
261 lines
11 KiB

import React from 'react';
import { assert} from 'chai';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
import * as actions from '../../main/js/redux/actions';
function newEvent(type) {
return {
blueocean_branch_name: "quicker",
blueocean_is_for_current_job: true,
blueocean_is_multi_branch: true,
blueocean_job_name: "PR-demo",
jenkins_channel: "job",
jenkins_event: type,
jenkins_object_name: "CloudBeers/PR-demo/quicker",
jenkins_object_url: "job/CloudBeers/job/PR-demo/branch/quicker/",
job_name: "CloudBeers/PR-demo/quicker",
jenkins_object_id: "12",
job_run_queueId: "12",
job_run_status: "QUEUED"
const CONFIG = {
getAppURLBase: function() { return '/jenkins'; }
const originalFetchJson = actions.fetchJson;
try {
describe("push events - queued run tests", () => {
// Test queued event for when the event is for the pipeline that
// the user is actually "currently" looking at.
it("currently displayed pipeline", () => {
const event = newEvent('job_run_queue_enter');
const dispatcher = actions.actions.processJobQueuedEvent(event);
// mimic invocation of this action dispatcher and inspect the
// actualDispatchObj passed to the dispatch function
const dispatchedEvents = [];
dispatcher(function(actualDispatchObj) {
}, function() {
return {
adminStore: {
runs: {
'PR-demo': []
// The queued event should get dispatched twice:
// 1. To update the redux store's view of the set of 'currentRuns' because
// the event is associated with the currently active pipeline.
// 2. To update the redux store's view of the set of runs associated with the
// pipeline itself. Every time the user navs to a pipeline, the runs for
// that pipeline are cached in the redux store. This dispatch updates
// that state.
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents.length, 2);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].type, actions.ACTION_TYPES.SET_CURRENT_RUN_DATA);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload.length, 1);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload[0].pipeline, 'quicker');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload[0].state, 'QUEUED');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[1].type, actions.ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[1].id, 'PR-demo');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[1].payload.length, 1);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[1].payload[0].pipeline, 'quicker');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[1].payload[0].state, 'QUEUED');
// Test queued event for when the event is for a different pipeline to
// the one that the user is actually "currently" looking at.
it("not currently displayed pipeline", () => {
const event = newEvent('job_run_queue_enter');
// modify the event to turn off the blueocean_is_for_current_job flag.
// This should result in just one dispatch.
event.blueocean_is_for_current_job = false;
const dispatcher = actions.actions.processJobQueuedEvent(event);
// mimic invocation of this action dispatcher and inspect the
// actualDispatchObj passed to the dispatch function
const dispatchedEvents = [];
dispatcher(function(actualDispatchObj) {
// console.log(actualDispatchObj);
}, function() {
return {
adminStore: {
runs: {
'PR-demo': []
// The queued event should get dispatched once only i.e. to update the
// "global" run state. See the previous test comments for more details.
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents.length, 1);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].type, actions.ACTION_TYPES.SET_RUNS_DATA);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].id, 'PR-demo');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload.length, 1);
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload[0].pipeline, 'quicker');
assert.equal(dispatchedEvents[0].payload[0].state, 'QUEUED');
// Test queued event is ignored if already received. This can happen because
// there are multiple events relating to the run queue lifecycle.
it("ignore multiple events with same queueId", () => {
// mimic invocation of this action dispatcher and inspect the
// actualDispatchObj passed to the dispatch function
const adminStore = {runs: { 'PR-demo': [] } };
function fireEvent() {
const event = newEvent('job_run_queue_enter');
// modify the event to turn off the blueocean_is_for_current_job flag.
// This should result in max of one dispatch per call to dispatcher.
event.blueocean_is_for_current_job = false;
const dispatcher = actions.actions.processJobQueuedEvent(event);
dispatcher(function (actualDispatchObj) {
adminStore.runs['PR-demo'] = actualDispatchObj.payload;
}, function () {
return {
adminStore: adminStore
// fire the dispatcher for the first time...
// Should have been dispatched i.e. count === 1 ...
assert.equal(adminStore.runs['PR-demo'].length, 1);
// fire the dispatcher a second time (same event)...
// Should not have been dispatched i.e. count
// should still be 1 ...
assert.equal(adminStore.runs['PR-demo'].length, 1);
describe("push events - started run tests", () => {
// Test run started event for when the event is for the pipeline that
// the user is actually "currently" looking at.
it("run fetch ok", () => {
// Mimic the run being in the queued state before the start
const adminStore = {
runs: {
'PR-demo': [{
job_run_queueId: '12',
pipeline: 'quicker',
state: 'QUEUED',
result: 'UNKNOWN'
function fireEvent() {
const event = newEvent('job_run_started');
event.blueocean_is_for_current_job = false;
// Mock the fetchJson
actions.fetchJson = function(url, onSuccess, onError) {
assert.equal(url, '/jenkins/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/PR-demo/branches/quicker/runs/12');
"_class": "",
"artifacts": [],
"changeSet": [],
"durationInMillis": 0,
"enQueueTime": "2016-05-19T22:05:39.301+0100",
"endTime": null,
"estimatedDurationInMillis": 17882,
"id": "12",
"organization": "jenkins",
"pipeline": "quicker",
"result": "UNKNOWN",
"runSummary": "?",
"startTime": "2016-05-19T22:05:39.303+0100",
"state": "RUNNING",
"type": "WorkflowRun",
"commitId": null
const dispatcher = actions.actions.updateRunState(event, CONFIG, true);
dispatcher(function (actualDispatchObj) {
adminStore.runs['PR-demo'] = actualDispatchObj.payload;
}, function () {
return {
adminStore: adminStore
// Fire the start event and then check that the run state
// has changed as expected.
var runs = adminStore.runs['PR-demo'];
assert.equal(runs.length, 1);
assert.equal(runs[0].enQueueTime, '2016-05-19T22:05:39.301+0100');
assert.equal(runs[0].state, 'RUNNING');
it("run fetch failed", () => {
// Mimic the run being in the queued state before the start
const adminStore = {
runs: {
'PR-demo': [{
job_run_queueId: '12',
pipeline: 'quicker',
state: 'QUEUED',
result: 'UNKNOWN'
function fireEvent() {
const event = newEvent('job_run_started');
event.blueocean_is_for_current_job = false;
// Mock the fetchJson
actions.fetchJson = function(url, onSuccess, onError) {
assert.equal(url, '/jenkins/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/PR-demo/branches/quicker/runs/12');
const dispatcher = actions.actions.updateRunState(event, CONFIG, true);
dispatcher(function (actualDispatchObj) {
adminStore.runs['PR-demo'] = actualDispatchObj.payload;
}, function () {
return {
adminStore: adminStore
// Fire the start event and then check that the run state
// has changed as expected .
var runs = adminStore.runs['PR-demo'];
assert.equal(runs.length, 1);
// This time, the run state should have changed as expected
// because we do it manually when the fetch fails, but we don't
// see the time changes etc.
assert.equal(runs[0].enQueueTime, undefined);
assert.equal(runs[0].state, 'RUNNING');
} finally {
actions.fetchJson = originalFetchJson;