
145 lines
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import jsModules from '@jenkins-cd/js-modules';
* CSS load tracker.
* <p/>
* Keeps track of page CSS, adding and removing CSS as ExtensionPoint components are
* mounted and unmounted.
export class ResourceLoadTracker {
constructor() {
// The CSS resources to be added for each Extension point.
// Key: Extension point name.
// Value: An array of CSS adjunct URLs that need to be activated when the extension point is rendered.
this.pointCSSs = {};
// Active CSS.
// Key: CSS URL.
// Value: Counter of the number of mounted Extension Points that need the CSS to be active.
// The onMount and onUnmount functions increment and decrement the counter. When the
// counter gets back to zero, the CSS can be removed from the page.
this.activeCSSs = {};
* Initialize the loader with the extension point information.
* @param extensionPointList The Extension point list. An array containing ExtensionPoint
* metadata for all plugins that define such. It's an aggregation of
* of the /jenkins-js-extension.json files found on the server classpath.
setExtensionPointMetadata(extensionPointList) {
// Reset - for testing.
this.pointCSSs = {};
this.activeCSSs = {};
// Iterate through each plugin /jenkins-js-extension.json
for(var i1 = 0; i1 < extensionPointList.length; i1++) {
var pluginMetadata = extensionPointList[i1];
var extensions = pluginMetadata.extensions; // All the extensions defined on the plugin
var pluginCSS = pluginMetadata.extensionCSS; // The plugin CSS URL (adjunct URL).
// Iterate through the ExtensionPoints defined in each plugin
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < extensions.length; i2++) {
var extensionPoint = extensions[i2].extensionPoint; // The extension point name.
var pointCSS = this.pointCSSs[extensionPoint]; // The current list of CSS URLs for the named extension point.
if (!pointCSS) {
pointCSS = [];
this.pointCSSs[extensionPoint] = pointCSS;
// Add the plugin CSS if it's not already in the list.
if (pointCSS.indexOf(pluginCSS) === -1) {
* Called when a Jenkins ExtensionPoint is mounted.
* <p/>
* If the extension point implementations use CSS (comes from plugins that define CSS)
* then this method will use requireCSS, and then addCSS, for each CSS. addCSS only
* gets called for a CSS by the first extension point to "require" that CSS.
* @param extensionPointName The extension point name.
onMount(extensionPointName) {
const pointCSS = this.pointCSSs[extensionPointName];
if (pointCSS) {
for (var i = 0; i < pointCSS.length; i++) {
* Called when a Jenkins ExtensionPoint is unmounted.
* <p/>
* If the extension point implementations use CSS (comes from plugins that define CSS)
* then this method will use unrequireCSS, and then removeCSS, for each CSS. removeCSS only
* gets called for a CSS by the last extension point to "unrequire" that CSS.
* @param extensionPointName The extension point name.
onUnmount(extensionPointName) {
const pointCSS = this.pointCSSs[extensionPointName];
if (pointCSS) {
for (var i = 0; i < pointCSS.length; i++) {
_requireCSS(url) {
var activeCount = this.activeCSSs[url];
if (!activeCount) {
activeCount = 0;
this.activeCSSs[url] = activeCount;
_unrequireCSS(url) {
var activeCount = this.activeCSSs[url];
if (!activeCount) {
// Huh?
console.warn('Unexpected call to deactivate an inactive Jenkins Extension Point CSS: ' + url);
// Does this mean that react calls unmount multiple times for a given component instance?
// That would sound like a bug, no?
} else {
if (activeCount === 0) {
// All extension points using this CSS have been unmounted.
delete this.activeCSSs[url];
} else {
this.activeCSSs[url] = activeCount;
_addCSS(url) {
const cssURLPrefix = jsModules.getAdjunctURL();
jsModules.addCSSToPage(cssURLPrefix + '/' + url);
_removeCSS(url) {
const cssURLPrefix = jsModules.getAdjunctURL();
const cssURL = cssURLPrefix + '/' + url;
const linkElId = jsModules.toCSSId(cssURL);
const linkEl = document.getElementById(linkElId);
if (linkEl) {
// in lieu of DI
export const instance = new ResourceLoadTracker();