
27 lines
993 B

# Before building this Dockerfile, BlueOcean needs to be built locally using Maven
# You can build everything needed and this Dockerfile by invoking `bin/ -m`
# Should be kept in sync with of pom.xml
# Patch version is not to be considered, we prefer to base the image off the latest LTS of the line
# and keep the dependency on the baseline in pom.xml
FROM jenkins:2.7.4
USER root
COPY blueocean/target/plugins /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/
RUN for f in /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/*.hpi; do mv "$f" "${f%%hpi}jpi"; done
RUN antisamy-markup-formatter matrix-auth # for security, you know
# Force use of locally built blueocean plugin
RUN for f in /usr/share/jenkins/ref/plugins/blueocean-*.jpi; do mv "$f" "$f.override"; done
# let scripts customize the reference Jenkins folder. Used in bin/build-in-docker to inject the git build data
COPY docker/ref /usr/share/jenkins/ref
RUN npm install -g npm@3.10.9
USER jenkins