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6 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
R Tyler Croy d8b565cd49 Yay I fixed a bug, that I made! 2023-11-12 20:10:16 -08:00
R Tyler Croy 9a9ba30f3c U nomad bro? 2023-10-20 17:24:14 -07:00
R Tyler Croy ee0558ee2c Fixed typo
Thanks Luke!
2023-08-22 14:59:10 -07:00
R Tyler Croy d801c3caf0 Fix some of the social card stuff 2023-07-31 22:53:06 -07:00
R Tyler Croy 379e3cb8fa Why re-export? 2023-07-26 11:42:13 -07:00
R Tyler Croy 786502b84b Add a blog post about port forwarding 2023-07-10 19:51:10 -07:00
5 changed files with 258 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -18,10 +18,14 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
layout: post
title: Dynamically forwarding SSH ports with "commandline disabled"
- ssh
- bsd
- linux
I frequently use SSH for accessing one of the many development workstations I
use for work, which includes developing network services among other things. A
couple of years ago I wrote about this hidden gem in `ssh` which allows
[dynamocaily forwarding ports](/2021/05/16/dynamically-forward-ssh-ports.html).
This handy little feature allows dynamocailly adding local port forwards from within an already running SSH session. Recently however this feature has stopped working properly, emitting `commandline disabled`.
It turns out that this is due to a backwards incompatible change which [OpenSSH released in 9.2]( earlier this year:
> ssh(1): add a new EnableEscapeCommandline ssh_config(5) option that controls
> whether the client-side ~C escape sequence that provides a command-line is
> available. Among other things, the ~C command-line could be used to add
> additional port-forwards at runtime.
The reason for this change is to support some sandboxing use-case which I don't entirely understand but also don't need, so I needed to add the following option to my host entries in `~/.ssh/config`:
Host foobar
EnableEscapeCommandLine yes
This can also be configured on the command line with `-o EnableEscapeCommandline=yes`. Happy port forwarding!

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
layout: post
title: "Why we re-export symbols from other libraries in Rust"
- rust
- opinion
Dependency management in the Rust ecosystem is _fairly_ mature from my perspective, with [](, Cargo, and some cultural norms around semantic versions, I feel safer with dependencies in Rust than I have in previous toolchains. It's far from perfect however, and [this question]( helps highlight one of the quirks of how Rust dependency management does or does not work, depending on your perspective:
> What is it that makes Rust users want libraries to re-export stuff from other
> I often get requests for axum to re-export stuff from hyper, time, or other
common crates. Why? Just “cargo add hyper” and youre good to go. Hyper is in
your crate graph regardless.
> I also often get feature requests for the few types axum does re-export so it
does confuse some. Thats why Im reluctant to just re-export everything.
I started writing up a reply in Mastodon but then I noticed that my words were
approaching the 500 character limit and perhaps this topic wasn't
microbloggable! I help maintain the [deltalake](
package for Rust and we **do** re-export a number of libraries, such as
[arrow]( of which I am a strong supporter.
The biggest motivation for re-exporting is to preserve ABI compatibility in our
interfaces. For some crates your transitive dependencies may be masked entirely
from the end-user, for example if I pull in the `regex` crate I'm typically
just using it for regular expressions inside my crate and not exposing an
interface which takes a `regex::Regex`. The ABI is safe from transitive version
changes of that crate. If however my crate exposes an API which is dependent on
a transitive dependency then I can have problems with version mismatches. Such
is the case with `arrow` in [delta-rs](,
which exposes `arrow_array::RecordBatch`. There is a much larger chance of ABI
incompatibilties between a transitive version of arrow needed by the
`deltalake` crate and what the consuming project may specify. This is
exacerbated in our case because _another_ transitive dependency of `deltalake`
specifies a dependency on `arrow`: [datafusion](
That means that the user, `deltalake`, and `datafusion` all have to agree on
the same version of `arrow` for types to properly interoperate between API
But it gets worse!
The Rust community generally seems to follow semantic versioning, but that
doesn't mean anything about the releases, just the version numbers used for
them. I can make major breaking API changes every one of my 0.x.x releases, or
in the case of `arrow` and `datafusion` I can just increment the major version
every release.
By re-exporting symbols from those two crates, downstream users of the
`deltalake` package will have a stable `RecordBatch` type ABI to work with for
every release, and can _largely_ ignore non-API breaking changes such as
struct layout changes, etc.
I am still mixed on whether _all_ types from other crates exposed in my APIs
should be exported. I think there is benefit to doing so for faster moving
dependencies. In essence:
* `arrow`, moving fast, better user experience to re-export
* `url`, moves slow, very mature, not really needed to re-export.
The judgement call I am typically making is whether this would make my life
easier as a downstream consumer of the crate. It's not that much effort of
maintenance burden to `pub use` something in a crate if that's convenient.

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
layout: post
title: "Hashicorp Nomad, almost but not quite good"
- opinion
- nomad
My home office has grown in size and for the first time in decades I believe I
have a _surplus_ of compute power at my disposal. These computational resources
are not in the form of some big beefy machine but a number of smaller machines
all tied together by a gigabit network hiding away in a server cabinet. The big
problem has become how to effectively utilize all that computational power, I
turned to [Nomad]( to orchestrate
arbitrary workloads on static and ephemeral (netboot) machines. As the title
would suggest, it's almost good but it still falls frustratingly short for my
I started investigating Nomad because Hashicorp pulled out a big licensing
foot-gun and pulled the trigger, changing to a non-open source license for all
of their projects, Nomad included. Unlike it's friend Terraform, whose
community rightfully revolted and created [OpenTofu](, no
such community seems to exist for Nomad. Extension and integration points are
the raw materials necessary to build a blossoming third-party community, and
without something akin to Terraform's providers and modules, there simply isn't
a common way for Nomad users to share patterns. Nomad has equivalent to [Helm
charts](, and the user community is worse off for it.
While Nomad does technically have a plugin architecture, it is poorly
documented and seems to only exist for task drivers (e.g. `docker`, `exec`,
`pot`). The vast majority of users are not going to need to write new task
drivers, but I can imagine a ripe opportunity for something akin to Terraform
modules for shared workload definitions in Nomad. It just doesn't seem to have
ever materialized.
The roughness around the edges are many, but some of the ones bugging me this week are:
* A glitchy web UI that rivals old [Jenkins]( in its ability
to hide the common user flows behind a too many clicks.
* A description language that doesn't "cascade" properly. Some blocks can be
configured at the `job`, `group`, and `task` level. Others can be configured
at the task level, like `env`, leading to redundant definitions across every
`task` in a job.
* Secrets integration is through Hashicorp Vault or ... nothing. Which means I
guess I'll just shove things into environment variables and hope nobody notices.
I do _kind of_ like Nomad though, which makes this all the more frustrating.
Most of what I need to do are ad-hoc on-premise compute workloads, some of
those workloads fit "cleanly" into Docker containers, others do not. Nomad does
meet that lovely middle ground of allowing me to orchestrate both. The support
for `service` (run a web server), `batch` (run a nightly job), and `sysbatch` (run a
management task on a slice of nodes) task types also covers a very useful
spectrum of my needs.
Despite all the really interesting qualities of Nomad it is a perhaps overly
complex piece of software which never lent itself to strong open source
contributions or community engagement. With the change in its
[license]( I fear it's going to fall
further behind and ultimately be forgotten in a sea of ambitious but ultimately
mismanaged software projects.
Returning to the needs that led me to adopt Nomad in the first place, they're
still not entirely met but I'm a bit lost on options to orchestrate workloads that _could_ fit in Nomad really well.
Yes, the rough edges of Nomad are frustrating. What is much more frustrating is
that I can see how Nomad could be a _great_ piece of software, but because of
social factors rather than technical ones, will never actually get there.

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
layout: post
title: "Solving a FreeBSD Jails issue: interface already exists"
- freebsd
- jails
For a long time after I rebuilt my jails host, I could not restart a certain
number of jails due to an "interface already exists" error. For the life of me
I could not make sense of it, The services running in the jails were useful but
not _required_ so I put off tinkering with it. I thought that I would magically
stumble into the solution in my sleep or something equally silly.
watermelon# service jail start gitea
Starting jails: cannot start jail "gitea":
ifconfig: interface epair14 already exists
jail: gitea: ifconfig epair14 create up: failed
watermelon# service jail stop gitea
Stopping jails:.
What perplexed me about this issue is that I would run `ifconfig epair14a`
after the failure to start the jail, and the interface would be there. "Surely
this must be a FreeBSD bug!"
The "eureka!" happened earlier today, not while I was sleeping, but rather
while I was solving other problems. "I bet there's something fishy in the
configuration, I should just rewrite it" I thought to myself. Most esoteric
bugs are not bugs with the compiler, libraries, or operating systems. Usually
they're the user doing something slightly stupid and not realizing it.
My jail configuration (`/etc/jail.conf`) resembled the following:
gitea {
$id = "14";
$ip_addr = "10.10.10.${id}";
vnet.interface = "epair${id}b";
exec.prestart = "ifconfig epair${id} create up";
exec.prestart += "ifconfig epair${id}a up descr vnet-${name}";
exec.prestart += "ifconfig $public_bridge addm epair${id}a up";
exec.start = "/sbin/ifconfig epair${id}b ${ip_addr}";
exec.start += "/sbin/route add default ${public_gw}";
exec.start += "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.prestop = "ifconfig epair${id}b -vnet ${name}";
exec.poststop = "ifconfig ${public_bridge} deletem epair${id}a";
exec.poststop += "ifconfig epair${id}a destroy";
Looking at the block and comparing it to other _functional_ jails, I saw something missing: a `vnet;` declaration:
--- jail.conf 2023-11-12 20:09:03.028010000 -0800
+++ /etc/jail.conf 2023-11-12 19:59:02.867271000 -0800
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
$id = "14";
$ip_addr = "10.10.10.${id}";
+ vnet;
vnet.interface = "epair${id}b";
exec.prestart = "ifconfig epair${id} create up";
Sometimes you have to just walk away from a problem for a bit, but yeesh was that a silly one!