package com.github.lookout.verspaetung import spock.lang.* class KafkaConsumerSpec extends Specification { String topic = 'spock-topic' Integer partition = 2 String consumerName = 'spock-consumer' def "the constructor should set the properties properly"() { given: KafkaConsumer consumer = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName) expect: consumer instanceof KafkaConsumer consumer.topic == topic consumer.partition == partition == consumerName } def "equals() is true with identical source material"() { given: KafkaConsumer consumer1 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName) KafkaConsumer consumer2 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName) expect: consumer1 == consumer2 } def "equals() is false with differing source material"() { given: KafkaConsumer consumer1 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, consumerName) KafkaConsumer consumer2 = new KafkaConsumer(topic, partition, "i am different") expect: consumer1 != consumer2 } }