--- layout: post title: GSP West and SXSW 2008 tags: - slide - facebook nodeid: 169 created: 1205745848 --- It's been almost a whole entire week since I left Austin, but it certainly seems better late than never.

So far this month I've been fortunate enough to have been invited to speak at a few events, and one or two I just happened to wedge myself into anyways.

I spoke at Graphing Social Patterns West in San Diego the first week in March on a concept I feel I didn't have the time to really explain sufficiently, "Social Portability" (pdf). Unfortunately most of the audience weren't developers, so I adjusted the presentation to shoot a bit higher level than usual.

Following GSP I spoke at BarCamp Austin 3 on building ASP.NET sites on top of the Mono stack (pdf). The session was relatively small, so it broke down into much more of a round table discussion (we were sitting at a literal round table) about some of our experiences with ASP.NET on Mono through Apache2/mod_mono and Lighttpd/Mono-FastCGI, etc.

Also while at SXSW I spoke at the Facebook Developer Garage Austin on the same concept as before, Social Portability, except this time the audience was far more developer oriented so I could dive into some nitty gritty bits of FBML/FBJS caveats, etc ((pdf). The Developer Garage was especially fun because the Zuckerborg was in attendance, and I met more than my fair share of interesting developer-types that were either Texans themselves, or in Texas for the event.

March is barely half over and I'm already exhausted.

Presentation Files
Social Portability.pdf (GSP)
Social Portability (Developer Garage).pdf
ASP.NET on Mono.pdf (BarCamp)