
108 lines
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* Created by cmeyers on 8/25/16.
const extractRestUrl = (subject) => {
let restUrl = null;
if (typeof subject === 'object') {
if (subject && subject._links && subject._links.self) {
restUrl = subject._links.self.href;
} else if (typeof subject === 'string') {
restUrl = subject;
if (!restUrl) {
throw new Error('Could not find input URL');
return restUrl;
* Return a new array with leading and trailing whitespace elements removed.
* @param {Array} tokens
* @returns {Array}
const trimEmptyTokens = (tokens) => {
const copy = tokens.slice();
if (copy[0] === '') {
if (copy[copy.length - 1] === '') {
return copy;
* Builds the proper URL to view Run Details for the specified run.
* Run is either a run object with "_links.self.href" property, or the URL itself.
* @param {object|string} run
* @returns {string}
export const buildRunDetailsUrl = (run) => {
const restUrl = extractRestUrl(run);
const tokens = trimEmptyTokens(restUrl.split('/'));
// given the following URL '/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/folder1/pipelines/folder2/pipelines/folder3/pipelines/jdl-2
// /branches/experiment%252Fbuild-locally-docker/runs/21/
const organizationName = tokens[3];
const isMultiBranch = tokens[tokens.length - 4] === 'branches';
const fullNameStart = 4;
const fullNameEnd = !isMultiBranch ? tokens.length - 2 : tokens.length - 4;
// grab the tokens that make up the full name, then filter out the even values ('/pipelines')
// so the clean folder path is returned, e.g. folder1/folder2/folder3/jdl-2
const fullName = tokens
.slice(fullNameStart, fullNameEnd)
.filter((name, index) => index % 2 === 1)
const pipelineName = tokens[fullNameEnd - 1];
const branchName = isMultiBranch ? tokens[tokens.length - 3] : '';
const runId = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
const detailName = isMultiBranch ? decodeURIComponent(branchName) : pipelineName;
// fail fast
if (!organizationName || !fullName || !detailName || !runId) {
throw new Error('Could not extract URI components');
return `/organizations/${organizationName}` +
`/${encodeURIComponent(fullName)}/detail` +
export const buildRunDetailsUrlFromQueue = (queueItem, isMultiBranch, expectedBuildNumber) => {
const restUrl = extractRestUrl(queueItem);
const tokens = trimEmptyTokens(restUrl.split('/'));
// given the following URL '/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/jenkinsfile-experiments/pipelines/PR-2/queue/31/'
// modify the 'queue' URL so it looks like a 'runs' URL
tokens[tokens.length - 2] = 'runs';
// replace the queue number with the expected runId
tokens[tokens.length - 1] = expectedBuildNumber;
// if multi-branch, change the last value of 'pipelines' to 'branches' so it looks like a multibranch REST URL
if (isMultiBranch) {
tokens[tokens.length - 4] = 'branches';
return buildRunDetailsUrl(tokens.join('/'));
export default {
buildRunDetailsUrl, buildRunDetailsUrlFromQueue,