
161 lines
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import { observable, action, computed } from 'mobx';
import { Fetch } from '../fetch';
* Provide a pagination function for the generic
* blueocean pagination
* @export
* @param {string} url - Base url to paginate.
* @returns {function} - Function that provides pagincated urls.
export function paginateUrl(url) {
const sep = url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?';
return (start, limit) => `${url}${sep}start=${start}&limit=${limit}`;
* The pager fetches pages of data from the BlueOcean api. It fetches pages of data, then
* inserts them into the [@link BunkerService], and stores the href from the data.
* MobX computes a data field from the hrefs backed by the backend cache. This allows for SSE events
* to be proporgated to the pager.
* @export
* @class Pager
export class Pager {
* List of deisplayed items hrefs.
@observable hrefs = [];
* pager is fetching data.
@observable pending = false;
* Will be set in an error occurs.
@observable error = null;
* The latest page the pager has fetched.
@observable currentPage = 0;
* More pages to fetch.
@observable hasMore = true;
* Mobx computed value that creates an array of objects from the list of hrefs stored. If either the
* bunker changes, or the hrefs change, this is recalculated and will trigger a react reaction.
* If item does not exist in bunker, then we just ignore it.
* @readonly
* @type {Array<Object>}
get data() {
return => this.bunker.getItem(href)).filter(item => item !== undefined);
* Creates an instance of Pager and fetches the first page.
* @param {string} url - Base url of collectin to fetch
* @param {number} pageSize - Page size to fetch during one load.
* @param {BunkerService} bunker - Data store
* @param {UrlProvider} [urlProvider=paginateUrl]
constructor(url, pageSize, bunker, urlProvider = paginateUrl) {
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.url = url;
this.urlProvider = urlProvider;
this.pagedUrl = this.urlProvider(url);
this.pageSize = pageSize;
this.bunker = bunker;
// Fetch the first page so that the user does not have to.
* Fetches the next page from the backend.
* @returns {Promise}
fetchNextPage() {
// Get the next page's url.'
const url = this.pagedUrl(this.currentPage * this.pageSize, this.pageSize + 1);
this.pending = true;
return Fetch.fetchJSON(url)
.then(action('Process pager data', data => {
// Store item in bunker.
const saved = this.bunker.setItems(data);
// 1 extra item is fetched because need to know if there are more packages. So
// slice off the last item, then map all items to just be hrefs.
const trimmedHrefs = saved.slice(0, this.pageSize).map(item => item._links.self.href);
// Append the new Hrefs to the existing ones.
this.hrefs = this.hrefs.concat(trimmedHrefs);
// True if we fetch more items than the page size.
this.hasMore = data.length > this.pageSize;
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
this.pending = false;
})).catch(err => {
console.error('Error fetching page', err);
action('set error', () => { this.error = err; });
* Refreshes the Hrefs for the pager. It also stores the latest data in the [@link BunkerService]
* This might be called if something like sorting of a list changes.
* @returns {Promise}
refresh() {
const url = this.pagedUrl(0, this.currentPage * this.pageSize + 1);
this.pending = true;
return Fetch.fetchJSON(url) // Fetch data
.then(action('set data', data => {
this.hrefs = data.slice(0, this.pageSize).map(x => x._links.self.href);
this.hasMore = data.length > this.pageSize;
this.currentPage = this.currentPage + 1;
this.pending = false;
})).catch(err => {
console.error('Error fetching page', err);
this.err = err;
* Inserts an href into the list. This will cause a reaction render for the paged list of data.
* @param {string} href - href of item to display
* @param {number} [pos=0] - Position to insert it. Default is first item.
insert(href, pos = 0) {
this.hrefs.splice(pos, 0, href);
* Href exists in pager.
* @param {string} href
* @returns {boolean} - True if this pager does have this href
has(href) {
return this.hrefs.indexOf(href) > -1;