--- layout: post title: Twenty Eleven tags: - miscellaneous nodeid: 305 created: 1293923346 --- I wanted to wish everybody foolish enough to keep my RSS feed in their news reader a happy twenty eleven from Victoria, Canada. While I won't do a big 2010 "year in review" style post, I wanted to point out some milestones the year has had for me: * In 2010, I became a married man. Hooray new tax status! * In 2010, [Slide](http://www.slide.com) was acquired by Google, giving me the liquidity to use previously purchased stock to buy a ***nice*** BLT sandwich on Wed. September 15th. * In 2010, my lovely wife finished her paralegal studies. Bringing her degree count to **two**, eclipsing my **zero**. * In 2010, I moved from San Francisco to Berkeley, adding two more modes of transportation to my morning commute * In 2010, I managed to not die in any fashion, comically or otherwise.
Empress by Night