valid path"() {

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class StandardTreeWatcherSpec extends Specification {
def setup() {
this.mockCurator = Mock(CuratorFramework)
this.watcher = new StandardTreeWatcher(this.mockCurator, [:])
this.watcher = new StandardTreeWatcher(this.mockCurator, new HashSet(), [:])
def "processChildData should return null if the path is invalid"() {