12 lines
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layout: post
title: New Email, etc
- mono
nodeid: 78
created: 1185087139
Digging through my repository of domain names i rent, I finally found one I felt like using for some of my open source hacking; specifically my dealings with <a href="">Mono</a>, <a href="">OpenMoko</a> and <a href="">Mac OS Forge</a>. I finally setup <a href=""></a> for both email, general web servitude, and moved most (if not all) of my related mailing list subscriptions over to <a href="mailto:tyler[ZOMGAT]monkeypox[ROFLDOT]org">tyler(at)</a>.
You can find me at that mailing address for all things Mono, and most things non-work related. I'm fine with giving out a few email address to some of my Mono compadres, provided they're super-cool and pass a 42km long obstacle course.