
190 lines
5.9 KiB

* Created by cmeyers on 7/6/16.
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
import { List } from 'immutable';
import { favoritesSelector } from '../redux/FavoritesStore';
import { actions } from '../redux/FavoritesActions';
import FavoritesProvider from './FavoritesProvider';
import { PipelineCard } from './PipelineCard';
// the order the cards should be displayed based on their result/state (aka 'status')
const statusSortOrder = [
const extractStatus = (favorite) => {
const latestRun = favorite && favorite.item && favorite.item.latestRun || {};
return latestRun.result === 'UNKNOWN' ? latestRun.state : latestRun.result;
// sorts the cards based on 1. status 2. endTime, startTime or enQueueTime (descending)
const sortComparator = (favoriteA, favoriteB) => {
const statusA = extractStatus(favoriteA);
const statusB = extractStatus(favoriteB);
const orderA = statusSortOrder.indexOf(statusA);
const orderB = statusSortOrder.indexOf(statusB);
if (orderA < orderB) {
return -1;
} else if (orderA > orderB) {
return 1;
const endTimeA = favoriteA && favoriteA.item && favoriteA.item.latestRun && favoriteA.item.latestRun.endTime;
const endTimeB = favoriteB && favoriteB.item && favoriteB.item.latestRun && favoriteB.item.latestRun.endTime;
if (endTimeA && endTimeB) {
const endCompare = endTimeA.localeCompare(endTimeB);
if (endCompare !== 0) {
return -endCompare;
const startTimeA = favoriteA && favoriteA.item && favoriteA.item.latestRun && favoriteA.item.latestRun.startTime;
const startTimeB = favoriteB && favoriteB.item && favoriteB.item.latestRun && favoriteB.item.latestRun.startTime;
if (startTimeA && startTimeB) {
const startCompare = startTimeA.localeCompare(startTimeB);
if (startCompare !== 0) {
return -startCompare;
const queuedTimeA = favoriteA && favoriteA.item && favoriteA.item.latestRun && favoriteA.item.latestRun.enQueueTime;
const queuedTimeB = favoriteB && favoriteB.item && favoriteB.item.latestRun && favoriteB.item.latestRun.enQueueTime;
if (queuedTimeA && queuedTimeB) {
const queueCompare = queuedTimeA.localeCompare(queuedTimeB);
if (queueCompare !== 0) {
return -queueCompare;
return 0;
* Extract elements from a path string deliminted with forward slashes
* @param path
* @param begin
* @param end
* @returns {string}
const extractPath = (path, begin, end) => {
try {
return path.split('/').slice(begin, end).join('/');
} catch (error) {
return path;
export class DashboardCards extends Component {
_onFavoriteToggle(isFavorite, favorite) {
this.props.toggleFavorite(isFavorite, favorite.item, favorite);
_renderCardStack() {
if (!this.props.favorites) {
return null;
const sortedFavorites = this.props.favorites.sort(sortComparator);
const favoriteCards = => {
const pipeline = favorite.item;
const latestRun = pipeline.latestRun;
let fullName;
let pipelineName;
let branchName;
if (pipeline._class === '') {
// branch.fullName is in the form folder1/folder2/pipeline/branch ...
// "pipeline"
pipelineName = extractPath(pipeline.fullName, -2, -1);
// everything up to "branch"
fullName = extractPath(pipeline.fullName, 0, -1);
branchName =;
} else {
pipelineName =;
fullName = pipeline.fullName;
let status = null;
let startTime = null;
let estimatedDuration = null;
let commitId = null;
if (latestRun) {
if (latestRun.result) {
status = latestRun.result === 'UNKNOWN' ? latestRun.state : latestRun.result;
startTime = latestRun.startTime;
estimatedDuration = latestRun.estimatedDurationInMillis;
commitId = latestRun.commitId;
if (latestRun && latestRun.result) {
status = latestRun.result === 'UNKNOWN' ? latestRun.state : latestRun.result;
return (
<div key={favorite._links.self.href}>
onFavoriteToggle={(isFavorite) => this._onFavoriteToggle(isFavorite, favorite)}
return (
<div className="favorites-card-stack">
render() {
return (
<FavoritesProvider store={}>
{ this._renderCardStack() }
DashboardCards.propTypes = {
store: PropTypes.object,
favorites: PropTypes.instanceOf(List),
toggleFavorite: PropTypes.func,
const selectors = createSelector(
(favorites) => ({ favorites })
export default connect(selectors, actions)(DashboardCards);