Add a backlog of posts that I just forgot to commit

This commit is contained in:
R. Tyler Croy 2013-03-09 14:02:40 -08:00
parent 7c9354457b
commit 30ab44c4c4
3 changed files with 283 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
layout: post
title: "FOSDEM: Testing and Automation Dev Room CFP"
- fosdem
- fosdem2013
For this next year's FOSDEM, I'm organizing the "Testing and Automation"
developer room. And wouldn't you know it, we've just opened up our [Call for
I'm quite excited about the dev room, and look forward to reviewing and
selecting the talks.
Hope to see you there :)

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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
layout: post
title: Tyler goes to Yurp
- fosdem
- fosdem2013
- roadtrip
- europe
As I mentioned in my [previous
post](/2012/11/18/testing-automation-devroom-fosdem.html) I'll be going to
[FOSDEM]( this year. Unlike last year, I will be spending a
*lot* more time in Europe this time around.
I will be arriving in Frankfurt on the 29th of January and spending a few days
in Köln (Cologne). Naturally I will be in Brussels for FOSDEM for a couple
days, but after that, I will be heading to
[Berlin]( for a few weeks.
I've already spent a good amount of time in Germany, so I won't be on the
"tourist track", having seen most of the sights in Berlin already.
So I will be working from Berlin, and my weekends and evenings will be open to
as many meetups/hackathons as I can find. Even if you don't want to hang out
(it's okay, I understand), but know of some good events in Berlin that are
worth checking out, please send me an email ( and let me know!
*What the hell is Yurp?*
Having spent a large amount of my time in the southern US, "Yurp" is how *far*
too many southern people pronounce "Europe", including those in my own family.
That's why I'm going to Yurp.

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@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
layout: post
title: Safe, Dynamic Task Creation in Ada
- ada
- programming
A few years ago,
become my hobby/tinker programming language of choice, for a [number of
reasons](/2010/12/06/ada-surely-you-jest-mr-pythonman.html), concurrency being
one of them. In this post I'd like to walk you through an example of dynamic
task creation in Ada, which uses `Ada.Task_Termination` handlers, a new feature
in Ada 2005.
(If you're familiar with Ada, you can skip this next section)
> *Note:* You can find all this code, and more in my
[ada-playground]( repository on GitHub
Similar to C, Ada supports stack allocated variables as well as heap allocated
variabels, it also defaults to stack allocation. For example:
{% highlight ada %}
procedure Main is
-- A stack allocated `Integer` object
Enough_Memory : constant Integer := 655360;
end Main;
{% endhighlight %}
If you wanted to allocate that `Integer` onto the heap, then you would use the
`new` keyword:
{% highlight ada %}
procedure Main is
-- A heap allocated `Integer` pointer
Enough_Memory : access Integer := new Integer'(655360);
end Main;
{% endhighlight %}
I won't dive too much into the minutia of what is going on here, if you're not
familiar with Ada already you can learn more about [access types on the Ada
Wikibook]( Basically
we're heap allocating a new Integer and using an **access type** (aka: typed
pointer) to keep track of it. Keen readers will notice we didn't do anything
with that Integer access type, and we're _technically_ leaking the memory. To
solve this we use the generic unit `Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation`, which gives
you a facility for properly freeing memory ([more details
### Tasking Trickiness
Concurrency is part of the language in Ada, and is handled through
[tasking]( A basic
example of might be:
{% highlight ada %}
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Main is
task Counter;
task body Counter is
for Count in 1 .. 10 loop
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Count'Img);
end loop;
end Counter;
end Main;
{% endhighlight %}
The way tasks in Ada work means that the `Counter` task will be created,
started and then the execution of the `Main` program will block until the
`Counter` task completes (important detail).
The trickiness starts to arrive when you talk about dynamically allocating task
objects, and combine that with something like an infinite loop, such as one
might find in a server program, e.g.:
{% highlight ada %}
procedure Main is
-- Socket set up omitted
Client_Socket : Socket_Type;
Request_Handler : Handler_Ptr := new Handler;
-- Block until we receive a new inbound connection
Accept_Socket (Server_Socket, Client_Socket, Server_Addr);
-- Dereference the Handler_Ptr and call `Process` on the Handler
-- task
Request_Handler.all.Process (Client_Socket);
end loop;
end Main;
{% endhighlight %}
(The code above is an abbreviated version of `echomultitask_main.adb` which [can
be found
The issue with this code is that we're allocating a new `Handler` task for
every in-bound connection, and we have no means of ever cleaning them up
properly. If we were to create an Array of `Handler_Ptr`, we still would have
to find some mechanism (which exists) to check the status of each `Handler` to
determine if we should clean it up. Problem being, we'd have to loop through
all the active tasks, checking for a "terminated" status, in order to
deallocate them. It'd be much better if a task could tell us when it's
finished, rather than us polling every one.
Fortunately in Ada 2005, a mechanism was added to make it easier to add
"clean-up" to tasks: **`Ada.Task_Termination`**. The package allows you to set
up a termination handler for the a specific task, which the runtime will call
when that task terminates. _Unfortunately_ however, the handler procedure that
can be invoked when the task terminates will **not** be passed a pointer to
the task itself, but rather the `Task_Id` (`Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id`).
**So close** to being able to properly deallocate these dynamic tasks, but we
need one more component, a protected object with a hash map inside of it:
{% highlight ada %}
package Server.Handlers is
protected Coordinator is
procedure Track (Ptr : in Handler_Ptr);
Active_Tasks : Handler_Containers.Map;
end Coordinator;
end Server.Handlers;
{% endhighlight %}
Then back in `main.adb`:
{% highlight ada %}
Accept_Socket (Server_Socket, Client_Socket, Server_Addr);
Request_Handler.all.Process (Client_Socket);
-- Make sure the we keep track of the Request_Handler in order to properly
-- deallocate it later
Server.Handlers.Coordinator.Track (Request_Handler);
{% endhighlight %}
(The code above is an abbreviated version of `` which
[can be found
The singleton protected object `Coordinator` not only will give us protected
(aka thread safe) access to the `Active_Tasks` map, but also gives us a
protected object to hang our `Ada.Task_Termination.Termination_Handler`
protected procedure off of:
{% highlight ada %}
protected body Server.Handlers is
protected body Coordinator is
procedure Last_Wish (C : Ada.Task_Termination.Cause_Of_Termination;
T : Ada.Task_Identification.Task_Id;
X : Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Occurrence) is
-- Deallocate our task identified by `T`
-- and make sure we remove it from `Active_Tasks`
end Last_Wish;
procedure Track (Ptr : in Handler_Ptr) is
-- Dereference our `Handler` task, and fish out its Task_Id
Handler_Id : Ada.Task_Idenfitication.Task_Id := Ptr.all'Identity
-- Add `Handler_Id` to our `Active_Tasks` map
Active_Tasks.Insert (Handler_Id, Ptr);
-- Set up the Last_Wish procedure to be executed after our task has
-- terminated
Ada.Task_Termination.Set_Specific_Handler (Handler_Id, Last_Wish'Access);
end Track;
end Coordinator;
end Server.Handlers;
{% endhighlight %}
(The code above is an abbreviated version of `echomultitask-worker.adb` which
[can be found here](
This approach will allow us to safely create new dynamic tasks to handle the
incoming requests, but will also make sure that the tasks are cleanly
deallocated when they terminate.
If you're interested in concurrency in Ada, I
highly recommend purchasing [Concurrent and Real-Time Programming in
by Alan Burns and Andy Wellings, it's been tremendously helpful for my own
concurrency exploration in Ada.