language: java # Only the oraclejdk7 build on a tag will actually release jdk: - oraclejdk7 - oraclejdk8 # Using 'install' to run the clean to avoid Travis automatically calling # `./gradlew assemble and duplicating my work install: - ./gradlew clean # Invoke our default tasks, whatever is defined as important in the # build.gradle file script: - ./gradlew env: global: secure: MzcJafov6+fztyym0hZFTxjirTAgVFqFRO4pSSoDUZV71jHBYRKLmQxiaYpqdl9d7Q7Jz7UfNZRSisNwZQdeZjs0B9yJwy9m1mDlJaUXIWN/xzW04qPnZ5zxh1yJHK+UHIw5G2qRZSE42m9G3TSRBlUz6OMk+tr2UYErfnKzcsc= after_success: "./gradlew bintrayUpload -PbintrayUser=lookouteng -PbintrayKey=${BINTRAY_KEY}"