/* * PMPMapper.c * PmpMyApp * * Created by R. Tyler Ballance on 2/3/07. * Copyright 2007 bleep. LLC. All rights reserved. * */ #include "pmpmapper.h" //! double_timeout(struct timeval *) will handle doubling a timeout for backoffs required by NAT-PMP static void double_timeout(struct timeval *to) { int second = 1000000; // number of useconds to->tv_sec = (to->tv_sec * 2); to->tv_usec = (to->tv_usec * 2); // Overflow useconds if necessary if (to->tv_usec >= second) { int overflow = (to->tv_usec / second); to->tv_usec = (to->tv_usec - (overflow * second)); to->tv_sec = (to->tv_sec + overflow); } } /*! * pmp_get_public() will return a sockaddr_in * structure representing the publicly facing IP address of the * default NAT gateway. The function will return NULL if: * - The gateway doesn't support NAT-PMP * - The gateway errors in some other spectacular fashion */ struct sockaddr_in *pmp_get_public() { struct sockaddr_in *gateway = default_gw(); if (gateway == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot request public IP from a NULL gateway!\n"); return NULL; } if (gateway->sin_port != PMP_PORT) { gateway->sin_port = htons(PMP_PORT); // Default port for NAT-PMP is 5351 } int sendfd; int req_attempts = 1; struct timeval req_timeout; pmp_ip_request_t req; pmp_ip_response_t resp; struct sockaddr_in *publicsockaddr = NULL; req_timeout.tv_sec = 0; req_timeout.tv_usec = PMP_TIMEOUT; sendfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); // Clean out both req and resp structures bzero(&req, sizeof(pmp_ip_request_t)); bzero(&resp, sizeof(pmp_ip_response_t)); req.version = 0; req.opcode = 0; // Attempt to contact NAT-PMP device 9 times as per: draft-cheshire-nat-pmp-02.txt while (req_attempts < 10) { #ifdef PMP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to retrieve the public ip address for the NAT device at: %s\n", inet_ntoa(gateway->sin_addr)); fprintf(stderr, "\tTimeout: %ds %dus, Request #: %d\n", req_timeout.tv_sec, req_timeout.tv_usec, req_attempts); #endif struct sockaddr_in addr; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); if (sendto(sendfd, &req, sizeof(req), 0, (struct sockaddr *)(gateway), sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error sending the NAT-PMP public IP request! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (setsockopt(sendfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &req_timeout, sizeof(req_timeout)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error setting the socket's options! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (recvfrom(sendfd, &resp, sizeof(pmp_ip_response_t), 0, (struct sockaddr *)(&addr), &len) < 0) { if ( (errno != EAGAIN) || (req_attempts == 9) ) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error receiving the response from the NAT-PMP device! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } else { goto iterate; } } if (addr.sin_addr.s_addr != gateway->sin_addr.s_addr) { fprintf(stderr, "Response was not received from our gateway! Instead from: %s\n", inet_ntoa(addr.sin_addr)); goto iterate; } else { publicsockaddr = &addr; break; } iterate: ++req_attempts; double_timeout(&req_timeout); } if (publicsockaddr == NULL) return NULL; #ifdef PMP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Response received from NAT-PMP device:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "version: %d\n", resp.version); fprintf(stderr, "opcode: %d\n", resp.opcode); fprintf(stderr, "resultcode: %d\n", ntohs(resp.resultcode)); fprintf(stderr, "epoch: %d\n", ntohl(resp.epoch)); struct in_addr in; in.s_addr = resp.address; fprintf(stderr, "address: %s\n", inet_ntoa(in)); #endif publicsockaddr->sin_addr.s_addr = resp.address; return publicsockaddr; } /*! * pmp_create_map(uint8_t,uint16_t,uint16_t,uint32_t) * will return NULL on error, or a pointer to the pmp_map_response_t type */ pmp_map_response_t *pmp_create_map(uint8_t type, uint16_t privateport, uint16_t publicport, uint32_t lifetime) { struct sockaddr_in *gateway = default_gw(); if (gateway == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create mapping on a NULL gateway!\n"); return NULL; } if (gateway->sin_port != PMP_PORT) { gateway->sin_port = htons(PMP_PORT); // Default port for NAT-PMP is 5351 } int sendfd; int req_attempts = 1; struct timeval req_timeout; pmp_map_request_t req; pmp_map_response_t *resp = (pmp_map_response_t *)(malloc(sizeof(pmp_map_response_t))); req_timeout.tv_sec = 0; req_timeout.tv_usec = PMP_TIMEOUT; sendfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); // Clean out both req and resp structures bzero(&req, sizeof(pmp_map_request_t)); bzero(resp, sizeof(pmp_map_response_t)); req.version = 0; req.opcode = type; req.privateport = htons(privateport); // What a difference byte ordering makes...d'oh! req.publicport = htons(publicport); req.lifetime = htonl(lifetime); // Attempt to contact NAT-PMP device 9 times as per: draft-cheshire-nat-pmp-02.txt while (req_attempts < 10) { #ifdef PMP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Attempting to create a NAT-PMP mapping the private port %d, and the public port %d\n", privateport, publicport); fprintf(stderr, "\tTimeout: %ds %dus, Request #: %d\n", req_timeout.tv_sec, req_timeout.tv_usec, req_attempts); #endif if (sendto(sendfd, &req, sizeof(req), 0, (struct sockaddr *)(gateway), sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error sending the NAT-PMP mapping request! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (setsockopt(sendfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &req_timeout, sizeof(req_timeout)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error setting the socket's options! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (recvfrom(sendfd, resp, sizeof(pmp_map_response_t), 0, NULL, NULL) < 0) { if ( (errno != EAGAIN) || (req_attempts == 9) ) { fprintf(stderr, "There was an error receiving the response from the NAT-PMP device! (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } else { goto iterate; } } if (resp->opcode != (req.opcode + 128)) { fprintf(stderr, "The opcode for the response from the NAT device does not match the request opcode!\n"); goto iterate; } break; iterate: ++req_attempts; double_timeout(&req_timeout); } #ifdef PMP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Response received from NAT-PMP device:\n"); fprintf(stderr, "version: %d\n", resp->version); fprintf(stderr, "opcode: %d\n", resp->opcode); fprintf(stderr, "resultcode: %d\n", ntohs(resp->resultcode)); fprintf(stderr, "epoch: %d\n", ntohl(resp->epoch)); fprintf(stderr, "privateport: %d\n", ntohs(resp->privateport)); fprintf(stderr, "publicport: %d\n", ntohs(resp->publicport)); fprintf(stderr, "lifetime: %d\n", ntohl(resp->lifetime)); #endif return resp; } /*! * pmp_destroy_map(uint8_t,uint16_t) * will return NULL on error, or a pointer to the pmp_map_response_t type */ pmp_map_response_t *pmp_destroy_map(uint8_t type, uint16_t privateport) { pmp_map_response_t *response = NULL; if ((response = pmp_create_map(type, privateport, 0, 0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to properly destroy mapping for %d!\n", privateport); return NULL; } else { return response; } } #ifdef PMP_DEBUG int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct sockaddr_in *gw = NULL; struct sockaddr_in *pub = NULL; pmp_map_response_t *map_response = NULL; printf("Acquiring the default gateway: "); if ((gw = default_gw()) == NULL) { printf("Failed to acquire the default gateway address!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf("%s\n", inet_ntoa(gw->sin_addr)); pub = pmp_get_public(gw); // Attempt to create a port mapping... if ((map_response = pmp_create_map(gw, PMP_MAP_TCP, 21, 5021, PMP_LIFETIME)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create port mapping!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { printf("Created port mapping for: %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(pub->sin_addr), ntohs(map_response->publicport)); } sleep(60); // Take a minute to think about what you've done if (pmp_destroy_map(gw, (map_response->opcode-128), 21) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to destroy port mapping!\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } else { printf("Destroyed port mapping for: %s:%d\n", inet_ntoa(pub->sin_addr), ntohs(map_response->publicport)); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } #endif