71 lines
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layout: post
title: Hudson notifications with libnotify
- miscellaneous
- software development
- linux
- hudson
nodeid: 189
created: 1221806420
I've been using a Gnome-based desktop for about the past 8-9 months and one of the things I've come to really appreciate is that most Gnome applications integrate with "<a href="" target="_blank">libnotify</a>". <a href="" target="_blank">Libnotify</a> is a simple Windows taskbar-like notification system that presents status messages at the bottom of your screen. Like all great pieces of software, it has a solid Python interface which allows for incorporating it in those little 10-minutes scripts I find myself writing every now and again.
One of the things I wanted to script was the notification of the build status of the numerous jobs that we're running in our <a href="" target="_blank">Hudson</a> instance here at <a href="" target="_blank">Slide</a>. Using the <a href="" target="_blank">Universal Feed Parser</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">pynotify</a> (listed under "notify-python"), I had a good little Gnome Hudson Notifier running in less than 10 minutes.
<center><img src=""/></center>
Source code after the jump.
<code type="python">
import feedparser
import pynotify
import time
BASE_TITLE = 'Hudson Update!'
def success(job):
n = pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" successfully built :)' % job,
return n
def unstable(job):
return pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" is unstable :-/' % job,
def failure(job):
n = pynotify.Notification(BASE_TITLE,
'"%s" failed!' % job,
return n
def main():
pynotify.init('Hudson Notify')
old_items = []
while True:
feed = feedparser.parse('http://hudson/rssLatest')
items = [t['title'] for t in feed['entries']]
new_items = list(set(old_items).difference(items))
for i in new_items:
i = i.split(' ')
job, build, status = (i[0], i[1], i[2])
status = status.replace('(', '').replace(')','')
if status == 'SUCCESS':
elif status == 'UNSTABLE':
elif status == 'FAILURE':
old_items = items
if __name__ == '__main__':
It's pretty basic right now, but does everything I really wanted it to do. I may add it into a public Git repository in the near future if I spend any more time on the project. Hope you like it :)