19 lines
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layout: post
title: Turning Famousosity Up To 11.
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nodeid: 138
created: 1195728896
<a href="" target="_blank">Sergio</a>, one of <a href="" target="_blank">our</a> talented web monkeys, sent an email out today that started with "OMFGBBQ!"
As it turns out, Sergio is a much more religious reader of <a href="" target="_blank">Penny Arcade</a> than the rest of us (a public shaming and revocation of some geek cards is in order) since he was the first to notice this:
<center><a href="" rel="lightbox"><img src="" width="450"/></a><br/><strong>Click to view the image fullsize</strong></center>
Hell yes.
As a side note, I have Sergio to thank for the sweet drag-and-drop interface on the Top Friends edit page and now for bringing some Gabe and Tycho love to our attention.