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title: NAnt and ASP.NET on Mono
- Mono
- Miscellaneous
- Software Development
created: 1209903968
Most of my personal projects are built on top of ASP.NET, <a href="" target="_blank">Mono</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Lighttpd</a>. One of the benefits of keeping them all running on the same stack (as opposed to mixing Python, Mono and PHP together) is that I don't need to maintain different infrastructure bits to keep them all up and running. Two key pieces that keep it easy to dive back into the the side-project whenever I have some (spurious) free time are my <a href="" target="_blank">NAnt</a> scripts and my push scripts.
I use my NAnt script for a bit more than just building my web projects, more often than not I use it to build, deploy and test everything related to the site. My projects are typically laid out like: <ul><li><strong>bin/</strong> Built DLLs, not in Subversion</li><li><strong>configs/</strong> Web.config files per-development machine</li><li><strong>libraries/</strong> External libraries, such as Memcached.Client.dll, etc.</li><li><strong>schemas/</strong> Files containing the SQL for rebuilding my database</li><li><strong>site/</strong> Fully built web project, including Web.config and .aspx files</li><li><strong>sources/</strong> Actual code, .aspx.cs and web folder (<em>htdocs/</em> containing styles, javascript, etc)</li></ul>
Executing "<strong>nant run</strong>" will build the entire project and construct the full version of the web application in the <strong>site/</strong> and finally fire up <a href="" target="_blank">xsp2</a> on localhost for testing. The following NAnt file is what I've been carrying from project to project.
<code language="xml"><?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="MyProject" default="library" basedir=".">
<property name="debug" value="true" overwrite="false" />
<property name="" value="MyProject"/>
<property name="project.version" value="1.0.0"/>
<property name="library" value="MyProject.dll"/>
<tstamp property="" pattern="yyyyMMdd" verbose="true" />
<!-- These are being definde for posterity's sake, as they may change in the future -->
<property name="bin_dir" value="bin"/>
<property name="src_dir" value="sources"/>
<property name="lib_dir" value="libraries"/>
<property name="site_dir" value="site"/>
<property name="deps_dir" value="deps/"/>
<property name="contrib_dir" value="contrib/"/>
<!-- xsp specific properties -->
<property name="xsp_port" value="8088"/>
<property name="xsp_root" value="${site_dir}"/>
<property name="xsp_apps" value="/:../${bin_dir}"/>
<!--// End properties -->
<target name="library" description="Basic MyProject build task" >
<echo message="Building ${}-${project.version}"/>
<csc target="library" output="${bin_dir}/${library}">
<include name="${src_dir}/**.cs"/>
<include name="Npgsql.dll"/>
<target name="clean" description="Clean up MyProject">
<echo message="Cleaning ${}"/>
<include name="${bin_dir}/**.dll"/>
<include name="${site_dir}/**.dll"/>
<include name="${site_dir}/**.aspx"/>
<target name="site" description="Populate the site/ directory">
<copy todir="${site_dir}">
<fileset basedir="${src_dir}/htdocs">
<include name="**"/>
<copy todir="${site_dir}/contrib">
<fileset basedir="${contrib_dir}">
<include name="**"/>
<copy todir="${bin_dir}">
<fileset basedir="${lib_dir}">
<include name="*"/>
<!-- Copying bin/ into the site/ directory sucks, but xsp2 is buggy
with the applications parameter
<copy todir="${site_dir}">
<include name="bin/*.dll"/>
<target name="run" description="Runs the xsp2 web server on the port cited above" depends="library, site">
<echo message="Starting the xsp2 web server running on port ${xsp_port}"/>
<exec program="xsp2" failonerror="true" commandline="--port ${xsp_port} --root ${xsp_root}"/>
<strong><big>The Push Script</big></strong>
Since I usually build and deploy on the same machine, I use a simple script called "<strong></strong>" to handle rsyncing data from the development part of my machine into the live directories.
<code language="bash">
## Push script variables
export NANT='/usr/bin/nant'
export STAGE=`hostname`
export SOURCE='site/'
export LIVE_TARGET='/serv/www/domains/'
export BETA_TARGET='/serv/www/domains/'
## Internal functions
function output {
echo "===> $1"
function build {
${NANT} && ${NANT} site
## Build the site first
output "Building the site..."
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
output "Looks like there was an error building! abort!"
exit 1
## Start actual pushing
if [ "${1}" = 'live' ]; then
output " ** PUSHING THE LIVE SITE ***"
output "Pushing the beta site"
output "Using Web.config-${STAGE}"
output "Pushing to: ${TARGET}"
cp config/Web.config-${STAGE} site/Web.config
rsync --exclude *.swp --exclude .svn/ -av ${SOURCE} ${TARGET}
Depending on the complexity of the web application I might change the scripts up on a case-by-case basis, but for the most part I have about 5-6 projects out "in the ether" that are built and deployed with a derivative of the NAnt script and listed above. In general though, they provide a good starting point for the tedious bits of non-Visual Studio-based web development (especially if you're in an entirely Linux-based environment).
Hope you find them helpful :)