import keymirror from 'keymirror'; import fetch from 'isomorphic-fetch'; import { State } from '../components/records'; import UrlConfig from '../config'; import { getNodesInformation } from '../util/logDisplayHelper'; import { calculateStepsBaseUrl, calculateLogUrl, calculateNodeBaseUrl } from '../util/UrlUtils'; /** * This function maps a queue item into a run instancce. * * We do this because the api returns us queued items as well * as runs and its easier to deal with them if they are modeled * as the same thing. If the raw data is needed if can be fetched * from _item. */ function _mapQueueToPsuedoRun(run) { if (run._class === '') { return { id: String(run.expectedBuildNumber), state: 'QUEUED', pipeline: run.pipeline, type: 'QueuedItem', result: 'UNKNOWN', job_run_queueId:, enQueueTime: run.queuedTime, organization: run.organization, changeSet: [], _item: run, }; } return run; } // main actin logic export const ACTION_TYPES = keymirror({ UPDATE_MESSAGES: null, CLEAR_PIPELINES_DATA: null, SET_PIPELINES_DATA: null, SET_PIPELINE: null, CLEAR_PIPELINE_DATA: null, SET_RUNS_DATA: null, SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA: null, CLEAR_CURRENT_RUN_DATA: null, SET_BRANCHES_DATA: null, SET_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA: null, CLEAR_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA: null, SET_TEST_RESULTS: null, UPDATE_BRANCH_DATA: null, SET_STEPS: null, SET_NODE: null, SET_NODES: null, SET_LOGS: null, }); export const actionHandlers = { [ACTION_TYPES.UPDATE_MESSAGES](state, { payload }): State { const messages = state.get('messages') || []; if (payload) { messages.push(payload); } return state.set('messages', messages); }, [ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_PIPELINES_DATA](state) { return state.set('pipelines', null); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINES_DATA](state, { payload }): State { return state.set('pipelines', payload); }, [ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_PIPELINE_DATA](state) { return state.set('pipeline', null); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINE](state, { id }): State { const pipelines = state.pipelines; if (!pipelines) { return state.set('pipeline', null); } // [].slice(0) returns a clone, we do need it for uniqueness const pipeline = pipelines.slice(0).filter(item => item.fullName === id); return state.set('pipeline', pipeline[0] ? pipeline[0] : null); }, [ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_CURRENT_RUN_DATA](state) { return state.set('currentRuns', null); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA](state, { payload }): State { return state.set('currentRuns', => _mapQueueToPsuedoRun(run))); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODE](state, { payload }): State { return state.set('node', { ...payload }); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODES](state, { payload }): State { const nodes = { ...state.nodes } || {}; nodes[payload.nodesBaseUrl] = payload; return state.set('nodes', nodes); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA](state, { payload, id }): State { const runs = { ...state.runs } || {}; runs[id] = => _mapQueueToPsuedoRun(run)); return state.set('runs', runs); }, [ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA](state) { return state.set('currentBranches', null); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA](state, { payload }): State { return state.set('currentBranches', payload); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_BRANCHES_DATA](state, { payload, id }): State { const branches = { ...state.branches } || {}; branches[id] = payload; return state.set('branches', branches); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_TEST_RESULTS](state, { payload }): State { return state.set('testResults', payload === undefined ? {} : payload); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_STEPS](state, { payload }): State { const steps = { ...state.steps } || {}; steps[payload.nodesBaseUrl] = payload; return state.set('steps', steps); }, [ACTION_TYPES.SET_LOGS](state, { payload }): State { const logs = { ...state.logs } || {}; logs[payload.logUrl] = payload; return state.set('logs', logs); }, [ACTION_TYPES.UPDATE_BRANCH_DATA](state, { payload, id }): State { const branches = state.get('branches') || {}; const jobBranches = branches[id]; // store the new branch data for the single branch // then update all branch data in the store const newBranches = => === ? payload : branch ); branches[id] = newBranches; return state .set('branches', branches) .set('currentBranches', newBranches); }, }; // fetch helper const fetchOptions = { credentials: 'same-origin' }; function checkStatus(response) { if (response.status >= 300 || response.status < 200) { const error = new Error(response.statusText); error.response = response; throw error; } return response; } function parseJSON(response) { return response.json(); } function parseMoreDataHeader(response) { let newStart = null; /* * If X-More-Data is true, then client should repeat the request after some delay. * In the repeated request it should use X-TEXT-SIZE header value with start query parameter. */ if (response.headers.get('X-More-Data')) { /* * X-TEXT-SIZE is the byte offset of the raw log file client should use in the next request * as value of start query parameter. */ newStart = response.headers.get('X-TEXT-SIZE'); } const payload = { response, newStart }; return payload; } /** * Fetch JSON data. *

* Utility function that can be mocked for testing. * * @param url The URL to fetch from. * @param onSuccess o * @param onError */ exports.fetchJson = function fetchJson(url, onSuccess, onError) { return fetch(url, fetchOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(parseJSON) .then(onSuccess) .catch((error) => { if (onError) { onError(error); } else { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }); }; /** * Fetch TXT/log data and inject a start parameter to indicate that a refetch is needed *

* Utility function that can be mocked for testing. * * @param url The URL to fetch from. * @param start query parameter tells API to send log starting from this offset in the log file. * @param onSuccess Main callback to run specific callback code * @param onError Error callback */ exports.fetchLogsInjectStart = function fetchLogsInjectStart(url, start, onSuccess, onError) { let refetchUrl; if (start === null) { refetchUrl = url; } else { refetchUrl = `${url}?start=${start}`; } return fetch(refetchUrl, fetchOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(parseMoreDataHeader) .then(onSuccess) .catch((error) => { if (onError) { onError(error); } else { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console } }); }; /** * Clone a JSON object/array instance. *

* This needs to be done for redux. See * *

* TODO: Maybe use object/array spread operator. * I didn't try because I was not sure if they could be used for this as it seems * like they only perform a shallow clone. * * @param json The JSON object/array to be cloned. */ function clone(json) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json)); } // FIXME: Ignoring isFetching for now export const actions = { clearPipelinesData: () => ({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_PIPELINES_DATA }), clearPipelineData() { return (dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_PIPELINE_DATA }); }, /** * Unconditionally fetch and update the pipelines list. * @param config Application configuration. * @param organizationName (optional) */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars fetchPipelines(config, organizationName) { return (dispatch) => { const baseUrl = config.getAppURLBase(); // TODO: update this code to call /search with organizationName once JENKINS-36273 is ready const url = `${baseUrl}/rest/search/?q=type:pipeline;excludedFromFlattening:jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject`; return dispatch(actions.generateData( url, ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINES_DATA )); }; }, /** * Fetch and update the pipelines list if the store doesn't already have * a list of the pipelines. * @param config Application configuration. * @param organizationName (optional) */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars fetchPipelinesIfNeeded(config, organizationName) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const pipelines = getState().adminStore.pipelines; const baseUrl = config.getAppURLBase(); // TODO: update this code to call /search with organizationName once JENKINS-36273 is ready const url = `${baseUrl}/rest/search/?q=type:pipeline;excludedFromFlattening:jenkins.branch.MultiBranchProject`; if (!pipelines) { return dispatch(actions.generateData( url, ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINES_DATA )); } return pipelines; }; }, setPipeline(config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_PIPELINE_DATA }); const pipelines = getState().adminStore.pipelines; if (!pipelines) { return dispatch(actions.fetchPipelinesIfNeeded(config)) .then(() => dispatch({ id: config.pipeline, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINE })); } return dispatch({ id: config.pipeline, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_PIPELINE }); }; }, processJobQueuedEvent(event) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const runsByJobName = getState().adminStore.runs || {}; const eventJobRuns = runsByJobName[event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name]; // Only interested in the event if we have already loaded the runs for that job. if (eventJobRuns && event.job_run_queueId) { for (let i = 0; i < eventJobRuns.length; i++) { const run = eventJobRuns[i]; if (event.job_ismultibranch && event.blueocean_job_branch_name !== run.pipeline) { // Not the same branch. Yes, run.pipeline actually contains // the branch name i.e. naming seems a bit confusing. continue; } if (run.job_run_queueId === event.job_run_queueId) { // We already have a "dummy" record for this queued job // run. No need to create another i.e. ignore this event. return; } } // Create a new "dummy" entry in the runs list for the // run that's been queued. const newRun = {}; // We keep the queueId so we can cross reference it with the actual // run once it has been started. newRun.job_run_queueId = event.job_run_queueId; if (event.job_ismultibranch) { newRun.pipeline = event.blueocean_job_branch_name; } else { newRun.pipeline = event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name; } newRun.state = 'QUEUED'; newRun.result = 'UNKNOWN'; const newRuns = clone([newRun, ...eventJobRuns]); if (event.blueocean_is_for_current_job) { // set current runs since we are ATM looking at it dispatch({ payload: newRuns, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA }); } dispatch({ payload: newRuns, id: event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA, }); } }; }, updateRunState(event, config, updateByQueueId) { return (dispatch, getState) => { let storeData; // Go to the redux store and get a fresh copy of the run data associated // with the event. We need to be able to do this because we do an async // fetch and so need to be able refresh the data used when processing // the event i.e. we need to get from the store more than once - before // and after the fetch. Need to get it after the fetch because things // may have changed state. function getFromStore() { const runsByJobName = getState().adminStore.runs || {}; const eventJobRuns = runsByJobName[event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name]; let newStoreData = undefined; // Only interested in the event if we have already loaded the runs for that job. if (eventJobRuns) { newStoreData = {}; newStoreData.eventJobRuns = eventJobRuns; for (let i = 0; i < eventJobRuns.length; i++) { const run = eventJobRuns[i]; if (event.job_ismultibranch && event.blueocean_job_branch_name !== run.pipeline) { // Not the same branch. Yes, run.pipeline actually contains // the branch name. continue; } if (updateByQueueId) { // We use the queueId to locate the right "dummy" run entry that // needs updating. The "dummy" run entry was created in // processJobQueuedEvent(). if (run.job_run_queueId === event.job_run_queueId) { newStoreData.runIndex = i; break; } } else { if ( === event.jenkins_object_id) { newStoreData.runIndex = i; break; } } } } return newStoreData; } // Get the event related data from the // redux store. storeData = getFromStore(); // Only interested in the event if we have already loaded the runs for that job. if (storeData) { const updateRunData = function updateRunData(runData, skipStoreDataRefresh) { const newRunData = Object.assign({}, runData); let newRuns; // Only need to update the storeData if something async // happened i.e. giving an opportunity for the current // copy of the start data to become "stale". if (!skipStoreDataRefresh) { storeData = getFromStore(); } // In theory, the following code should not be needed as the // call to the REST API should return run data with a state // that's at least as up-to-date as the state received in // event that triggered this. However, that's not what has // been e.g. we've seen run start events coming in, triggering // a call of the REST API, but the run state coming back for // that same run may still be "QUEUED". // Note, if you put a breakpoint in and wait for a second before // allowing the REST API call, then you get the right state. // So, it seems like the RunListener event is being fired // in Jenkins core before the state is properly persisted. if (event.jenkins_event === 'job_run_ended') { newRunData.state = 'FINISHED'; } else { newRunData.state = 'RUNNING'; } if (storeData.runIndex !== undefined) { newRuns = clone(storeData.eventJobRuns); newRuns[storeData.runIndex] = newRunData; } else { newRuns = clone([newRunData, ...storeData.eventJobRuns]); } if (event.blueocean_is_for_current_job) { // set current runs since we are ATM looking at it dispatch({ payload: newRuns, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA }); } dispatch({ payload: newRuns, id: event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA, }); }; const runUrl = `${config.getAppURLBase()}${event.blueocean_job_rest_url}/runs/${event.jenkins_object_id}`; // The event tells us that the run state has changed, but does not give all // run related data (times, commit Ids etc). So, lets go get that data from // REST API and present a consistent picture of the run state to the user. exports.fetchJson(runUrl, updateRunData, (error) => { let runData; // Getting the actual state of the run failed. Lets log // the failure and update the state manually as best we can. // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(`Error getting run data from REST endpoint: ${runUrl}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn(error); // We're after coming out of an async operation (the fetch). // In that case, we better refresh the copy of the storeData // that we have in case things changed while we were doing the // fetch. storeData = getFromStore(); if (storeData.runIndex !== undefined) { runData = storeData.eventJobRuns[storeData.runIndex]; } else { runData = {}; runData.job_run_queueId = event.job_run_queueId; if (event.job_ismultibranch) { runData.pipeline = event.blueocean_job_branch_name; } else { runData.pipeline = event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name; } } if (event.jenkins_event === 'job_run_ended') { runData.state = 'FINISHED'; } else { runData.state = 'RUNNING'; } = event.jenkins_object_id; runData.result = event.job_run_status; // Update the run data. We do not need updateRunData to refresh the // storeData again because we already just did it at the start of // this function call. updateRunData(runData, false); }); } }; }, updateBranchState(event, config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { // if the job event is multibranch, refetch the corresponding branch // from the REST API and update our stores if (event.job_ismultibranch) { const branches = getState().adminStore.branches || {}; const jobs = branches[event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name] || []; const branch = jobs.find(job => === event.blueocean_job_branch_name); if (!branch) { return; } const url = `${config.getAppURLBase()}${event.blueocean_job_rest_url}`; const processBranchData = function processBranchData(branchData) { const { latestRun } = branchData; // same issue as in 'updateRunData'; see comment above if (event.jenkins_event === 'job_run_ended') { latestRun.state = 'FINISHED'; } else { latestRun.state = 'RUNNING'; } // apply the new data to the store dispatch({ payload: branchData, id: event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name, type: ACTION_TYPES.UPDATE_BRANCH_DATA, }); }; exports.fetchJson(url, processBranchData, (error) => { console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console }); } }; }, updateBranchList(event, config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { if (event.job_ismultibranch) { const multibranchPipelines = getState().adminStore.branches || {}; const pipelineName = event.blueocean_job_pipeline_name; // We're only interested in this event if we're already managing branch state // associated with this multi-branch job. if (!multibranchPipelines[pipelineName]) { return; } // Fetch/refetch the latest set of branches for the pipeline. const url = `${config.getAppURLBase()}/rest/organizations/${event.jenkins_org}` + `/pipelines/${pipelineName}/branches`; exports.fetchJson(url, (latestPipelineBranches) => { if (event.blueocean_is_for_current_job) { dispatch({ id: pipelineName, payload: latestPipelineBranches, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA, }); } dispatch({ id: pipelineName, payload: latestPipelineBranches, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_BRANCHES_DATA, }); }); } }; }, fetchRunsIfNeeded(config) { return (dispatch) => { const baseUrl = `${config.getAppURLBase()}/rest/organizations/jenkins` + `/pipelines/${config.pipeline}/activities/`; return dispatch(actions.fetchIfNeeded({ url: baseUrl, id: config.pipeline, type: 'runs', }, { current: ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA, general: ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA, clear: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_CURRENT_RUN_DATA, })); }; }, fetchBranchesIfNeeded(config) { return (dispatch) => { const baseUrl = `${config.getAppURLBase()}/rest/organizations/jenkins` + `/pipelines/${config.pipeline}/branches`; return dispatch(actions.fetchIfNeeded({ url: baseUrl, id: config.pipeline, type: 'branches', }, { current: ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA, general: ACTION_TYPES.SET_BRANCHES_DATA, clear: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_CURRENT_BRANCHES_DATA, })); }; }, /** * Check the redux store for data and fetch from the REST API if needed. * @param general TODO: what's this and what's in it? * @param types TODO: what's this and what's in it? * @returns {Function} */ fetchIfNeeded(general, types) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const data = getState().adminStore[general.type]; dispatch({ type: types.clear }); const id =; if (!data || !data[id]) { return fetch(general.url, fetchOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(parseJSON) .then(json => { // TODO: Why call dispatch twice here? dispatch({ id, payload: json, type: types.current, }); return dispatch({ id, payload: json, type: types.general, }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console dispatch({ payload: { type: 'ERROR', message: `${error.stack}` }, type: ACTION_TYPES.UPDATE_MESSAGES, }); }); } else if (data && data[id]) { dispatch({ id, payload: data[id], type: types.current, }); } return null; }; }, generateData(url, actionType, optional) { return (dispatch) => fetch(url, fetchOptions) .then(checkStatus) .then(parseJSON) .then(json => dispatch({ ...optional, type: actionType, payload: json, })) .catch((error) => { console.error(error); // eslint-disable-line no-console dispatch({ payload: { type: 'ERROR', message: `${error.stack}` }, type: ACTION_TYPES.UPDATE_MESSAGES, }); // call again with no payload so actions handle missing data dispatch({ ...optional, type: actionType, }); }); }, /* For the detail view we need to fetch the different nodes of a run in case we do not have specific node, to determine which one we have to show in the detail view. We later store them with the key: nodesBaseUrl so we only fetch them once. */ fetchNodes(config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const data = getState().adminStore.nodes; const nodesBaseUrl = calculateNodeBaseUrl(config); function getNodeAndSteps(information) { let nodeModel; let node; if (!config.node) { const focused = information.model.filter((item) => item.isFocused)[0]; if (focused) { nodeModel = focused; } else { nodeModel = (information.model[information.model.length - 1]); } node = nodeModel ? : null; } else { nodeModel = information.model.filter((item) => === config.node)[0]; node = config.node; } dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODE, payload: nodeModel, }); const mergedConfig = { ...config, node }; return dispatch(actions.fetchSteps(mergedConfig)); } if (!data || !data[nodesBaseUrl] || config.refetch) { return exports.fetchJson( nodesBaseUrl, (json) => { const information = getNodesInformation(json); information.nodesBaseUrl = nodesBaseUrl; dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODES, payload: information, }); return getNodeAndSteps(information); }, (error) => console.error('error', error) // eslint-disable-line no-console ); } return getNodeAndSteps(data[nodesBaseUrl]); }; }, setNode(config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const data = getState().adminStore.nodes; const nodesBaseUrl = calculateNodeBaseUrl(config); if (!data || !data[nodesBaseUrl] || config.refetch) { return actions.fetchNodes(config); } const node = data[nodesBaseUrl].model.filter((item) => === config.node)[0]; return dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODE, payload: node, }); }; }, cleanNodePointer() { return (dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_NODE, payload: null, }); }, /* For the detail view we need to fetch the different steps of a nodes. We later store them with the key: nodesBaseUrl so we only fetch them once. */ fetchSteps(config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const data = getState().adminStore.steps; const stepBaseUrl = calculateStepsBaseUrl(config); if (!data || !data[stepBaseUrl] || config.refetch) { return exports.fetchJson( stepBaseUrl, (json) => { const information = getNodesInformation(json); information.nodesBaseUrl = stepBaseUrl; return dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_STEPS, payload: information, }); }, (error) => console.error('error', error) // eslint-disable-line no-console ); } return null; }; }, /* l Get a specific log for a node, fetch it only if needed. key for cache: logUrl = calculateLogUrl */ fetchLog(config) { return (dispatch, getState) => { const data = getState().adminStore.logs; const logUrl = calculateLogUrl(config); if ( config.fetchAll || !data || !data[logUrl] || config.newStart > 0 || (data && data[logUrl] && data[logUrl].newStart > 0 || !data[logUrl].logArray) ) { return exports.fetchLogsInjectStart( logUrl, config.newStart || null, response => response.response.text() .then(text => { // By default only last 150 KB log data is returned in the response. const maxLength = 150000; const contentLength = Number(response.response.headers.get('X-Text-Size')); // set flag that there are more logs then we deliver let hasMore = contentLength > maxLength; // when we came from ?start=0, hasMore has to be false since there is no more // console.log(config.fetchAll, 'inner') if (config.fetchAll) { hasMore = false; } const { newStart } = response; const payload = { logUrl, newStart, hasMore, }; if (text && !!text.trim()) { payload.logArray = text.trim().split('\n'); } return dispatch({ payload, type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_LOGS, }); }), (error) => console.error('error', error) // eslint-disable-line no-console ); } return null; }; }, fetchTestResults(run) { return (dispatch) => { const baseUrl = UrlConfig.getJenkinsRootURL(); const url = `${baseUrl}${run._links.self.href}testReport/result`; return dispatch(actions.generateData( url, ACTION_TYPES.SET_TEST_RESULTS )); }; }, resetTestDetails() { return (dispatch) => dispatch({ type: ACTION_TYPES.SET_TEST_RESULTS, payload: null, }); }, };