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layout: post
title: Lazily loading attributes.
- mono
- miscellaneous
- javascript
nodeid: 187
created: 1221463661
I found myself talking to <a href="" target="_blank">Jason</a> today about the virtues of <code>getattr()</code>, <code>setattr()</code>, and <code>hasattr()</code> in Python and "abusing" the dynamic nature of the language which reminded me of some lazy-loading code I wrote a while back. In February I found the need to have portions of the logic behind one of our web applications fetch data once per-request. The nature of the web applications we're building on top of the <a href="" target="_blank">MySpace</a>, <A href="" target="_blank">Hi5</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook</a> platforms require some level of network data-access (traditionally via REST-like APIs). This breaks our data access model into the following tiers:<center><img src="" alt=" Dia FTW "/></center>
Working with network-centric data resources is difficult in any scenario (desktop, mobile, web) but the particularly difficult thing about network data access in the mod_python-driven request model is that it will be synchronous (mod_python doesn't support "<a href="" target="_blank">asynchronous pages</a>" like ASP.NET does). This means <strong>every</strong> REST call to Facebook, for example, is going to block execution of the request handler until the REST request to Facebook's API tier completes. <code type="python">
def request_handler(self, *args, **kwargs):
fb_uid = kwargs.get('fb_sig_user')
print "Fetching the name for %s" % fb_uid
print time.time()
name = facebook.users.getInfo(uid=fb_uid)
print time.time()
### Continue generating the page...
</code>There is also a network hit (albeit minor) for accessing cached data or data stored in databases. The general idea is that we'll need to have some level of data resident in memory through-out a request that can differ widely from request-to-request.
<h3>Lazy loading in Python</h3> To help avoid unnecessary database access or network access I wrote a bit of class-sugar to make this a bit easier and more fail-proof:<code type="python">
class LazyProgrammer(object):
LazyProgrammer allows for lazily-loaded attributes on the subclasses
of this object. In order to enable lazily-loaded attributes define
"_X_attr_init()" for the attribute "obj.X"
def __getattr__(self, name):
rc = object.__getattribute__(self, '_%s_attr_init')()
setattr(self, name, rc)
return rc
</code>This makes developing with network-centric web applications a bit easier, for example, if I have a "friends" lazily-loading attribute off the base "FacebookRequest" class, all developers writing code subclassing FacebookRequest can simply refer to <code>self.friends</code> and feel confident they aren't incurring unnecessary bandwidth hits, and the friends-list fetching code is located in once spot. If one-per-request starts to become too resource intensive as well, it'd be trivial to override the <code>_friends_attr_init()</code> method to hit a caching server instead of the REST servers first, without needing to change any code "downstream."
<h3>Lazy loading in C#</h3> Since C# is not a dynamically-typed language like Python or JavaScript, you can't implement lazily-loaded attributes in the same fashion (calling something like <code>setattr()</code>) but you can "abuse" properties in a manner similar to the C# singleton pattern, to get the desired effect:<code type="c#">
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class LazySharp
#region "Lazy Members"
private Dictionary<int, string> _names = null;
#region "Lazy Properties"
public Dictionary<int, string> Names
get {
if (this._names == null)
this._names = this.SomeExpensiveCall();
return this._names;
}</code>Admittedly I don't find myself writing Facebook/MySpace/Hi5 applications these days on top of ASP.NET so I cannot say I actually <em>use</em> the class above in production, but conceptually it makes sense.
Lazy loading attributes I find useful in the more hodge-podge situations, where code and feature-sets have both grown organically over time, they're not for everybody but I figured I'd share anyways.