akhil 7132f89fd2 move source here from internal repo 2013-09-27 16:05:37 -07:00
altnames move source here from internal repo 2013-09-27 16:05:37 -07:00
fixtures move source here from internal repo 2013-09-27 16:05:37 -07:00
README move source here from internal repo 2013-09-27 16:05:37 -07:00


This document provides information on how to use Crypto and TLS modules as well as how to run associated nodejs tests.


Running the nodejs pummel and simple crypto tests
- The crypto tests are located in test/crypto.

- You need to run the tests with a JDK configured with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy. 
(See Installing section)

- java -jar dist/avatar-js.jar src/test/js/test-runner.js test/crypto

Running the Avatar.js specific crypto tests
- The specific crypto test is src/test/js/crypto/test-crypto.js

- You need to run the test with a JDK configured with Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy. 
(See Installing section)

- java -jar dist/avatar-js.jar src/test/js/test-runner.js src/test/js/crypto/test-crypto.js

Running the Avatar.js specific crypto tests with unsupported algorithms
- This test is not mandatory to test crypto.
- The specific crypto test is src/test/js/crypto/test-crypto.js

- Install a provider that offer support for unsupported algorithms.
In jre/lib/security/java.security add security.provider.11=<Your provider class>

- java -classpath <provider jar>:dist/avatar-js.jar net.java.avatar.js.Server src/test/js/crypto/test-crypto.js -unsupported

Installing the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7
- Download the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files 7 
from: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html

- Read the UnlimitedJCEPolicy/README.txt for installation procedure

crypto module API Limitations

Cipher Class
There is the flexibility to change set autoPadding after update has been called on Cipher. 
This is not possible with Avatar.js. Be sure to set the autoPadding before to call update." 
NB: I never found an example with padding called after update. Seems a documentation typo. Anyway, we should mention it.

"des-ede" support
JCE support 3DES with three separate sub keys, for two separate sub keys triple DES (this is what des-ede is), 
create a 24 bytes lon key by duplicating the first 8 bytes of your key

crypto module algorithm limitations
The following algorithm are not supported by Oracle JCE provider:

- Unsupported OpenSSL Ciphers:
        desx               DESX algorithm.
        gost89             GOST 28147-89 in CFB mode (provided by ccgost engine)
        gost89-cnt        `GOST 28147-89 in CNT mode (provided by ccgost engine)
        idea-cbc           IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
        idea               same as idea-cbc
        idea-cfb           IDEA in CFB mode
        idea-ecb           IDEA in ECB mode
        idea-ofb           IDEA in OFB mode
        rc5                in all modes
        aes 128/192/256 in cfb1 mode

- Unsupported OpenSSL Hash digest:
	-mdc2           to use the mdc2 message digest algorithm
        -ripemd160      to use the ripemd160 message digest algorithm
        -md4            to use the md4 message digest algorithm
        -sha            to use the sha message digest algorithm

- Unsupported OpenSSL HashMac digest:
	-mdc2           to use the mdc2 message digest algorithm
        -ripemd160      to use the ripemd160 message digest algorithm
        -md4            to use the md4 message digest algorithm
        -md2            to use the md2 message digest algorithm
        -sha            to use the sha message digest algorithm

- Unsupported Digest with DSA: "dsa-md5", "dsa-md2", "dsa-sha384", "dsa-sha512"

- Unsupported Digest with RSA: 

- What OpenSSL calls sha is in fact sha-0. What JCE default Provider calls sha in in fact sha-1 (sha-0 is not supported by the default Provider). 
This is not documented but "sha" algorithm name exists. In order to have sha-0 to be applied when sha is provided, you will have to use a provider
that takes precendence over the default provider. Look at src/test/js/crypto/test-crypto.js on how to add a custom naming mapping.

- Can't read DSA key size > 1024 for DSS1 (DSA+SHA-1).

- Diffie Hellman, prime numbers can't be smaller than 512 and greater than 2048 bits inclusive, http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6521495

Avatar.js crypto test keys
Some keys have been regenerated to allow for Avatar.js to pass crypto tests.
The regenerated keys are located in the crypto/fixtures dir. They are copied at install time to the test/fixtures dir.

Some private keys are not in pk8 format. They have been regenerated as follow:

pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/test_key.pem -inform pem -out test_key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/test_rsa_privkey.pem -inform pem -out test_rsa_privkey.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/test_rsa_privkey_2.pem -inform pem -out test_rsa_privkey_2.pem -outform pem -nocrypt

Public RSA key regenerated

openssl rsa -in test_rsa_privkey_2.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out test_rsa_pubkey_2.pem

DSA keys regerated in 1024 bits. This is a limitation for DSS1 algorithm (DSA+SHA1) in Java. We have generated a new key pair of strength 1024.

1) openssl dsaparam -out dsaparam.pem 1024
2) openssl gendsa -out est_dsa_privkey.pem dsaparam.pem
3) pkcs8 -topk8 -in test_dsa_privkey.pem -inform pem -out test_dsa_privkey.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
4) openssl dsa -in test_dsa_privkey.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out test_dsa_pubkey.pem YES

This module implements support for TLS/SSL.

- OpenSSL name and expression mapping.
- 3 Missing tests: 2 in pummel, 1 openssl one that depends on process.stdin.write

- honorCipherOrder is not supported, Java runtime is picking from the client list 
the strongest cipher suite as documented in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/security/SunProviders.html
- SSLv2 is not supported by Oracle JCE. SSLv2 is unsecure, use TLS 1.0 or higher.
- NPN is not supported. Need to log an RFE againt JRE to have support in JDK 9.
- In nodejs, asking the client to authenticate is a "REQUEST" not a "REQUIRE". In Java, this is a "REQUIRE". 
We managed to make Java to accept untrusted certificate, but there is no way to make Java to accept none certificate. In this case,
the connection is closed by the server. The test test-tls-server-verify.js has been updated to have client not sending certificate
to not be tested. test-https-pfx.js has been disabled. This behavior is tracked by: JDK-8007788
- In tls, there is the ability to provide some undocumented options (the Secure options). I didn't find any isuage of these options. I am wandering if this is not dead code.

Change with respect to nodejs documentation
- Defaults ciphersuite is the one from Java JSSE.
- Not (yet) support for cipher suite OpenSSL names, use standard full cipher suite names.

Nodejs TLS test keys
Some keys have been regenerated to allow for Avatar.js to pass tls tests.
The regenerated keys are located in the crypto/fixtures/keys dir. 
They are copied at install time to the test/fixtures/keys dir.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/keys/agent1-key.pem -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/keys/agent1-key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/keys/agent2-key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/keys/agent3-key.pem -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/keys/agent3-key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/keys/agent4-key.pem -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/keys/agent4-key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/pass-key.pem -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/pass-key.pem -outform pem
passphrase as password.
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in ../test/fixtures/agent.key -inform pem -out crypto/fixtures/agent.key -outform pem -nocrypt

Nodejs tests that require Unlimited Strength
These tests require that you install Unlimited Strength. They are copied at build time in the 
test/crypto dir
- test-tls-getcipher.js 
- test-tls-honorcipherorder.js

Running the Avatar.js specific tls tests
- This test is not mandatory to test tls.
- The specific tls test is src/test/crypto/test-tls.js

- java -jar dist/avatar-js.jar src/test/crypto/test-tls.js
- java -jar dist/avatar-js.jar src/test/crypto/test-tls-altnames.js

Generation of the certificate for test-tls-altnames.js test
- key, cnf, csr and crt files are located in the crypto/altnames dir.
- Generate the priv key
 openssl genrsa -out altnames-agent-key-trans.pem 1024
- To PK8 
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in altnames-agent-key-trans.pem -inform pem -out altnames-agent-key.pem -outform pem -nocrypt
- Generate the request:
openssl req -new -out altnames-agent-key.csr -key altnames-agent-key.pem -config altnames.cnf
- Generate the certificate: 
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in altnames-agent-key.csr -signkey altnames-agent-key.pem -out altnames-agent.crt -extensions v3_req -extfile altnames.cnf

JRE Bugs that are affecting TLS 
JDK-8005859 for wish we have a workaround: https://jbs.oracle.com/bugs/browse/JDK-8005859
JDK-8007785 for NPN support
JDK-8007788 to accept null certificate when asked client to authenticate

The main difference between Java and nodejs 
is related to Certificate validation handling.
Nominal usage of Java SSL support doesn't allow for unverified server certificate. 
If a certificate is received and it is not trusted, then an Exception is thrown and Handshake is closed. 
Nodejs allows for untrusted connection. To achieve the nodejs behavior, 
the TrustManger needs to be wrapped inside a trustmanager that will delegate to the actual trustmanager
and not re-throw any exception. The status (trusted or not) is kept. 
tls.js, when handshake is over, will call verifyError. According to the error value,
tls will open the secure connection, but the connection will be marked has being not authorized.

The actual errors (certificate validation is NOT considered has being an error) are:
- invalid server side private key.
- invalid non encrypted received content

Java SSL support allows for more flexibility than nodejs in order to retrieve 
the set of trusted authorities.
The default source of trust is used when no "ca" option is provided (on server and/or client side) 
the default mechanism to retrieve trustores is used 
(as documented in http://download.java.net/jdk8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html).
For example, to provide your own truststore use the system properties -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore 
and -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword.