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layout: post
title: Graphing Social AppNite
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nodeid: 168
created: 1203916567
I'm not yet certain what kind of audience is going to be attending <a href="" target="_blank">Graphing Social Patterns West</a>, so I'm hoping I can help tip the scales in favor of developers because, to be frank, business people scare me.
I was told about <a href="" target="_blank">AppNite</a> and it seems like a good excuse to try to get more developers to make the trek down to San Diego to keep me company in a sea of marketers and business folk. Better yet, developers who enter the AppNite contests get <strong>50%</strong> off the admission to the conference (<a href="">enter here</a>). Unfortunately I'm not going to enter my apps in the contest, but I do know a friend of mine Jason Rubenstein, of <a href="" target="_blank">Just Three Words</a> fame, has entered his app, to give you an idea of the stiff competition you'll be up against.
If that doesn't seal the deal for you, <a href="">Virgin America</a> flies to San Diego now, and round-trip flights from San Francisco to San Diego are only <strong>~$85</strong>. Which means if you're a Silicon Valley Facebook/Bebo/OpenSocial developer you can come hang out at the conference for cheap, and if your application is good enough, get some killer exposure to potential investors, business contacts, and other developers (like me!).
Zach Allia (of Free Gifts fame), Jason Rubenstein (Just Three Words), Ryan Romanchuk (<a href="" target="_blank">Dipity</a>) as well as the developers on the <a href="" target="_blank">speakers list</a> will all be there, so it should be a fun meeting of the minds (for developers at least).
See you there!