
57 lines
1.6 KiB

import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react';
import { LogConsole } from '@jenkins-cd/design-language';
import { ExtensionPoint } from '@jenkins-cd/js-extensions';
import LogToolbar from './LogToolbar';
const { string, object, any } = PropTypes;
function uriString(input) {
return encodeURIComponent(input).replace(/%2F/g, '%252F');
export default class RunDetailsPipeline extends Component {
render() {
const { pipeline: name, branch, runId } = this.context.params;
// multibranch special treatment - get url of the log
const { isMultiBranch } = this.props;
const baseUrl = '/rest/organizations/jenkins' +
let url;
let fileName;
if (isMultiBranch) {
url = `${baseUrl}/branches/${uriString(branch)}/runs/${runId}/log/`;
fileName = `${branch}-${runId}.txt`;
} else {
url = `${baseUrl}/runs/${runId}/log/`;
fileName = `${runId}.txt`;
return (
<ExtensionPoint name=""
branchName={isMultiBranch ? branch : undefined}
<LogToolbar {...{ fileName, url }} />
<LogConsole {...{ url }} />
RunDetailsPipeline.propTypes = {
pipeline: object,
isMultiBranch: any,
fileName: string,
url: string,
RunDetailsPipeline.contextTypes = {
config: object.isRequired,
params: object,
pipeline: object,