--- layout: post title: I'm on another podcast tags: - Cocoa created: 1170371707 --- Steve Scott of Late Night Cocoa asked me a couple weeks ago if I wanted to come on and talk about BuildFactory and continuous integration, and then that slowly morphed into talking about webservices and Dumbarton as he noticed I posted some WebServicesCore gripes. We got to chatting a bit about why Mac developers don't seem to "appreciate" webservices as much as those in the .NET world, etc and eventually got together to record Web Services with R. Tyler Ballance.

If you've not checked out Late Night Cocoa, I highly recommend it, it's already shaping up to be a good (technical) podcast about Mac development (the Core Data with Marcus Zarra interview was fantastic, a hard one to follow). If nothing else I hope most developers can use my interview to get a better feel for what's available in the growing webservices (2.0!) landscape. A more active discussion about the strengths and weaknesses in the Cocoa frameworks can do nothing but make the Mac development community stronger, check it out!