18 lines
957 B

layout: post
title: My new favorite chuckle
- miscellaneous
- facebook
nodeid: 128
created: 1193238434
Whenever discussing possible Facebook applications or some of the concepts involved in bringing a product into Facebook, I invariably hear a lot of:<div style="margin-left: 10px;">"<em>we want to do <strong>X</strong> because we've found college students respond well to <strong>Y</strong></em>"</div>or <div style="margin-left: 10px;">"<em>college students </em>[on Facebook]<em> will love <strong>Z</strong></em>"</div>
Now, I don't mean to be too picky but there's a couple of problems with this:<ul><li>Over 50% of Facebook is <strong>not</strong> in college</li><li><em>Just how old do I look to you</em>?<sup><strong>*</strong></sup></li></ul>
Seriously now.
<strong>*</strong> <small><em>I dropped out of college earlier this year, after winter semester</em></small>