package com.github.lookout.verspaetung.zk import com.github.lookout.verspaetung.KafkaBroker import groovy.json.JsonSlurper import groovy.transform.TypeChecked import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework import import /** * The BrokerTreeWatcher is a kind of watcher whose sole purpose is * to watch the segment of the Zookeeper tree where Kafka stores broker * information */ @TypeChecked class BrokerTreeWatcher extends AbstractTreeWatcher { static final Integer INVALID_BROKER_ID = -1 private static final String BROKERS_PATH = '/brokers/ids' private Boolean isTreeInitialized = false private final JsonSlurper json private final List onBrokerUpdates private final List brokers BrokerTreeWatcher(CuratorFramework client) { super(client) this.json = new JsonSlurper() this.brokers = [] this.onBrokerUpdates = [] } String zookeeperPath() { return BROKERS_PATH } /** * Process events like NODE_ADDED and NODE_REMOVED to keep an up to date * list of brokers */ @Override void childEvent(CuratorFramework client, TreeCacheEvent event) { /* If we're initialized that means we should have all our brokers in * our internal list already and we can fire an event */ if (event.type == TreeCacheEvent.Type.INITIALIZED) { this.isTreeInitialized = true List threadsafeBrokers = Collections.synchronizedList(this.brokers) this.onBrokerUpdates.each { Closure c -> c?.call(threadsafeBrokers) } return } if (event.type != TreeCacheEvent.Type.NODE_ADDED) { return } ChildData nodeData = Integer brokerId = brokerIdFromPath(nodeData.path) if (brokerId == INVALID_BROKER_ID) { return } Object brokerData = json.parseText(new String(, 'UTF-8')) this.brokers << new KafkaBroker(brokerData, brokerId) } /** * Process a path string from Zookeeper for the Kafka broker's ID * * We're expecting paths like: /brokers/ids/1231524312 */ Integer brokerIdFromPath(String path) { List pathParts = path?.split('/') as List if ((pathParts == null) || (pathParts.size() != 4)) { return INVALID_BROKER_ID } return new Integer(pathParts[-1]) } }