Misc cleanup/README

This commit is contained in:
Tom Robinson 2013-07-31 17:35:54 -07:00
parent 3df2344362
commit 995d8e4489
3 changed files with 59 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -57,10 +57,18 @@ ActivePush makes extensive use of "promises" (specifically Q promises, which are
npm test
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script test
The integration tests assume a STOMP broker is running on `localhost:61613`. ActiveMQ can be started with the following command:
activemq start broker:stomp://localhost:61613
They also assume Selenium/WebDriver is running on `localhost:4444`. If you want to disable the WebDriver tests (they are significantly slower) comment out the last line of `test/integration-webdriver.coffee`, or run:
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script test/integration-socketio-client.coffee
`integration-common.coffee` implements the logic of the tests while `integration-socketio-client.coffee` and `integration-webdriver.coffee` implement a common API to create either an in-process `socket.io-client` or a remote WebDriver instance running the demo.html page (which stores messages it receives in `window.messages` for introspection by the test)
Unfortunately there is no easy way to tell when all messages have propagated from the running test to the ActiveMQ queue back to the ActivePush server and through the Socket.io client, so we currently have short delays before testing that messages have been received. This leads to occasional non-deterministic test failures. Increasing the delays reduces the frequency at a cost of longer running tests.

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Q = require "q"
Consumer = require("./common").Module
socket_io = require "socket.io"

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@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
Q = require "q"
Producer = require("./common").Module
merge = require "deepmerge"
Producer = require("./common").Module
class StompProducer extends Producer
constructor: (options) ->
Producer.call @, options
getHealth: ->
name: "stomp"
host: @options.host
port: @options.port
inbox: @options.inbox
{ Stomp } = require "stomp"
{ ReconnectingStomp } = require "./reconnecting-stomp"
# Library #1: stomp
class NodeStompProducer extends StompProducer
constructor: (options) ->
Producer.call @, options
start: ->
deferred = Q.defer()
@ -64,54 +65,52 @@ NodeStompProducer.publish = (options, push_id, message) ->
stomp.publish(push_id, message)
# Library #2: stompit
stompit = require "stompit"
class StompitProducer extends StompProducer
constructor: (options) ->
Producer.call @, options
start: ->
deferred = Q.defer()
@stomp = stompit.connect host: @options.host, port: @options.port, =>
stop: ->
Q.try =>
_onConnected: =>
@stomp.subscribe { destination: @options.inbox }, @_onMessage
@logger.info "STOMP connected: %s:%s%s", @options.host, @options.port, @options.inbox
_onMessage: (message) =>
body = ""
message.on "data", (data) ->
body += data.toString("utf-8")
message.on "end", =>
push_id = message.headers.push_id
@logger.debug "STOMP receive push_id=%s message=%s", push_id, body
@subscriptions.emit push_id, body
publish: (push_id, message) ->
frame = @stomp.send(
destination: @options.inbox
push_id: push_id
persistent: false
Q.ninvoke(frame, "end", message)
StompitProducer.publish = (options, push_id, message) ->
console.log "options", options
stomp = new StompitProducer options
stomp.start().then ->
stomp.publish(push_id, message)
.then ->
# Default to one of the two:
StompProducer = NodeStompProducer
# Library #2: stompit
# stompit = require "stompit"
# class StompitProducer extends StompProducer
# start: ->
# deferred = Q.defer()
# @stomp = stompit.connect host: @options.host, port: @options.port, =>
# @_onConnected()
# deferred.resolve()
# deferred.promise
# stop: ->
# Q.try =>
# @stomp.disconnect()
# _onConnected: =>
# @stomp.subscribe { destination: @options.inbox }, @_onMessage
# @logger.info "STOMP connected: %s:%s%s", @options.host, @options.port, @options.inbox
# _onMessage: (message) =>
# body = ""
# message.on "data", (data) ->
# body += data.toString("utf-8")
# message.on "end", =>
# push_id = message.headers.push_id
# @logger.debug "STOMP receive push_id=%s message=%s", push_id, body
# @subscriptions.emit push_id, body
# publish: (push_id, message) ->
# frame = @stomp.send(
# destination: @options.inbox
# push_id: push_id
# persistent: false
# )
# Q.ninvoke(frame, "end", message)
# StompitProducer.publish = (options, push_id, message) ->
# console.log "options", options
# stomp = new StompitProducer options
# stomp.start().then ->
# stomp.publish(push_id, message)
# .then ->
# stomp.stop()
# StompProducer = StompitProducer
module.exports = { Producer, StompProducer }