Add initial template, based on Elijah Miller's fancy site
This commit is contained in:
R. Tyler Croy 2011-05-15 14:19:03 -07:00
parent 52feb477fb
commit ac1865612a
11 changed files with 1003 additions and 0 deletions

_layouts/default.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
{% if page.title %}
{{ page.title }} //
{% endif %}
R. Tyler Croy
<meta name="author" content="Elijah Miller" />
{% if page.summary %}
<meta namne="description" content="{{ page.summary }}" />
{% endif %}
<link href="" rel="alternate" title="unethical blogger" type="application/atom+xml" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/syntax.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/stylesheets/default.css" type="text/css" />
{% for css in page.css %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ css }}" type="text/css" />
{% endfor %}
<div id="site">
<a id="subscribe" href=""><img src="/images/rss.png" alt="Subscribe to RSS Feed" /></a>
<div id="search_area" style="display: none">
<label for="search" style="display: none">Search</label>
<img src="" alt="X"/>
<input id="search" />
<h1><a href="/">R. Tyler Croy</a></h1>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="sidebar" class="vcard">
<dl id="contact">
<dd><a class="fn url" href="/">R. Tyler Croy</a> / <span class="nickname">agentdero</span></dd>
<dd class="email"><a href=""></a></dd>
<dd class="org"><a href="">Lookout, Inc.</a></dd>
<h3>And then some</h3>
<ul id="profiles">
<li><a href=""></a></li>
<li><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
<li><a href="">GitHub</a></li>
<div class="adr">
<span class="locality">Berkeley</span>
<span class="region">CA</span>
<span class="postal-code"></span>
<span class="country-name">USA</span>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div id="content">
{{ content }}
<div class="clear"></div>
{% for js in page.javascript %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ js }}"></script>
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var query = '?';
for(var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
if(links[i].href.indexOf('#disqus_thread') >= 0) {
query += 'url' + i + '=' + encodeURIComponent(links[i].href) + '&';
document.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + query + '"></' + 'script>');

_layouts/post.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
layout: default
<div id="post">
<h2>{{ page.title }}</h2>
{{ content }}
<div id="related">
<h3>Related Posts</h3>
<ul class="posts">
{% for post in site.related_posts limit:3 %}
<li><span>{{ | date_to_string }}</span> &raquo; <a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
<div id="disqus_thread"></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="">View comments.</a></noscript>

_layouts/refresh.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url={{ page.refresh_to_post_id }}.html" />

atom.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
layout: nil
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title>unethical blogger</title>
<link href="" rel="self"/>
<link href=""/>
<updated>{{ site.time | date_to_xmlschema }}</updated>
<name>R. Tyler Croy</name>
{% for post in site.posts %}
<title>{{ post.title }}</title>
<link href="{{ post.url }}"/>
<updated>{{ | date_to_xmlschema }}</updated>
<id>{{ }}</id>
<content type="html">{{ post.content | xml_escape }}</content>
{% endfor %}

images/rss.png Executable file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.7 KiB

index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
layout: default
- /javascripts/json_search.0.9.0.js
- /javascripts/home.js
<div id="search_results_area">
<h2>Posts <span id="result_count"></span></h2>
<ul id="search_results" class="posts">
<div id="home">
<ul class="posts">
{% for post in site.posts %}
<a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a>
<p>{{ post.summary }}</p>
{% endfor %}
<div id="tweets">
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var posts = [
{% for post in site.posts %}
title: unescape('{{ post.title | strip_html | cgi_escape }}').gsub(/\+/, ' '),
summary: unescape('{{ post.summary | strip_html | cgi_escape }}').gsub(/\+/, ' '),
content: unescape('{{ post.content | strip_html | cgi_escape }}').gsub(/\+/, ' '),
url: unescape('{{ post.url | strip_html | cgi_escape }}').gsub(/\+/, ' '),
{% endfor %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="/javascripts/twitter-1.11.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
getTwitters('tweets', {
id: 'agentdero',
count: 5,
enableLinks: true,
clearContents: true,
template: '%text%'

javascripts/home.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {
var search_field = $('search');
var search_label = $$('#search_area label').first();
var clear_search = $$('#search_area img').first();
var tweets = $('tweets');
var body = $$('body').first();
var json_search = new JSONSearch({
fields: {
title: 'infix',
summary: 'word_prefix',
content: 'word_prefix'
ranks: {
title: 3,
summary: 2,
content: 1
var search = function(e) {
if (e && e.keyCode == 27) {
var query = search_field.value;
var results;
if (query.blank()) {
results = posts;
} else {
results = json_search.getResults(query, posts);
if (!query.blank()) {
} else {
$('result_count').update('(' + results.length + ')');
$('search_results').update(results.collect(function(post) {
return('<li><a href="' + post.url + '">' + post.title + '</a><p>' + post.summary + '</p></li>');
if (search_field.value.blank()) {;
search_field.observe('keyup', search);
search_field.observe('focus', function(e) {
search_field.observe('blur', function(e) {
if (search_field.value.blank()) {;
var clear = function() {
search_field.value = '';;
clear_search.observe('click', clear);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
var JSONSearch = function(options) {
this.default_options = {
fields: {},
ranks: {},
limit: null,
offset: 0,
case_sensitive: false
this.patterns = {
infix: '.*$token.*',
prefix: '^$token.*',
exact: '^$token$',
word: '\\b$token\\b',
word_prefix: '\\b$token.*'
this.query_string = '';
this.query_function = "1&&function(object) { var hits = 0, ranks_array = []; #{query_string} if (hits > 0) { return [(ranks_array.sort()[ranks_array.length - 1] || 0), hits, object]; } }";
JSONSearch.InstanceMethods = {
initialize: function(options) {
this.options = {};
for(var property in this.default_options) {
this.options[property] = this.default_options[property]
for(var property in options) {
this.options[property] = options[property];
setAttributes: function() {
var args = ['fields', 'limit', 'offset', 'case_sensitive'];
for(var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
this[args[i]] = this.options[args[i]];
this.ranks = this.getRanks();
this.fields_ordered_by_rank = this.fieldsOrderedByRank();
buildMatcherTemplates: function() {
for(var property in this.patterns) {
this[property + '_matcher'] = 'if(/' + this.patterns[property] + '/#{regex_options}.test(object["#{name}"])){hits++;ranks_array.push(ranks["#{name}"]);}';
getRanks: function(object) {
var ranks = {};
for(var property in this.fields) {
ranks[property] = (this.options.ranks && this.options.ranks[property] || 0);
return ranks;
// TODO if ranks are all 0 might just use the format order if supplied
fieldsOrderedByRank: function() {
var fields_ordered_by_rank = [];
for(var property in this.ranks){
fields_ordered_by_rank.push([this.ranks['property'], property]);
fields_ordered_by_rank = fields_ordered_by_rank.sort().reverse();
for(var i = 0; i < fields_ordered_by_rank.length; i++) {
fields_ordered_by_rank[i] = fields_ordered_by_rank[i][1];
return fields_ordered_by_rank;
buildQueryString: function() {
var query_string_array = [], field;
for(var i = 0; i < this.fields_ordered_by_rank.length; i++) {
field = this.fields_ordered_by_rank[i];
query_string_array.push(this.buildMatcher(field, this.fields[field]));
this.query_string = query_string_array.join('');
buildMatcher: function(name, pattern) {
return this.subMatcher(this[pattern + '_matcher'], { name: name, regex_options: this.getRegexOptions() });
subMatcher: function(matcher, object) {
var subbed_matcher = matcher;
for(var property in object) {
subbed_matcher = subbed_matcher.replace('#{' + property + '}', object[property], 'g')
return subbed_matcher;
subQueryString: function(token) {
return this.query_string.replace(/\$token/g, this.regexEscape(token));
subQueryFunction: function(object) {
var subbed_query_function;
for(var property in object) {
subbed_query_function = this.query_function.replace('#{' + property + '}', object[property], 'g')
return subbed_query_function;
//TODO add an options object to pass limit/offset.
getResults: function(token, object) {
object = this.evalJSON(object);
if (!(object instanceof Array)) {
object = [object];
var results, subbed_query_string = this.subQueryString(token);
results = this.getFilteredResults(subbed_query_string, object);
results = this.sortResults(results);
results = this.limitResults(results);
return this.cleanResults(results);
getFilteredResults: function(query_string, array) {
var results = [], ranks = this.ranks, result, len = (array.length), query_string = (query_string || '');
var query_function = eval(this.subQueryFunction({ query_string: query_string }));
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if(result = query_function(array[i])) {
return results;
sortResults: function(results) {
return results.sort().reverse();
limitResults: function(results) {
if (this.limit) {
return results.slice(this.offset, (this.limit + this.offset));
} else if (this.offset > 0) {
return results.slice(this.offset, (results.length));
} else {
return results;
cleanResults: function(results) {
var clean_results = []; len = (results.length);
for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
return clean_results;
evalJSON: function(json) {
if (typeof json == 'string') {
try {
json = eval('(' + json + ')');
} catch(e) {
throw new SyntaxError('Badly formed JSON string');
return json;
getRegex: function(token, pattern) {
return new RegExp(this.patterns[pattern].replace(/\$token/, this.regexEscape(token)), this.getRegexOptions());
getRegexOptions: function() {
return (this.case_sensitive && '' || 'i');
regexEscape: function(string) {
return String(string).replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1');
for(var property in JSONSearch.InstanceMethods) {
JSONSearch.prototype[property] = JSONSearch.InstanceMethods[property]
delete JSONSearch.InstanceMethods;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
* remy sharp /
* @params
* cssIdOfContainer: e.g. twitters
* options:
* {
* id: {String} username,
* count: {Int} 1-20, defaults to 1 - max limit 20
* prefix: {String} '%name% said', defaults to blank
* clearContents: {Boolean} true, removes contents of element specified in cssIdOfContainer, defaults to true
* ignoreReplies: {Boolean}, skips over tweets starting with '@', defaults to false
* template: {String} HTML template to use for LI element (see URL above for examples), defaults to predefined template
* enableLinks: {Boolean} linkifies text, defaults to true,
* timeout: {Int} How long before triggering onTimeout, defaults to 10 seconds if onTimeout is set
* onTimeoutCancel: {Boolean} Completely cancel twitter call if timedout, defaults to false
* onTimeout: {Function} Function to run when the timeout occurs. Function is bound to element specified with
* cssIdOfContainer (i.e. 'this' keyword)
* withFriends: {Boolean} includes friend's status
* }
* @license MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* @version 1.11 - Added timeout functionality, and removed withFriends while Twitter works out API changes
* @date $Date: 2008-10-16 18:49:40 +0100 (Thu, 16 Oct 2008) $
// to protect variables from resetting if included more than once
if (typeof renderTwitters != 'function') (function () {
/** Private variables */
var browser = (function() {
var b = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
// Figure out what browser is being used
return {
safari: /webkit/.test(b),
opera: /opera/.test(b),
msie: /msie/.test(b) && !(/opera/).test(b),
mozilla: /mozilla/.test(b) && !(/(compatible|webkit)/).test(b)
var guid = 0;
var readyList = [];
var isReady = false;
/** Global functions */
// to create a public function within our private scope, we attach the
// the function to the window object
window.renderTwitters = function (obj, options) {
// private shortcuts
function node(e) {
return document.createElement(e);
function text(t) {
return document.createTextNode(t);
var target = document.getElementById(options.twitterTarget);
var data = null;
var ul = node('ul'), li, statusSpan, timeSpan, i, max = obj.length > options.count ? options.count : obj.length;
for (i = 0; i < max && obj[i]; i++) {
data = getTwitterData(obj[i]);
if (options.ignoreReplies && obj[i].text.substr(0, 1) == '@') {
continue; // skip
li = node('li');
if (options.template) {
li.innerHTML = options.template.replace(/%([a-z_\-\.]*)%/ig, function (m, l) {
var r = data[l] + "" || "";
if (l == 'text' && options.enableLinks) r = linkify(r);
return r;
} else {
statusSpan = node('span');
statusSpan.className = 'twitterStatus';
timeSpan = node('span');
timeSpan.className = 'twitterTime';
statusSpan.innerHTML = obj[i].text; // forces the entities to be converted correctly
if (options.enableLinks == true) {
statusSpan.innerHTML = linkify(statusSpan.innerHTML);
timeSpan.innerHTML = relative_time(obj[i].created_at);
if (options.prefix) {
var s = node('span');
s.className = 'twitterPrefix';
s.innerHTML = options.prefix.replace(/%(.*?)%/g, function (m, l) {
return obj[i].user[l];
li.appendChild(text(' ')); // spacer :-(
li.appendChild(text(' '));
if (options.clearContents) {
while (target.firstChild) {
window.getTwitters = function (target, id, count, options) {
if (typeof id == 'object') {
options = id;
id =;
count = options.count;
// defaulting options
if (!count) count = 1;
if (options) {
options.count = count;
} else {
options = {};
if (!options.timeout && typeof options.onTimeout == 'function') {
options.timeout = 10;
if (typeof options.clearContents == 'undefined') {
options.clearContents = true;
// Hack to disable withFriends, twitter changed their API so this requires auth
if (options.withFriends) options.withFriends = false;
// need to make these global since we can't pass in to the twitter callback
options['twitterTarget'] = target;
// default enable links
if (typeof options.enableLinks == 'undefined') options.enableLinks = true;
// this looks scary, but it actually allows us to have more than one twitter
// status on the page, which in the case of my example blog - I do!
window['twitterCallback' + guid] = function (obj) {
if (options.timeout) {
clearTimeout(window['twitterTimeout' + guid]);
renderTwitters(obj, options);
// check out the mad currying!
ready((function(options, guid) {
return function () {
// if the element isn't on the DOM, don't bother
if (!document.getElementById(options.twitterTarget)) {
var url = '' + (options.withFriends ? 'friends_timeline' : 'user_timeline') + '/' + id + '.json?callback=twitterCallback' + guid + '&count=20';
if (options.timeout) {
window['twitterTimeout' + guid] = setTimeout(function () {
// cancel callback
if (options.onTimeoutCancel) window['twitterCallback' + guid] = function () {};;
}, options.timeout * 1000);
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', url);
})(options, guid));
// GO!
/** Private functions */
function getTwitterData(orig) {
var data = orig, i;
for (i in orig.user) {
data['user_' + i] = orig.user[i];
data.time = relative_time(orig.created_at);
return data;
function ready(callback) {
if (!isReady) {
} else {;
function fireReady() {
isReady = true;
var fn;
while (fn = readyList.shift()) {;
// ready and browser adapted from John Resig's jQuery library (
function DOMReady() {
if ( browser.mozilla || browser.opera ) {
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", fireReady, false );
} else if ( browser.msie ) {
// If IE is used, use the excellent hack by Matthias Miller
// Only works if you document.write() it
document.write("<scr" + "ipt id=__ie_init defer=true src=//:><\/script>");
// Use the defer script hack
var script = document.getElementById("__ie_init");
// script does not exist if jQuery is loaded dynamically
if (script) {
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if ( this.readyState != "complete" ) return;
this.parentNode.removeChild( this );;
// Clear from memory
script = null;
// If Safari is used
} else if ( browser.safari ) {
// Continually check to see if the document.readyState is valid
var safariTimer = setInterval(function () {
// loaded and complete are both valid states
if ( document.readyState == "loaded" ||
document.readyState == "complete" ) {
// If either one are found, remove the timer
clearInterval( safariTimer );
safariTimer = null;
// and execute any waiting functions;
}, 10);
function relative_time(time_value) {
var values = time_value.split(" ");
time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + ", " + values[5] + " " + values[3];
var parsed_date = Date.parse(time_value);
var relative_to = (arguments.length > 1) ? arguments[1] : new Date();
var delta = parseInt((relative_to.getTime() - parsed_date) / 1000);
delta = delta + (relative_to.getTimezoneOffset() * 60);
var r = '';
if (delta < 60) {
r = 'less than a minute ago';
} else if(delta < 120) {
r = 'about a minute ago';
} else if(delta < (45*60)) {
r = (parseInt(delta / 60)).toString() + ' minutes ago';
} else if(delta < (2*90*60)) { // 2* because sometimes read 1 hours ago
r = 'about an hour ago';
} else if(delta < (24*60*60)) {
r = 'about ' + (parseInt(delta / 3600)).toString() + ' hours ago';
} else if(delta < (48*60*60)) {
r = '1 day ago';
} else {
r = (parseInt(delta / 86400)).toString() + ' days ago';
return r;
function linkify(s) {
return s.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/g, function(m) {
}).replace(/@[\S]+/g, function(m) {
return '<a href="' + m.substr(1) + '">' + m + '</a>';

stylesheets/default.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
.clear {
clear: both;
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border: 1px solid #ccc;
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border: 1px solid #fc6;
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padding: 15px;
text-align: center;
#post {
margin-bottom: 30px;
#disqus_thread {
margin-bottom: 130px;
#related {
margin-bottom: 30px;
.posts p {
margin: 5px 0 25px 0;
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#search_area {
width: 80px;
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color: #666;
-moz-border-radius: 30px;
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padding: 3px 27px 3px 27px;
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width: 100%;
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outline: none;
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top: 4px;
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display: none;
.searching #search_area img {
position: absolute;
left: 113px;
top: 7px;
display: block;
#search_results_area {
display: none;
.searching #search_results_area {
display: block;
.searching #home {
display: none;

stylesheets/syntax.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
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.highlight .ow { font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mf { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sb { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .sd { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #009926 } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #d14 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #990073 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #999999 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .vc { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .il { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */