=== Hacking Verspätung Verspätung is a link:http://groovy-lang.org[Groovy]-based application which is built with link:http://gradle.org[Gradle]. As such, if you are already familiar with these tools you should be able to find your way around the project with relative ease. A quick primer on what tasks are available: * Running tests: `./gradlew check` * Running the app locally: `./gradlew run -PzookeeperHosts=localhost:2181` * Building the app for distribution: `./gradlew assemble` === Releasing Verspätung NOTE: This is mostly meant for the developer team. Currently releases can be produced by simply pushing a Git tag to this GitHub repository. This will cause Travis CI to build and test the tag, which if it is successful, will automatically publish to link:https://bintray.com/lookout/systems/verspaetung[Bintray].